TOO many leads

Thanks for the tips Jeffro! I'll try to hit them up this weekend. Do you have to contact the higher "powers" to hit up a ghost town? I took a drive down the gorge last Saturday and it seemed like every place was some sort of historic site. I could hear my MD twitchn' in the back seat of my car when I drove past them....

If it says "historic" its too late.... the area is off limits. Try searching for areas of private land along the route and contacting the landowners for permission. I'm pretty sure Corbelt or Corbett warm springs is on private property, its on the way out there. I've done pretty good at springs. Check the areas where you figure people would change their clothes.

Corbelt (or Corbett) warm springs-

N.E. 1/4 section 27 T1N R4E 73 degrees and 10 GPM

Thats all the info I have on that one-

Good luck!

PS- also, the way I figure it; The people who got through the shysters at the portage more than likely warned their kin back East. Therefore, I would look for caches on the EAST side of the portage area. Check diaries and journals for the period through the historical society and see what turns up.

Your full of good info!

That's good thinking about the caches being stowed away before they made the portage. Now if I could just pin down those secret forgotton caches..I guess it's time to dig up some nails for awhile! You also gave me another idea... maybe those shysters aka bandits aka land pirates who were lootn' the poor trekkers had their own little caches hidden somewheres along the way ;D. Treasure chest full of gold nuggets perhaps?

SilverSalmon said:
Your full of good info!

That's good thinking about the caches being stowed away before they made the portage. Now if I could just pin down those secret forgotton caches..I guess it's time to dig up some nails for awhile! You also gave me another idea... maybe those shysters aka bandits aka land pirates who were lootn' the poor trekkers had their own little caches hidden somewheres along the way ;D. Treasure chest full of gold nuggets perhaps?

I dunno about nuggets ;D But I'm betting more along the lines of silverware, jewelry, coins, heirlooms, etc. I've only been up that way twice on hunts. Interesting history, especially Indian tales and such. Did you ever hear the one about when the Columbia actually stopped flowing? Its true. The whole side of a mountain gave way and blocked that big river for a few. When it finally gave way, it took out all of Portland!

I have actually!

If you look on the map it's near the "Bridge of the Gods". The name came from the Indians, I think it was a story about Mt. Hood and St. Helens battling & then the land slid and made bridge which dammed up the columbia and then broke through. If you look on the map you can see the huge slide that came down the mountain. Pretty cool stuff. I wonder if it washed away my treasure chest full of nuggets..

Just Sagenite and moss agate on the beaches there. Also, the Alsea had one of the best salmon runs I've ever fished. :)

Hey jeffro,

You have any special spots you don't mind telling me for doing a little gold panning or sluicing near Portland. I know theres some places over in Quartville area but not sure where they are. I heard there are some good public places there and people do okay at them. I have a few goold pans and a couple of homemade sluices. One even has a battery operated pump that runs out a 15 gallon storeage tub I carry it all in. Like to go on a couple of close day trips this year just to do a little panning and not out for making a fortune.

Sure. Portland area is out, there ain't no gold there. Next south is the Santiam, I've only been up there once and couldn't find a speck if my life depended on it, LOL! At Jawbone flats up there is where the gold was found. If you remember the Opal creek tree sitters and all that turmoil, thats where they are too. Good place to stay away from.

Next south is Quartzville. And this is gonna be a little hard to describe, cause its a loooong corridor. Just where Quartzville creek hits the slackwater of Green Peter Reservoir is where I've done the best. The slackwater level changes, of course, when they are either holding back or letting go of water out of Green Peter. So keep an eye out for a little turn out next to the road on the water side. Maybe big enough to hold about ten cars. There's a natural dike there that now looks like two huge boulders on either side of the creek. (Its actually the remains of a wall of rock that the water has worn its way through)

If you park in this little turnout, you're actually parking on hardpan thats full of pea size chunks of gold. Go down by the creek here and chip away at the hard pan, screen it carefully to break up the clay and pan it down. Its slow going, this stuff is like cement, but it does have good gold in it.

Also, up at the top of the corridor, above Yellowbottom, is a bridge. Just downstream from the bridge you can do alright if you find the right cracks to dig out. Take a metal rake with you (the stiff kind with tines) and rake all the loose stuff out of the way, it'll speed things up quite a bit.

I haven't found squat at Yellowbottom, thats where the locals will send you. Lots of tales about that place, but it musta been hit pretty doggone hard over the years....

Its a pretty well civilized place, but do be careful up there if there ain't many people around. I once had to pack a guy out who broke a bunch of ribs when he took a nasty fall. Me and Dad were the only two around for miles. He woulda been a sorry sucker! So don't be in a hurry for anything and look where you're stepping.

Best route in is to go to Sweethome on the freeway and then head east and north on 22 to Quartzville creek road. Don't try the backroads this time of year, especially the ones coming in from the north.

Good luck up there, let us know how you do!

