Ticks Ticks Ticks!!!! They are bad this year!

A non tocxic solution is Diatomaceous earth, I use food grade.
Dust it on your pants and clothes before you go out, dust it on your everything that may be exposed to ticks, it kills bugs, ticks, ants, most anything with an exoskeleton. It is also is a good way to get rid of parasites and worms. If you feel sick from the Deet and the permethrin or your liver starts to complain of the poison it has to process, try the D-earth. As soon as an insect encounters it it will run away or die. It is super cheap so the big companies dont want us to find out about it and use it. Oh it works on bedbugs also.

I hate the litte buggers. They are the only thing that really freaks me out. I picked up one yesterday. They seem to enjoy chomping on the back of my knees.

Guys I've had Lyme disease with two co-infections for ten years. Its almost killed me. At 39 I had to have a pacemaker implanted on an emergency basis because the disease attacked my heart, it has attacked most of my organs and has caused so much pain that I take 30 pills a day for this.
Don't mess around with these things, ticks will kill you and rob you of life in different ways. I got into metal detecting because my doctor told me if i didn't force myself out of bed and do something the disease would kill me. Not that I can get reinfected but I don't want to carry them into my house and get my family sick so I use this stuff and its a tick killer for sure.
Take it from someone who knows first hand. You all would be really pissed if you found out where the disease came from and why there is no cure in the USA for it.


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I was out back yesterday and one fell out of the trees onto my arm,my Son said one fell on the back of His neck.

I don't have to get into their territory,they come to me.:laughing7: Blood Suckin little Savages!

GOD Bless


Guys I've had Lyme disease with two co-infections for ten years. Its almost killed me. At 39 I had to have a pacemaker implanted on an emergency basis because the disease attacked my heart, it has attacked most of my organs and has caused so much pain that I take 30 pills a day for this.
Don't mess around with these things, ticks will kill you and rob you of life in different ways. I got into metal detecting because my doctor told me if i didn't force myself out of bed and do something the disease would kill me. Not that I can get reinfected but I don't want to carry them into my house and get my family sick so I use this stuff and its a tick killer for sure.
Take it from someone who knows first hand. You all would be really pissed if you found out where the disease came from and why there is no cure in the USA for it.

As with this fellow I to had a round with one of these critters. Mine was ehrichiosis and it effected my lungs, heart and diaphram and a number of years later I still have to live with these effects. Do not take a tick bite lightly. Every single tick bite should be monitored and if any ill effects are noticed make sure you seek help. Fast treatment works and late treatment still works but the damage has been done by that time and the results become permanent. These tick born diseases have mutated with time and like the new hospital infections, require some highly specialized treatments.

Enlighten us BzBadger! I'm curious to know.

During WWII the Germans developed this disease to use on the Russians to kill off their livestock and starve the Russians to death and was implemented however it took too long, the war was over and Germany had lost its livestock so they were supplied with the infected livestock so Germany and Russia are the starting grounds.
Worst part is at the end of WWII the scientist that made the disease was brought over to the USA to work for us and his main research facility was Plum Island, a bio research facility off upper New York near the new England area. The disease was manufactured on plum island and some of their grey field mice escaped. They didn't bother to do a thing about it.
Since WWII Germany and Russia have been working on a cure and owned up to the disease but the USA refused to acknowledge anything and since the 70's when the escape occurred and the first case came up in Lyme Connecticut the government still remained quiet until 2002 when the records became public they tried to downplay it. President Bush enacted a new law demanding a better testing procedure be done because the current test is 15% accurate at best, the "bulls eye" mark only shows up on 10% of the cases and you can be bit and it take up to 7 years to show up. There are over 160 symptoms of the disease so it takes a really good Infectious disease Doctor to diagnose it, PLEASE don't rely on your general doctor they don't know their butt from a hole in the ground. 400,000 new cases are documented each year but the CDC say that this is possibly only 10% of the real cases since the disease mimics many other diseases and the doctors order wrong tests or prescribe wrong meds and its their inexperience that's causing the death of thousands each year..more than AIDS does

