Tommy Thompson saga continues

Looks like there finally may be a sale!

[FONT=&quot]Thursday, November 2, 2017

[FONT=&quot]COLUMBUS (AP) — A court-appointed receiver is asking an Ohio judge to approve the sale of $30 million in gold recovered from a shipwreck off the Carolina coast to pay off claims from creditors and investors.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The Dispatch reports receiver Ira Kane filed the motion Oct. 24 for the sale of gold dust, coins and bullion recovered in 2014 from the SS Central America.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The gold is not the same haul from the 1988 dive by treasure hunter Thomas “Tommy” Thompson. He has been jailed since December 2015 on contempt after refusing to answer questions about 500 missing gold coins.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Kane’s attorney says if the sale is approved, it would be the first time since the original dive that investors could get some of their money back.[/FONT]

I vote for a national , Tommy Tompson Day!!!!!! The modern pirate !!!!!!!!!

You know it�� But to sit in jail and know thats all you have to do,is wait it out. Or think of it this way. He's leaving a modern treasure for someone to find. ��������������

Would anyone in their right mind trust someone who believes Tommy Thompson to be a hero?

Tommy Thompson is not a pirate. He is a low life thief.
He ripped off not only his investors, but also contractors and employees who made his recoveries possible.

It is good to know what forum members you can trust and those you can not.

Would anyone in their right mind trust someone who believes Tommy Thompson to be a hero?

Tommy Thompson is not a pirate. He is a low life thief.
He ripped off not only his investors, but also contractors and employees who made his recoveries possible.

It is good to know what forum members you can trust and those you can not.

Remember what Paul Harvey use to say..... "And here is the rest of the story"....

Tommy Thompson surrounded himself with a pack of thieves that rival almost any organization short of that is, "The Clinton Foundation!".... The actual "truth" of how the cash and capital flow got manipulated so the alleged primary or first position investors got by passed is with the Court itself and its appointed receivership - who prioritized the release of proceeds of the sale of assets... We are like Tuesday Morning Quarterbacks - without all the actual facts - pointing fingers and raving about who is the bad guy....

This treasure may never have been recovered if not for the monumental effort he was at the helm of putting together... Who wouldn't have been driven a little nutty - after recovering tons of gold to see it almost all but 500 re-struck gold coins go to ta select few of the jackals that latched on to the wagon he assembled was pulling...

To Tommy Thomson and almost ever other treasure hunters story - there is a dark side that often can emerge to consume all the positive energy that a hither too lost treasure creates... I guess Mr. Thomson feels safer in jail that in the world that has bitten him in the ass

It is good to know what forum members you can trust and those you can not.

Remembering Nicolas Cage's quote in the movie CON AIR

" Son, there is Two people in this world that I trust
One of them is me AND the other one is not you"

Remember what Paul Harvey use to say..... "And here is the rest of the story".... Tommy Thompson surrounded himself with a pack of thieves that rival almost any organization short of that is, "The Clinton Foundation!".... The actual "truth" of how the cash and capital flow got manipulated so the alleged primary or first position investors got by passed is with the Court itself and its appointed receivership - who prioritized the release of proceeds of the sale of assets... We are like Tuesday Morning Quarterbacks - without all the actual facts - pointing fingers and raving about who is the bad guy....This treasure may never have been recovered if not for the monumental effort he was at the helm of putting together... Who wouldn't have been driven a little nutty - after recovering tons of gold to see it almost all but 500 re-struck gold coins go to ta select few of the jackals that latched on to the wagon he assembled was pulling... To Tommy Thomson and almost ever other treasure hunters story - there is a dark side that often can emerge to consume all the positive energy that a hither too lost treasure creates... I guess Mr. Thomson feels safer in jail that in the world that has bitten him in the ass

Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

But the reality is that the "jackals" ,(if jackals they were), didn't "latch on" to Thompson's project. They were persuaded, sold on the idea by Thompson himself.

If you read "Ship of Gold..." it becomes apparent that Thompson's major contribution to the actual nuts and bolts of the project was as its "salesman in chief".

He promised outlandish returns on investments and promised outlandish payments to the contractors who made the whole project work.

Remember, Burt Webber was looking for Central America in virtually the same spot as Thompson.

As for only 500 restrikes being left from the recovery...sorry, NOT.

Thompson was busted with over a million dollars in a bogus bank account and had been living on the lam for years in at least one expensive beach front home as well as lord knows how many pricey resort hotels. It is quite clear from arrest reports that he was nursing quite a drug habit.

