Tnet Hijacked? Hidden link on all Tnet pages

Ascholten said:
Mark, first off, hiding your links like that in a non related page is kind of deceitful, especially if you are running any CPM type ad's there. I won't delve any further, nother topic and I got out of that rat sewer hole a long time ago....

Geesh... The links will only be online until they are indexed, no longer. They were hidden BECAUSE they were non-related! ... and have NO links ANYWHERE else - how else COULD they be found???

AND - there are NO ads being sold there! Just my personal pages.

Besides, I'll tell you what's deceitful - selling me a blob of cheese, plain white rice and a small portion of canned chili con carne for $25! (and advertising it as authentic Mexican food!) >:(

Ascholten said:
Secondly... why can't you get rye bread or pumpernickel? Where do you live? I make a killer pumpernickel, the trick is to grind the rye to just the right consistancy, not too fine, not too coarse. You can get the grain rye right? Get yourself one of those 40 dollar bread machines... can be as little as 4 or 5 dollars in a thrift store and make your own. It's really not too hard to do, if you do mess up, it just don't rise as it should have and you end up with bricky pumpernickel... or pumperbrickel as I call it.

There is absolutely NO NEED to not eat foods you love because of location. medical reasons that's another story but even still. cheating every now and then won't hurt thaaaaat much ;D


pumpernickel and spinach dip...MMmmmmmm

I am currently in the South of France, and I have YET to find even RYE bread! Not a bad idea on the bread machine!

I have no clue on customs. I wonder if I could get away with sending you some rye?.. the bread would be long stale by the time it got there so no go on that...

Im heading to the post office today to send off believe it or not... food and home roasted coffee to other friends, let me ask them about mailing rye if that'd be do able. Even if you are not interested, it'd be info thats good to know.


I probably won't be here by the time it arrives, but thanks anyway!

stoney56 said:
Marc said:
How do you guys find these things? ;D

Hey, we're all treasure hunters. We seek out clues and mysteries. ;D ;)

Ah as much as I'd like to chalk this up to keen treasure hunting skills... ;)

I actually had a window open above the Tnet window and just put my cursor on the Tnet window to click back to it, and just happened to be on the link when it happened.

lol, maybe I should start selling clickable ads by the pixel! (like some have already done quite successfully!)


Now - if you don't mind, I will be deleting this thread soon, since I have explained it, and it IS off topic!

lol I do so love the review though!! sheesh off topic? naaah someone went on a treasure hunt and found a funny! :P Thanks for letting us enjoy it awhile!

It is off topic but it is fun, thanks for letting us have a bit of a giggle with it. ;)


I thought T-net was getting into the imported food business. Mexican food imported from France definitely qualifies as imported food :D ;D :D. Marc, I hope while you are over there, you are finding lots of great sites and lots of great finds. Look forward to pics when you come home. Stay safe and keep up the great work.

man,the only thing I would have wanted to find after eating something like that,would be a toilet :o

Now you can see why I added the link to the mexican restaurant.

....try searching google for "Mexican Restaurant France".

Number 5 on the list!

... try search for "le Ranch mexican" lol NUMBER 1!

woo hoo!

I made this this morning... we can't find Jalepenos here ANYWHERE, so I use less spicy pickled "Lombards"... still... mm mmm good!


:) Yes you have. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! ;)

It sounds like a "Find The Hidden Link Contest" is in order! :)

Yammy Elf said:
I’ve been outing Marc and his hidden links for years now. :::hums innocently:::
Now I know what you were referring to in one of your other posts a while back (Mexican Rest.). I gotta hand it to ya....your pretty good! :)

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