Time for me to say Hi


Jr. Member
Mar 4, 2006
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Coinmaster 6000/Di
There must be a certain kind of person that likes to search for unseen finds.
I can remember as a kid wanting to go out and searching for anything from relics
around old abandoned shacks out in the woods to looking for snakes under huge rocks.
I was hooked to MDing at first sight of the guy that crossed my path on the beach while
swinging his loop and finding coins.- It even ranked above the Good Humor truck that would come down the street every evening...and that was hard to beat!

Any way I think that this forum is a great idea for alot of good reasons.

Hello All !


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welcome to the board.

Sounds like your born to hunt ;)

Lay off that Good Humor truck ;D ;)

have a good un...........

Glad you took the time to say hi. Welcome aboard!!

;) RR

Thanks all -I think it'll be a good time...I'm on and off the computer alot as I share it with my kids...all a part of parenthood so to speak...so if I don't get back to you right away...you kno why.


About 6 or 7 years ago I was trading shares of stock on the nasdaq (another form of treasure hunting ). While dealing with one particular group I had to come up with a "handle".

Being that I had goals to meet , I figured that I would treat myself to a fiberglass fishing boat in the event that I succeeded , hence the name "Glassfutures" was borne as my handle. I 've just decided to keep it as a form of good luck!

Glsfutrs said:
There must be a certain kind of person that likes to search for unseen finds.
I can remember as a kid wanting to go out and searching for anything from relics
around old abandoned shacks out in the woods to looking for snakes under huge rocks.
I was hooked to MDing at first sight of the guy that crossed my path on the beach while
swinging his loop and finding coins.- It even ranked above the Good Humor truck that would come down the street every evening...and that was hard to beat!

Any way I think that this forum is a great idea for alot of good reasons.

Hello All !
what worse was when the good humor guy would make you chase him down 3 blocks
when he saw you run out the door 3 houses from were he was
that what its like "chasing the coil" ;D


I can relate to that...talk about desperation! Those bells ringing were a love/hate kinda thing,as your running around in the house trying to find change,or beg your parents for some- if ya kno what I mean....

Country Girl,

Thank you for the Welcome "Aboard" ....mucho apprecianato !

Hola Spitfire ! NC....Not a Care...all for the right reasons of course.

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