Todays Adventure


Hero Member
Apr 15, 2009
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Golden Thread
Chicago, Il
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Minelab Etrac & Minelab Excal II
Today's Adventure

This mornings hunt started off on the wrong foot. Got to the woods this morning and the entrance was closed off. ???
Gave Lookn4seated a call to let him know and find out how far out he was. He got turned around and wasn't sure exactly where he was and asked me to look on my phone and get him back on track. I finally tracked down his location on the map and then proceeded to give him the wrong directions taking him 20 minutes out of the way. :BangHead: My apologies again Jon!

After giving him the correct directions he finally got to where I was parked and luckily I had scoped the area the night before and we hit up another woods. After about an hour John had a goody and I had crap. We were both tired of the undergrowth at this location so we left and cruised back to the first site to see if the enterance was open yet. It was still closed! >:(

We headed down to the next enterance to the woods and it was open so we pulled in and came up with a game plan to just walk the extra distance to get to the site we really wanted to hunt. This hike was looooong. The trail we started on thinned out and then stopped. We kept pushing through and an times were almost on our knees but we finally got there and the hunt was on.

After a couple of hours hitting this section pretty hard(You know which one LowBatts!) I had 3 wheaties to show for and LFS had a few of his own. We decided to take 5 and Jon had an idea to push the boundaries of the area out a little more and it payed off. My second silver! Jon got a goodie too.

IMG_3537.webp IMG_3536.webp

Not "AS" old as some of the other silver thats been found there but I'll take it.

So, at this point Jon needed to head out so started making our way back both swinging the coil. We made a slight detour and checked out another section of woods(Where the feeding trough was across from the Clorox bottle dump). Jon got a few other goodies and I found another wheat.

We decided to call it a day, put the coils up and made are way back to the cars. Man it was a hike.

All in all it was an great day to get out and pound the spot where a few silvers have come up and be able to pull out a few more.
What was the icing on the cake is when we drove past the closed off enterance, it was open. :cussing: Go figure.

Re: Today's Adventure

D-Dub said:
What was the icing on the cake is when we drove past the closed off enterance, it was open. :cussing: Go figure.
LOL!!! ;D

Man, a Franklin half!! Outstanding, Dan!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :icon_king:

That one is on my list to find! WTG! :wink:

Re: Today's Adventure

That Franklin is awesome!!

That's as good as finding 5 silver dimes in one hole :tongue3:

Nice :thumbsup:

Re: Today's Adventure

Sorry! The old part should be reworded. All the silver that has come out of this location has been 1903-1917. In that respect it isn't AS old. :wink: Fixed Post

I am now learning that these aren't a common find.

Thanks for the comments guys!!

Re: Today's Adventure

awesome coin, don't see to many those!

I Agree

I have to Agree with Kimsdad...That is an Outstanding Find........Not many Half dollars in the ground out there to find anymore.....Last one I found was 3 years ago.....Very Nice indeed W.T.G.

Re: Today's Adventure

Wow! Sounds like you really earned that one. Today was a bit warm to be pushing through the thicket. Nice hunk of silver! :thumbsup:

Re: Today's Adventure

Nice job Dub. I would be thrilled to pull one of them ;D grats :thumbsup:

Re: Today's Adventure

McEtrak said:
I have to Agree with Kimsdad...That is an Outstanding Find........Not many Half dollars in the ground out there to find anymore.....Last one I found was 3 years ago.....Very Nice indeed W.T.G.

Thanks! This particular location has given up 2 within the last month. A couple of weeks ago, Jon's dad pulled a Franklin out of a hole. But that was about a half mile away on the other side.

litefire56 said:
Wow! Sounds like you really earned that one. Today was a bit warm to be pushing through the thicket. Nice hunk of silver! :thumbsup:

For sure. I forgot to mention the part about the pill bottle I put the coin in falling out of my pouch. :o I was lucky enough that Jon was able to find it a couple of feet behind where I noticed it was missing. So essentially we both found a half dollar today. :thumbsup:

It was a bit on the hot side. My feet were on fire by the time we got back to the cars.

Re: Today's Adventure

Aday said:
Nice job Dub. I would be thrilled to pull one of them ;D grats :thumbsup:

Thanks Aday!!

Re: Today's Adventure

Congratulations on the big silver! I'd rather have 1 ben than 5 silver Rosies any day, even if the Roosevelts were in the same hole.

Re: Today's Adventure

Nice find

Benny's are not that easy to find..
Over the years I have found a few and it's always great to see them ...
2006 my 125th silver for the year was a Benny


You get that map I sent you?

Re: Today's Adventure

You freakin' rats! I was looking for someplace to go yesterday! Of course then wifey handed me the list so that was kind of off the table.

I know sometimes during the week they do not open that entrance at all so it's a killer walk to the area through that grove of thorny trees so thick you get flayed if you don't crawl.

That's an awesome dig! Until we define exactly the homesites your finds will be like mine have been out there, scattered and WTF/how the heck did this get here?!?

Way cool find! If you could find a park with Bennies in it you'd know it's been unhunted and is pure glory ground. That's why they're so rare anymore in the dirt. Walker, Barbie and Ken halves are easier to find!

Re: Today's Adventure

Lowbatts said:
You freakin' rats! I was looking for someplace to go yesterday! Of course then wifey handed me the list so that was kind of off the table.

I thought about PMing you but it was last minute. If you want, PM me your #, and I'll give you mine. A lot quicker than a PM for that last minute stuff.

Thanks P2c, Bob, LowBatts, and Pat!!

Re: Today's Adventure

No problem about the directions Dan. S**t happens. Congrats again on that half. I knew one of us would find silver back down there....and look at that, both of us did.

I'll post my finds from this adventure when I return from Lodi.

Re: Today's Adventure

Ah Jon, keeping us hangin'!

If you want to do another marathon this weekend out there lemme know, I'm for Sunday or Monday for the long hunt, Saturday would last until noon or so for me. See if we can expand the digs.

Re: Today's Adventure

I have a charity event I am working on Monday so that is out. I have to be somewhere at 6:00 on Sunday so that would work. Or tomorrow would be fine too. But 12:00 would cut the hunt short. I skimmed out the corner of that field for a short bit. No hits. Not even iron. We should probably take a little bit of time and check the whole field out. Would take long with a few people. Like I said earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if the map wasn't almost accurate in the location of the house. Being 1860, I bet it wasn't that big.

We should maybe consider getting the infrared map you mentioned. How much was it? Splitting it up amongst a few people would be pocket change I'm sure.

Re: Today's Adventure

Still trying to locate those on the "new and improved" usgs site.

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