To the Board and all members


Sr. Member
Dec 15, 2004
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Golden Thread
Denver, Colorado
I joined this forum to learn things about metal detecting and to share with everyone my own experiances in the field and to share what I've leaned with others.
It has been brought to my attention that there are some of you that don't like some of the posts as of late. I guess I'm just human and after being constantly challened on what I'm finding finally got to me! Personaly I don't really care that members believe me or not but I wanted to stop the questioning of my finds that's why I took the camera to the field and posted pic's of me finding these rings, but I still got greif.

I will remove the post that are in question and will refame for posting my finds on this site because there are just to many posters out here that don't want to see theses finds because they seem unbelievable.

I guess if I was reading this fourm and saw the finds I have posted it might seem that I'm full of it or this guy is really lucky.

For the record I have never posted anything on this board I didn't find and they're all real BELIEVE IT OR NOT!

My apologizes to anyone that I offened.


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Nice going! Coinshooter lets see that pic!

I have been skunked in the ring dept. for two days now.
At this rate you pass me in a week.


After just coming back to the forum for a couple days hunting, I must have really missed something.
Sounds to me like you have one heck of a fan club Onionhead (onion-ring).
You know we've always said that those who question are jealous. Your one heck of a hunter and a nice guy.
For those who question him, I have spoke with him on the phone and he is quick to offer sites and any info he knows.
How about you doubters get off your computer and pick up a detector (if you even have one) and see if you can find anything.

Well like XXX I was surprised to learn ?there was an issue about Onion's finds. I have enjoyed Onion's posts and hope to continue to do so. Actually I view TreasureNet as sort of a refuge from the other forums and non controversial. I guess I am tired of hearing from people with vastly inflated egos, brand loyalists,machine hype and actual hate common on some forums. It is refreshing talking to newbies still full of enthusiasm and good will.

However, I can understand Onion's distress as a similar incident happened to me many years ago. It was like a slap in the face and as a result I do not post anything I find. Let's face it post some really great finds and some people are not thrilled. If one finds oneself full of hate and loathing for other detectorists, their finds, or their brand machines, it is time to find another hobby.

Good Luck Onion

man ,there are all kinds of"people"that make the world turn so just because
put others on thre "axis" dont stop posting! i get some encourgement from your posts, i own a
low end $89.00 BH machine i still find junk but im getting better,your tip on settings will
give me hope to find solid hits on good coins,jewelry,etc and with the tips and help on the forum
met with LOWBATTS and he gave me the 101(helped me find my keys ,dont ask!) so there is good people out here!keep all the good stuff coming ,hey lowbatts going to the sled hill tommorow, dug some metal in the yard today, all metal setting ,was bored out of my mind!mostly nails, wire,shaver head(?)and a dog chain about 6 inchs under all around the one back yard tree!found a shovel on a dig one day laying on the ground all metal steel shovel $40-50 dollars(new) so keep an eye out found so much other then in the ground to you all,just look an you will find!!!BIG HH dekalb33 ;D

Hey Onion,
I bet BH detectors would appreciate some pics and testimonials from you. I know of at least one more Tracker iv sell attributed to your posts here! Can't wait to get it! Giterdone


Did you write the settings down that I posted for that detector?

Let me know when you get it.

I will be able to help you through the hard part of learning the detector and before you know it you will have rings too! ;D


Hey Onion. I was a little sceptical seeing all the rings you've dug but figured ,what do you have to gain from posting bogus finds. All I seem to have found so far is junk. You inspire me to get off my lazy keester and press on. Should I post all my finds. I take a picture of all my finds after the day is done. I have about eight days worth of junk photos. Gotta start asking people to hunt their property. Most parks here in Florida are off limits and the beaches are devoid of people and over hunted. Cant wait till this upcoming spring break in St Pete. Oh yeah all schools are fenced and clearly posted with a felony sign here. HH got any tips on getting permission.

Onion.... i am new to the board & read the posts more than I post and I also enjoy your posts. Ignore the few and keep posting!

Onion just keep diggin and posting. If others are wary of your finds too bad. At least someone is getting some good stuff. I'm planning on getting a new Sovereign Elite so maybe I can get some good stuff too :o)

Don't let them get to ya!! They are just jealous, or too lazy to get off their butts and use their detectors....if they even have one. Dont stop the post or pics!!Seeing your finds just motivates me more!! I thought about you today when I dug a melted chunk of what I think is gold.(will post a pic of the finds I dug today) I said I wish Onion was here to see this!! Keep up the good work!!

Hey Onion< I like the Yetty picture! And I am very much into this type of stuff! Metal detecting is right up in the running with this also! Say! why don't you go to (www.unexplained ran by Chad Lewis and Terry Fisk)and put your story on that site! OH YES! Read and believe!!! This is a very interesting and very much used site for just about anything..But mostly oddities and questions of strange stuff. You never know he may even want to put it in his next book! of Documented stuff!You could be famous for your unexplained finding! You won't get any laughs on here or even questions of your integrity...It's just plain nice! P.S.S.I also like this site also! So I don't want this to sound like an insult to anyone...Your all #One in my book! Say tell him a fan of his site well known for her writings sent you there! He will know who it is!(It's that Smartguy#2)He will know what that means also!

onion....i too believe you....main reason....i too have a good collection of rings....found 'em with my dfx.....nothing better than the glint of gold.......keep on postin'.......

Hey Onion, do u have any idea how much this ring is worth? I'll tell u the description, nad u tell me if u can get a guess on how much its worth, and I'll give u guys a pic in a day or to, Its 18k gold mens ring, rather thick and has some intials, and has 2 most likley dimonds in it (very smal) and a large stone in the middle, the one in the middle is cracked so i know its not a dimond, is tehre any valuable stones like this? there really is no colour to the stone its just white, well if that helped if u can try to give me an estimate, or maybe theres someone else here that knows somthing about rings well thx and HH CSl

Okay the ring sounds great to bad the stone is cracked. 18K gold 75% gold most ring makers put only real stones in that type of gold so my best guess without seeing it or knowing the wieght would be about $75.00 bucks in gold and the stone without seeing them I wouldn't dare guess.

I know this wasn't much help but I really need to see it.


Coin Saver, the stone is probably real like Onion said. It's possible to break a diam. if it's hit just right. How much doew the ring weigh in pennyweight or gram? A reputable jeweler can tell you and test the stones usually for free.

Its defenatly not pennyweight its 12 grams,! i forgot to tell u but there are 4 samll holes on the front and 2 of them are filled in with those small dimonds, 2 others looked like they must have just fell out too bad! HH CS

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