Time - is everything


Jul 5, 2009
Whiting, NJ
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All Treasure Hunting
Time - The most confusing term ever conceived..

For one little word we have hundreds of words we use to describe and measure it. We'll go over that and hopefully add to it as "time" goes by. That is the first example in "measuring" time.. time going by.. I think we should change that to "time goes bye" After all the time has already past.

We use seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, eons all to measure this precious little commodity.. Then we have the lesser, but still acceptable terms like in a snap, jiffy, moment, flash... My only problem is understanding the pecking order for these terms, which is the fastest, right down to the slowest.

You hear time is fleeting, but if you are living in the moment, that has already past and can only be fleeting for a second, or less.. Perhaps a snap :dontknow: So time is not really fleeting, but fleeted.. A moment in time is just that, a moment... a passing.

Time is also currency.. As we both spend and waste time, just like money

So, I believe time is as meaningful in its usage and should be an oxymoron.

We are always in a rush, because there aren't enough hours in a day... I think we have to rethink the numbers we attach to time and make the minutes that make up an hour shorter so that in the long run we have more hours in a day. With more hours in a day we can accomplish so much more.. Then we can take away a day, maybe a Wednesday, so we have a shorter workweek.

Are you people with me :dontknow:

So, what's your favorite term, or measurement in time?

I'll try and reply in two shakes of a lambs tail :tongue3:

If "time is money" then why am I so broke when "I have all the time in the world?" :icon_scratch:

You know, Spart, you have a point. Makes you think twice about giving your child a timeout because a smart kid could turn that around on you and be right back at it in no time at all. :icon_scratch:

Just think Spart, if you could just exceed the speed of light you could go to the future pick up all the winning lotto numbers and take a time out!

Frankn said:
Just think Spart, if you could just exceed the speed of light you could go to the future pick up all the winning lotto numbers and take a time out!

I wonder if he has that kind of time?

vibes said:
why does it seem that time speeds up as we age, is it because we have less of it?
Time is a velocital continuum . Your mother thought it would take forever to be born .
You thought it would take forever to grow up and then you were . And too grown up . And the cycle
starts again .
Not very encouraging , am I ?

vibes said:
why does it seem that time speeds up as we age, is it because we have less of it?

When you were young a day seemed to last a week. Now that we are older you don't even see a week pass by!
But, I think when you are young everything seems fresh and new to you, and when you are older it's like, "Been there. Done that." :laughing7:

vibes said:
why does it seem that time speeds up as we age, is it because we have less of it?

I think time is currency at this stage... We just don't spend it right :tongue3:

A good example is also how slow time can "crawl." Think of waiting in line to purchase tickets of any sort, and the box office opens in 5 minutes. Five minutes can last a lifetime :laughing7:

VIBES: As you get older, time doesn't go by quicker, it just seem to because it takes you longer to do things. I sit at this blasted computer for what seems like 15 min. and look up at the clock and an hour has passed!

It's all explained by the Theory of Relativity; the speed at which an hour goes by is relative to the total number of hours that you have lived to that date.

Oh, the theory of relativity, My kingdom for a wormhole back!

Frankn said:
Oh, the theory of relativity, My kingdom for a wormhole back!

I've mentioned this a couple of years ago on T-Net that I have a 'frequent wormhole flier card', something like that.

So, if time is a form of currency and money is also a form of energy...all things are relative...

...can a rock or stone HOLD a memory?

vibes said:
Frankn said:
Oh, the theory of relativity, My kingdom for a wormhole back!

I've mentioned this a couple of years ago on T-Net that I have a 'frequent wormhole flier card', something like that.

So, if time is a form of currency and money is also a form of energy...all things are relative...

...can a rock or stone HOLD a memory?

I don't know the answer to that, but I can tell you that when I was younger I couldn't remember much of anything when I was stoned, though I remember it sure was fun watching time pass by, that I remember. Now it did cost me money to get stoned, so I would have to say that since everything is relative, the only way a stone could develop a memory is if it could pay for it. :icon_scratch:

Time is tight. Booker T.


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Time is what Spartacus53 wastes a lot of.

gord said:
It's all explained by the Theory of Relativity; the speed at which an hour goes by is relative to the total number of hours that you have lived to that date.

Put another way: when you are 10 years old, 5 years is 50% of your life. That's why it seems to take half a lifetime to pass, because it does. On the other hand, when you reach the age of 50, that same 5 years is merely 10% of your life. 10% of a lifetime doesn't take as long to pass by as half a lifetime. At least it don't seem to. It all seems to be about percentage.

*****************TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!*****************
Stop and smell the roses

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