Your basic argument seems to be that since Thompson chose to surround himself with some questionable associates, then that makes it OK for him to steal from EVERYONE whom he promised a return on investment.

Tommy Thompson's behavior proves one thing beyond the shadow of a doubt: The Central America recovery was ABOUT THE MONEY.


I hope the judge makes the scumbag SOB rot in jail for the rest of his life.

Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

But the reality is that the "jackals" ,(if jackals they were), didn't "latch on" to Thompson's project. They were persuaded, sold on the idea by Thompson himself.

If you read "Ship of Gold..." it becomes apparent that Thompson's major contribution to the actual nuts and bolts of the project was as its "salesman in chief".

He promised outlandish returns on investments and promised outlandish payments to the contractors who made the whole project work.

Remember, Burt Webber was looking for Central America in virtually the same spot as Thompson.

As for only 500 restrikes being left from the recovery...sorry, NOT.

Thompson was busted with over a million dollars in a bogus bank account and had been living on the lam for years in at least one expensive beach front home as well as lord knows how many pricey resort hotels. It is quite clear from arrest reports that he was nursing quite a drug habit.

Your basic argument seems to be that since Thompson chose to surround himself with some questionable associates, then that makes it OK for him to steal from EVERYONE whom he promised a return on investment.

Tommy Thompson's behavior proves one thing beyond the shadow of a doubt: The Central America recovery was ABOUT THE MONEY.


I hope the judge makes the scumbag SOB rot in jail for the rest of his life.

Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains. :dontknow:

Far from " rotting ", I'm sure Tommy is quite comfortable. I'm also sure that if he were able, he'd thank you kindly for your generous tax donations toward his room and board. :notworthy:

Sour grapes make poor whine. Mazel Tov! wine_zpsekaln4m7.gif

Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains. :dontknow:

Far from " rotting ", I'm sure Tommy is quite comfortable. I'm also sure that if he were able, he'd thank you kindly for your generous tax donations toward his room and board. :notworthy:

Sour grapes make poor whine. Mazel Tov! View attachment 1513322

My tax dollars paid for Chelsea Manning's sex change operation and for the continued incarceration of millions of other criminals.

I'll gladly pay my share to keep "Mister" Thompson behind bars.

And apparently the Judiciary in the State of Ohio agree.

My tax dollars paid for Chelsea Manning's sex change operation and for the continued incarceration of millions of other criminals.

I'll gladly pay my share to keep "Mister" Thompson behind bars.

And apparently the Judiciary in the State of Ohio agree.


While the State of Denial absolves themselves of any culpability. Convenient, isn't it?

Rest well in your condemnation, matey. I find it a poor companion, myself.

Fair skies and full sails to All..... :skullflag: :notworthy:

Sounds like a pirate to me. Lol

2 words "drug addiction". Anyone who has dealt with the effects, or watched a loved one go through it knows exactly why mr tompson crashed and burned. This condition will make people sell there own son. I know because my own mother would have sold me if she could have. Busted in a crack shack hotel with a handful of gold coins. Very sad for someone who at one time had so much passion, drive, determination, and enthusiasm. Drug addiction is a dark path and destroys all good intentions. So sad for everyone involved. Theres a drug dealer or pawnshop that got some really nice coins. Who knows how long that demon was dragging him down. Many a fortune has been flushed away over drugs. So sad !!

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By the way the blast radius of an out of control drug problem will injure people all around the addict. Including loved ones , investors, and even innocent bystanders. So sad!!

In the end, Tommy took both the investors money and the treasure.

There is no honor to be celebrated in that.

Ill add

Drug addiction is no excuse.

Hobbit. relax

2 words "drug addiction". Anyone who has dealt with the effects, or watched a loved one go through it knows exactly why mr tompson crashed and burned. This condition will make people sell there own son. I know because my own mother would have sold me if she could have. Busted in a crack shack hotel with a handful of gold coins. Very sad for someone who at one time had so much passion, drive, determination, and enthusiasm. Drug addiction is a dark path and destroys all good intentions. So sad for everyone involved. Theres a drug dealer or pawnshop that got some really nice coins.

I appreciate your passion and position but there are some serious problems with your narrative concerning Thompson's circumstances at the time of his arrest.

He was not busted at "a crack shack hotel with a handful of gold coins"

He was busted at a $200 at night Hilton with $437,000 in cash, 35 cell phones and 5 laptops.

Here is where he lived in Vero prior to his long sojourn at the "crack-shack" Hilton (he also rented a $1000 a month guest house at the Penwood at the same time...apparently for "storage") :


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