Today was the acid test


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
πŸ₯‡ Banner finds
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Ok, so I've tried my new "technique" in a few places.
It appears to work pretty well in all of them.

But, I was wanting to really put it to the test .
Some of you have been around for a while know about
my walks around the mansion. They would also know
that finds are pretty slim to nothing for a while now.

Welp, this technique is great! But, I reaffirmed one thing
I've known all along:

2016 (631).jpg
2016 (633).jpg

Look how tiny some of those bullets are!
I suspect the technique is still working. ;)

2016 (632).jpg

Still finding some "classic" stuff. :tongue3: LOL!

What did I reaffirm? That something needs
to be there, before one can find it. ;)

I'm not unhappy at all! I found some tiny, tiny things! AND...
I had another BEAUTIFUL walk around my mansion! :)

Oh yeah.....and what of Blingie & Fishy?

2016 (634).jpg

They're still tuggin' away! LOL

Thanks for peekin'!

Upvote 15
I'm adopting your New techniques on an 1880 farm house this coming Sunday. Will keep you informed. Maybe separate Blingie and Fishie. This is how fighting begins.

Nice job on the small stuff! I bet there is a silver coin hiding from your coil. :dontknow:

I certain that if you swung over it, you dug it. Keep pushing on Whadi. Many of us have been following your new method and most are trying to do the same.

No clue about that new method, but your finds are a convincing result. I'll go check it, thanks for sharing.

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Just read your last post, ok I'll try on my next hunt where I got my first old silver last week. I have a good feeling but can't go until a few weeks. I'll have to be patient, thanks Wadi ;)

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Thanks for the replies guys! I know this was a "nothing" post. I'm just trying to report my results, good or bad.

Although, I kinda wish I hadn't started the "new technique" verbiage. Even though I may have been around since the Civil War, it doesn't mean I've learned anything new and wonderful that others haven't already tumbled to in this hobby.

FIRST thing I am doing much more of in my walks, is to work at keeping myself out of HIS way! I'm intentionally working on letting go and letting God! After all, I'm just guessing where things might be, HE already KNOWS! :)

What I think I'm really doing is just spending some very concentrated time on listening to what my particular machine is saying to me. Also, trying to see if I can understand why, what seems like a perfectly good candidate to me, has been missed/skipped over by all that has searched there before. (Including myself!)

I'm "hearing" things that are close together, better than I have before. The ATP is really excellent in it's ability to separate signals. I hadn't really been taking advantage of that aspect. First thing I'm doing now is ANY signal that comes thru, I'm checking & rechecking from all angles/speeds. I'm taking note of the different responses so that I form a better "database" in my head of the possibilities from my machine. After doing this for a while now, I'm beginning to see how people miss things.

How many of you have said, "Too loud." , "Too big/small", "Too close to the surface", "Too junky", "Too scratchy"? I know how it happens. When we're pressed for time, we have to at least attempt to be efficient. We buy some of the best discriminating equipment ever developed. So, why wouldn't we avail ourselves of that "shortcut"?! At least now and again.

I've been watching for a lot of years and let's face it folks. The "good" targets are getting fewer and further between. That doesn't mean there aren't virgin grounds out there, they're out there too! But, who has the time to seek them out anymore? (besides me that is. ;) )

So, my "technique" , really, is just spending the time and effort to really, really learn one's machine(s). They are trying their darnedest to tell us things every time out. It behooves us to learn their language. ;)

Thanks again!

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Thanks for the replies guys! I know this was a "nothing" post. I'm just trying to report my results, good or bad.

Although, I kinda wish I hadn't started the "new technique" verbiage. Even though I may have been around since the Civil War, it doesn't mean I've learned anything new and wonderful that others haven't already tumbled to in this hobby.

What I think I'm really doing is just spending some very concentrated time on listening to what my particular machine is saying to me. Also, trying to see if I can understand why, what seems like a perfectly good candidate to me, has been missed/skipped over by all that has searched there before. (Including myself!)

I'm "hearing" things that are close together, better than I have before. The ATP is really excellent in it's ability to separate signals. I hadn't really been taking advantage of that aspect. First thing I'm doing now is ANY signal that comes thru, I'm checking & rechecking from all angles/speeds. I'm taking note of the different responses so that I form a better "database" in my head of the possibilities from my machine. After doing this for a while now, I'm beginning to see how people miss things.

How many of you have said, "Too loud." , "Too big/small", "Too close to the surface", "Too junky", "Too scratchy"? I know how it happens. When we're pressed for time, we have to at least attempt to be efficient. We buy some of the best discriminating equipment ever developed. So, why wouldn't we avail ourselves of that "shortcut"?! At least now and again.

I've been watching for a lot of years and let's face it folks. The "good" targets are getting fewer and further between. That doesn't mean there aren't virgin grounds out there, they're out there too! But, who has the time to seek them out anymore? (besides me that is. ;) )

So, my "technique" , really, is just spending the time and effort to really, really learn one's machine(s). They are trying their darnedest to tell us things every time out. It behooves us to learn their language. ;)

Thanks again!

I've been doing this ever since I got my etrac. Not that I'm really trying to learn the machine per say just really paying attention to what I've gone over before and seeing why I had passed over it before. I have been keeping a mental log of all the sounds and the numbers so when I do come across this again I will have a idea as to what it may be and not pass over it again. So many times we pass over a signal that either sounds too good to be true or just on the edge of being a good signal and lacks the result we want it to be from our detector. Slowing way down and listening to what it says, plus trying it from several angles has helped me tremendously understand what's really in the ground. Just the other day I got a chirp on my etrac and almost passed it but turned around and tried from a different angle and swept left to right and right to left and even made a circle and I pulled a indian head out of the hole in an iron infested piece of dirt that I had already gone over that week.

