todays hunt/Any explanation?


Bronze Member
Aug 2, 2004
today's hunt/Any explanation?

I did research on an old, lost ski area from 50 years ago that operated for about a decade. There was onliy one mention of this site on the Internet and there are no ruins or anything aside from what people would remember (because they had to take it down each year, as it was on farmland that had to be used). I found the son of the former operator of the ski area who used to work there as a kid (now in his 60s). He told me the exact location of the warming hut, the base of the tow line, and it's not a large area of land. He also showed me photos of the site (including a drawing on the cover of the New Yorker magazine in 1956) and it had a parking lot that held up to 100 cars. Everything was on grass/dirt and the landforms have not changed at all. I went today sure I would find lots of silver and other stuff. I got signals but only found newer coins (it's now a hiking area and I'm sure it's used in the winter for sledding). The coins were mainly from the 70s and 80s. With the thousands of people who would have been there skiing in the 50s, I have to believe it's been hunted, but why were there still coins there? I gather maybe it was hunted, but not recently. Anyway, it seemed so hard to learn about this spot, that I had trouble believing it wouldn't be virgin, but I guess I was only hoping so. On to the next site...

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Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

I hate when that happens,you do all the research with the hopes of finding a virgin site, only to find out somebody had the same idea.In your case it was probably 15-20 years ago, when someone had your same idea.Maybe it was someone who used to ski there?Maybe it was the former operators son? :o ha-ha!Anyway,wish you better luck next time.GOOD LUCK and H.H.!

Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

my guess is you hunted in the wrong spot! Where is the right spot? Wherever people lost the most coins 50 years ago. That could be anywhere on slope. 50 feet can make a world of difference.

Of course, if you found it, then somebody else may have found it and cherry picked the easy stuff.

Perhaps not many coins were lost there. I can't say.

But I have hunted sites that for many weekends in a row - all I dug was clad. Then I found out where the silver coins were hiding. And had a ball. large areas
are not always a snap to find the correct place for a pocket of old coins.

good luck on your next search! HH!

Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

Thank you! I just remembered an old ski area from when I was a kid that has been closed at least 30 years. going hunting. Cladius.

Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

Claudius--glad to help. Report back on what you find. Ocean7--I had actually been to the wrong spot but within a few hudred yards once before. Today I was in the exact location based on very easy to spot geography in the photos from when it was a ski area and the corresponding description by the person who worked there. He's a real nice old guy and no reason to mess with me, plus the photo backed up what he said. Anyway, it must have been hunted, because no way all those people skiing falling, walking, etc., didn't drop stuff.

Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

I wouldn't give up on the site as of yet,,, I would go back and try again, if it's wasn't too far away..
I have searched a lot of spots people say are HUNTED OUT,,, but we, my hunting parters and I, always seem to atleast find a few pieces of silver, or something old.
Good luck & Happy Hunting~

Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?


Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

Did you check at the bottom of the hill where people wait to get on the lift?

Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

Well no wonder!! Your were about 9 months to early, to find anything today. HH

Re: today's hunt/Any explanation?

I know this post is ancient, but Bergie you still out there? (Not at the site)
Out here the ski slopes are very rocky under the snow. Plenty of places for coins to hang up in.
If it's farmland, i'm wondering with the snow melt and run off , with nothing to get caught on. Could every thing have been flushed down to the base of the hill every year?
Did you follow the length of the tow line? I've seen in old pictures and news reels.
That people weren't always towed up the hill. Some were dragged. Too funny.

If you get bacjk out there, good luck. HH

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