(BTW- Quartzville, in my experience, is either hit or miss. You'll either do good, or not much at all. Its pretty spotty up there)

Thanks for the info Jeffro. I heard the Quartsville had some good promising places to hunt. This information will get us on our way. Pretty amazing to me that you can get some good gold only an hours drive from my place in the long scheme of things. Some peple couldn't get a speck of gold within 500 miles of there place. With a little luck maybe I can get some color and have alot of fun doing it.

tinkb said:
Thanks for the info Jeffro. I heard the Quartsville had some good promising places to hunt. This information will get us on our way. Pretty amazing to me that you can get some good gold only an hours drive from my place in the long scheme of things. Some peple couldn't get a speck of gold within 500 miles of there place. With a little luck maybe I can get some color and have alot of fun doing it.

If you keep looking at it that way, you'll be rewarded every trip, LOL! ;)

Jeffro said:
Every area has its own set of rules, unfortunately. You'll need to contact the powers that be for any particular area you want to detect in. National Historic parks are off limits, most of the rest is on a case by case basis.

From the cascade locks to the bonneville area was an early (1840's) portage area for immigrants coming over on the trail. Unscrupulous types took advantage of these people for whatever they had left on the last leg of their journey. Oughtta be a good spot to look for caches.

There was an immigrant camp at the mouth of Chenowith creek near the Dalles.

The ghost town of Ortley (1911-1922) is between the Dalles and Hood river. Go west on Seven mile road towards Mosier.

Thanks again for the leads Jeffro it was a fun mission.

Ortley must be owned by somebody now. Took a trip on Monday to go check it out. We were in right spot but gates everywhere and no road signs.......finally gave up and went into the Dalles to buy a map. Found the road for sure on the last run but a gate right in front of it... >:( I'll have to do some more research on the immigrant camp just from walking around the mouth of the creek it sure is tuff to tell where their camp was. Did some MD'n but only found new coins and some newer iron trash. We gave it a heck of a shot though!!

Anybody know a good way to clean rust off an old beer can? I found a cool (uncrunched) beer can and I can make out a "Blitz" it'll be a cool keepsake if I can save it.

I think most people just leave them as found...? Not sure though.

Nashoba said:
I am currently trying to follow the old railroad as I was told by an older gentleman that he watched a guy detect up a couple of gold coins where guys used to wait for the trains. The depot has been moved about four time over the years and I hear that on one spot, the building that currently occupies that space is to be torn down. I will be swinging there bigtime!
Man, that sparked an idea. I bet there are tons of old work camps, practically towns, dotting the route of the major east/west railroads from when they were actually building them. They had huge labor pools, camp followers, money to spend, and I'm sure they left a lot behind. I wonder if they kept any records of daily progress, and where they set up the temporary camps. Be some remote areas for sure, but you know there are some goodies out there...

i would definately interested in some leads in oregon i am from there!! but never had anyone that i knew that knew anything about stuff that is in oregon!! i am really interested in caches and gold!!! thanks

Well, there's gangs already posted in this thread about gold and other sites. Where abouts are you from? I'll try and find some local stuff for you. As far as caches go, I'd recommend Ruby Hults two books, also posted earlier.

i am mostly interested in caves mines gems and minerals and caches!!!! thanks

Cool old cabin- what a find- Do you know much about Lincoln City area, Newport???? I am prettynew, little time as I work 6 days 24 hrs managing a motel. I am new to mding and never have panned except to play around with the black sand in Lincoln City.

I love the Rogue Area. One day I will get down there to do some things. Gettign excited to do things beside work. Husband is tired too.

thanks for any input, don't know much up here but share what I can.


Lincoln city- ah yes! Look up an old buddy of mine, David Plath. He's got a sluice that catches the micro fine gold on that beach up there.

I've found agates, jasper, oregon jade, etc. at Netarts. Also, a young lady who went with us found a Japanese glass float while we were out. (A real one, not one of the planted ones) I've been looking for one my whole life, and she gets one on her first trip out, heheheh!

Just north of Otter rock, theres good agates on the beach, too.

Three rocks beach-

E.G. Calkins was leveling a mound when he found 2 skeletons- one much larger than usual.
Drs. Harner and Carter found the larger skeleton to be negroe about 8 feet tall, with suggestions of torture before death. The smaller skull showed an arrow wound and that it had been struck by a heavy object.

Calkins was a former Lincoln county commissioner, and the story is well documented.

The whole story is in Ruby Hults book, previously mentioned. There may be treasure associated?

I have had a grand time reading this entire thread and almost feel like I have gotten to know a few people a bit! lol I am obviously new here and also new to prospecting and metal detecting as well. We live in Central Oregon but are often in the Salem area or over to the coast. We like to get away weekends and would love to hear about some areas we can practice our detecting or panning skills and find well.....find anything fun! Oh....and nice to meet you all!! ;D

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