In Ron Feldman's last book, he talked about searching this particular canyon. He and Brian Lickman hit it pretty hard back in the day, they found the "JW 1869" inscription and thought "L" canyon was the one displayed on the Ortiz Map.
A pic of the inscription is on pg. 128 of his book "Lost Dutchman Mine; Evolution of a Treasure Hunter."
And to throw another log on the fire, Wiley Jones had told Jim Bark that there was a very old trail leading up there between Geronimo Head and Malapais, and that's where his Pima friend led him (to a "Mexican" mine) before he got scared and left, saying "Busca", telling Jones to search ahead of where they were on the trail.
Geoff, what led you to want to investigate this area?
I say this with knowledge only from books and fourm posts over the years, and im well aware that many of the things i have read could be altered or twisted for various reasons.
I was under the assumption the ortiz map fit the top of malapais, and that Al resser believed that. Hearing you sayin RF and BL believed this canyon was the one was not something i had entertained. I can only guess it would fit as a mirror image?
What led to me this area was actually the lack of any information, lack ofdiscussion, beyond very small tidbits that have popped up in posts and here and there in various books. Ill list some below to throw another log on the fire =)
Abe Reed claimed at one point an old apache told him that they had covered 4 mines on Malapai at some point.
I could entertain the thought of Bradfords lost house being in this area, if he followed the old trail up geronimo, onto the saddle before malapai and then down to labarge via the narrow unnamed canyon on the malapais side.
I have read somewhere, and cant find it at the moment, that the ruins of a house or a cave, were found either east of lower labarge box in the L Canyon or higher up towards malapai.
There is a semi hidden (appears to be a box canyon from labarge) North-South running narrow brushy boulder filled canyon with a flat area above it, that fits a ton of other clues including climbing up to see weavers and the 4 peeks area.
If you were to find exposed quartz outcrops in this geology, it could be in an area like this where erosion has weathered down the dactite, exposing veins.
It is said quartz has been found in the area.
There is a waterfall at the base of the narrow canyon.
There is what appears to be a natural circle of rocks above a interesting ledge that would have to be approached from the side.
I will always admit i know next to nothing about who has searched where and for how long, but it feels odd that an area like that is not discussed more often. Im certain it has been searched in totality. Its also just a really cool spot, that probably gets very little traffic, and im drawn to those areas.