I've been doing this ever since I got my etrac. Not that I'm really trying to learn the machine per say just really paying attention to what I've gone over before and seeing why I had passed over it before. I have been keeping a mental log of all the sounds and the numbers so when I do come across this again I will have a idea as to what it may be and not pass over it again. So many times we pass over a signal that either sounds too good to be true or just on the edge of being a good signal and lacks the result we want it to be from our detector. Slowing way down and listening to what it says, plus trying it from several angles has helped me tremendously understand what's really in the ground. Just the other day I got a chirp on my etrac and almost passed it but turned around and tried from a different angle and swept left to right and right to left and even made a circle and I pulled a indian head out of the hole in an iron infested piece of dirt that I had already gone over that week.

That's why I'm saying what I'm doing is "new" per se. We tend to do this "learning" more when we get a new machine. But, for some reason, we seem to cut off that learning curve when we get comfortable enough. I'm trying to just learn something new every time out. It's been working. Too many upgrade and start listening again because they're unfamiliar. When they have a good result, they tout their new machine as a God-send! But, what did they find? A silver quarter, 3 inches down. Something that could be found with an old Radio Shack. LOL


Funny you say that cause a radio shack machine was my first one. Back in 1993. Total piece of crap but I found my first civil war bullet and button with it and didn't upgrade till Christmas the following year. So I think it all has to do with not second guessing yourself and just taking it slow and learning to trust your machine and your instincts

The one I pictured is the exact one I started with back in the 70's. LOL

I say it was crap now but back then I thought it was the BOSS. Sometimes I still wonder what I could find with it vs my etrac. Would probably be like bringing a BB gun to a skeet shooting competition but would be interesting to see if I still had the hang of it

For me each detecting season is different. I have done the upgrade thing a lot. Mostly because I couldn't afford my first choice from the start. I was lucky that I found lots of stuff . That got me hooked. Then I upgraded from low end to medium detectors when I knew I was going to continue the hobby. This year was finally able to get my dream detector. Was it the answer to all my detecting problems. Nope. I usually hunt the limited number of parks in my area. I found that the detectors I owned previously had done a good job in finding targets. So even with my high end detector the number of finds is still lower than when I started. I have noticed with my new detector that I am finding deeper targets and older targets. I also realize the Minelab language is not for the faint of heart. Coming from the beep and dig machines, the Etracs sounds are the most complex and at times can be the most frustrating to learn. There are a few times when I wondered if I had made a mistake getting the machine. But slowly the sounds start to make sense. The ability to fine tune my hunts is second to none.
So I started this hobby thinking it was all about the finds. (Which a big part is.) But the satisfaction of learning the machine, the areas I hunt, sharing with fellow detectorists, and learning patience and perseverance have been the real treasures that last longer than the thrill of my last good find.

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It looks like you are narrowing those searches to the smaller items,and it is working. But I miss those quarter hauls you usually post.

For me each detecting season is different. I have done the upgrade thing a lot. Mostly because I couldn't afford my first choice from the start. I was lucky that I found lots of stuff . That got me hooked. Then I upgraded from low end to medium detectors when I knew I was going to continue the hobby. This year was finally able to get my dream detector. Was it the answer to all my detecting problems. Nope. I usually hunt the limited number of parks in my area. I found that the detectors I owned previously had done a good job in finding targets. So even with my high end detector the number of finds is still lower than when I started. I have noticed with my new detector that I am finding deeper targets and older targets. I also realize the Minelab language is not for the faint of heart. Coming from the beep and dig machines, the Etracs sounds are the most complex and at times can be the most frustrating to learn. There are a few times when I wondered if I had made a mistake getting the machine. But slowly the sounds start to make sense. The ability to fine tune my hunts is second to none.
So I started this hobby thinking it was all about the finds. (Which a big part is.) But the satisfaction of learning the machine, the areas I hunt, sharing with fellow detectorists, and learning patience and perseverance have been the real treasures that last longer than the thrill of my last good find.

Well said, mikeraydj!

This, like any other hobby entails more than just one aspect. It's the whole package that becomes addictive.

Funny you should mention the sounds of your detector. It was Garrett's lower frequency that won out over all the ones I test drove.
I just could not envision having to listen to the shrill/high pitched sounds they made, ALL DAY LONG! :(

But, Garrett's lower pitch just felt better to my ear. A completely personal choice. I went with the ATP for much the same reason. But, also because it was the most rounded in features. It had what I figured I'd need for just about all my needs in near future. I've been swinging it for about 5 years now and I am STILL learning! LOL

Whadi, you are a sage and an inspiration to us all. Absolute truth that good targets are getting harder to find. I go out hoping to score "recent drops" only now, as my many huntin' spots are being hit regularly by "at least" amateurs. (leaving holes, trash in them, etc...) But I still love this hobby, and really enjoy the exercise and like you, my walks with God. Happy Hunting, Sub 8-)

It looks like you are narrowing those searches to the smaller items,and it is working. But I miss those quarter hauls you usually post.

Never fear, thrifty, ole pal, I realize that I still need to pay for batteries. ;) The quarters won't go away. :)

What did I reaffirm? That something needs
to be there, before one can find it.

yep & even if it is there.
it also needs to end up under the coil in the right position/direction.
or it stays there.

nice hunt :icon_thumright:

yep & even if it is there.
it also needs to end up under the coil in the right position/direction.
or it stays there.

nice hunt :icon_thumright:

Don't get me started on listing ALL of the variables in play! ;)

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