Thanks for all that info bz. Many theory's abound for this and many other diseases possibly concocted in labs across the globe. AIDs is another one I have heard theory's on too, but that is getting off topic, so I won't go there....someone may get "tic'd" off! LOL

sorry to hear of your illness. Your doctor is right, stay in bed and die or get out and move and live. Permethrin has itself been implicated is several human diseases and is outlawed in Europe. Your advice about ticks is right on they are nothing to be messed with but if one take the time to learn a bit about there life history you will find it is easy to avoid being bitten. I am 68 and spend a considerable amount of time outdoors in tick habitat and I have never been bitten. I wrote in a post in this thread about a hike last week in which i ended with more ticks on me than i have had in 68 years total but was not bitten even once thank God.
As for Lyme disease there are new treatments that show promise. If your current treatment isn't working please take the time and find another doctor more up on this disease. I have a friend that ended in a bed like you with lyme disease that his doctor had been treating as Lou gherrings disease. We thought he was a goner but his wife found a different doctor who said he had lyme disease and within three months he was out of bed and able to talk do things almost as good as before. Mike lives in Santa Cruz Ca. We all were amazed at his sudden recovery and I pray you will experiance the same

Went to wally world today and got 3 bottles of permethrin. Note that it is not with the cutters and off but in camping.

Tick population is out of control here in MA...though if this dry spell continues, it will have a big effect. Ticks thrive in a pretty narrow band of high humidity.
Contrary to what some may think...the significant snow cover this winter, provided excellent insulation/protection for immature ticks and lots of moiture/humidity as it melted.

Permethrin is definitely the way to go...and clothing soak is very effective. Generally speaking, 2 types are available...spray bottle and liquid "soak".

The soak offers very good protection through at least several washes and the spray is great to hit boots and pant cuffs for some added insurance.

Gaiters are a HUGE help...especially when treated also. No need for the mack daddy top of the line gortex type...cheap stretchy ones marketed to trail runners are fine as long as they close/cover the gap between your boots and pant leg.

Permethrin if used like some in this thread are recommending can cause infertility, skin and eye issues among other things and cats are very susceptible to it. Most of you are likely not aware that there are two versions of this poison, the least dangerous is the natural form but is expensive. Most consumer products use the synthetic manmade version which scientists are increasingly warning against its use. Please see the link below.

Permethrin - toxicity, ecological toxicity and regulatory information

That's ok I already have 4 kids and hate cats.

BFLOYD445 How am I or anyone to take you seriously??? Sure the post started as many do... with a simple comment, then others chimed in, then suggestions/advice, then comments on the comments, including several from you.

QUOTE from you..."I'm 68 years old and have been fighting these critters since a kid."

I'm assuming you wanted us all to get the feeling "hey, this guy really knows what he's talking about". Am I wrong??

QUOTE from you in the same post..." i went for a walkin the Dick Fazio wildlife refudge wetlands area and at the end counted at least twenty ticks on me"

So far so good... at least you're not claiming super human tick-repelling powers

But this is where it gets a bit confusing. In your next post

QUOTE from you..." I wrote in a post in this thread about a hike last week in which I ended with more ticks on me than i have had in 68 years total but was not bitten even once thank God."

Is this fuzzy math? Were you saying that this one outing produced more ticks than you've had on you in 68 years (you seem to enjoy quoting that number, so I did it here for you again) or are you saying that you've never had 20 ticks on you at the same time? In either case, I can assure you that that is one of the many ways that MA and CA differ. M******* ticks are not as softened as their CA brethren from sunshiney days filled with surfing, and siestas and wine. They are hard tough Yankees, used to adversity in their environment and constantly adapting to ensure survival. No one has yet to prove to them that they can't be beaten just by the strength of their numbers. They seek out prey who's tenacity they so admire...those who refuse to use a turn signal under any circumstances, and those who steadfastly refuse to vote for a Republican because they are , well,Republican and that might end their ability to whine so much about things like high taxes. They love to gamble and do it often...one meal is all they need. Cling, crawl, drop...cling, crawl, drop...cling, crawl and find an opening this big >> . <<

I'd tell you an amusing little anecdote about how last year, I brushed 12-15 ticks from a coworkers legs only to have another 10 or so reappear in less than 3 minutes time...but then I'd have to sheepishly admit how neither of us remembered to wear our crew socks that day and admit to my bullying of those poor helpless creatures who were right at the threshold of giving up anyway.

