Titaniun Diggers for sale SOLD

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

goldeagle said:
i got mine yesterday wow it is very impressive,i might need another one now for my wife,she saw and picked it up and now she wants one,damn!lol can you hold me one? they are beasts.when she felt how light they are.she couldn't believe it

Hey Thanks alot goldeagle! There are few things a man should keep from his wife, I never thought diggers should be one of them! :laughing7:
If your serious I will save one for ya... PM sent.


Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

I've got one, too, and it is awesome!

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

I'd like one too if theres any left.. please pm me..


Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

OK guys: Looks like the digger shop is offically closed! I think...Just waiting to see if all who ordered come through. I had to lay off my only employee today (my wife) :laughing7:. I sent pm's to the last 2 who may still have a shot at one.
I want to thank Treasure Net and all T net members for your kind comments and especially all those who ordered from me. :hello2: :hello2:
My only regret is that I didn't have enough material and time to make enough to supply everyone who wanted one!
Maybe in the future....you never know!


Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

thanks for the update Dennis.

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Having something made with a labor of love and crafted user friendly, I thank you for sharing your skill with us lesser skilled folks. Dan :thumbsup:

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Just for that nice comment Dan, I'm going to put yours in my patented Gold magnitizer for a while :thumbsup: Thats a $59.00 value FREE!!
Really, Thank you, I know you will love this digger.


Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

hey wait a minute he gets one of the lucky one;s plus a gold magnitizer?what the hell? lol i am in line for another they are fantastic?

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

keep me in mind if more come avail.. thanks..everyone take care, ozzy

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Nice surprise when I arrived home today... Had a package and received digger tools from Dennis aka; mxtman2.. Great tool, super light and extremely well built... 100% Made in America- Great product, Probably paid less then Half of Value , all I can say is "ThanX!" My Best Joe......

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

goldeagle said:
hey wait a minute he gets one of the lucky one;s plus a gold magnitizer?what the hell? lol i am in line for another they are fantastic?

OH I didn't tell you? I already put yours through the gold magnitizer ;D. Anyway. thank you! pm sent.


Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Picked up the digger today Dennis it's like a piece of art, love the patented Gold magnitizer. Dan :thumbsup:

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Thanks Dan! I hate to say I told you so..But I told you so!! I knew you'd like it. Happy Hunting.


Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Well went MDing with my cousin today from theloadroom (Scott) Most of the grounds are frozen or almost. He started using his digger tool and I just had to see it. It was light, balanced, and it worked like a charm. I had just bought one from flee bay advertised as indestructable, supposedly their best one out of the three. I bent it with the first plug. I know you want to retire but could you please push out you retirement another 6 diggers, or at least one more for me?

Thanks Strawboss

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

I'm very sorry Strawboss, I'm sold out. I had enough material to build 14. If I can scrounge enough material for more, I will let you know. I will keep a list of those who request them.
Thank you for your input. Nice review. Too bad I'm out. You would have helped me sell more.
I sent you a pm.


Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Dennis, dont forget to add me to the list please.

Re: Titaniun Diggers for sale

Put me on the list too please...but please let me butt in line ;D

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