Do you think it is stupidity or carelessness that keeps us all from being able to grasp and implement the insanely simple and incredibly effective solution that you propose? Dude...you could run for president! A free pair of cotton crew socks for everyone...yeah, that's the ticket!!

Oh, wait...you'd probably have to delete your link to that pesky webpage that you use as "support" for the liver and soul melting properties of Permithrin. You know, the one that says either "NOT LISTED", NOT AVAILABLE" or "NO STUDIES" to 15 of the 26 different scary Danger Mouse categories listed. The one that doesn't even have a freakin MSDS available...you know what that is right...that stupid little piece of paper (or pages) that even your local restaurant has on site and makes available for all "chemicals" such as dishwashing detergent ( which BTW, I'm sure has been PROVEN to be toxic to mice and such when injected at 50mg/day for 90 days). Maybe George Bush is responsible for suppressing it or perhaps they are just too busy trying to save the world to be bothered with such trivial things?? PAN=Pesticide Action Network...I wonder what their "mission" is?? Perhaps there was some info of merit on that site...I'll never know... I'll admit to being a bit judgemental after seeing it being classified as a "Bad Actor" LOL, how naughty! And the 1980's Myspace style of the page leads me to believe it may not have been updated in a while.

Maybe the CA ticks have born the brunt of our reckless use and been weakened by the 60% of total world production (600 tons...1994 numbers...sorry, it's late) of Permithrin that is used on crops and livestock in the US every year since the 70's???

OK, time to stop. It was never my intention to be a proponent for Permithrin. Only trying to point out how significant the tick problem is here in MASSACHUSETTS/NEW ENGLAND and to encourage people to do their OWN research to help make their time outdoors more enjoyable and use reasonable care and cautions to prevent becoming infected by several of the very debilatating diseases that these nasty little creatures carry and can transmit. Yup, staying inside is an option, but not the only one. Dressing appropriaetly/defensively, goes a LONG way, but may not always be enough. Diligent examination, after exposure is key, but for those who live alone or aren't blessed with perfect vision and the ability to contort their head to view every single area on your body that might be hiding something the size of a poppy seed...consider judicious use of an insecticide that has been commonly used for decades, and in fact that you once might have also had applied directly to your scalp as a child if your or a grade school classmate ever had lice.

Heck, there will only be about 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease alone( not sure about Erlichiosis, Babeasiosis, or other "Westsern" diseases) year...odds are in your favor, you won't be one of them, but you have heard 1st hand from 2 others, right here in this thread about the incredible damage this disease can do, if you are one of the unlucky ones. I've been working outdoors for nearly 30 years and beat em for a long time... until I got Erlichiosis 4 years ago and Lyme disease last year. Fortunately, it was caught early and treated both times. I have been symptom free and hope to remain so.

You did know that Lyme disease is only treatable and not curable, right?

You do remember that 8-10 years or so ago, there was a vaccine for protection against Lyme disease?...you may not know that it's manufacture was stopped by a "successful" campaign by a small but very vocal group of folks with the same mindset and methods of the present day anti vaxers. Simply stating over and over again how the scientists who've found NO evidence of harm to recipients are lying,and the "proof" is cuz someone once said something about something bad about it and any further studies to the contrary are just further proof of how desperate the manufacturers are.

BTW...if anyone thinks that ticks "jump" or "fall" from trees, you should do some more learning. Fortunately if you type " do ticks jump" into Google, you will find that the first 100 or so (I got bored after that) pages , show that to be a very easy myth to dispel.

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During WWII the Germans developed this disease to use on the Russians to kill off their livestock and starve the Russians to death and was implemented however it took too long, the war was over and Germany had lost its livestock so they were supplied with the infected livestock so Germany and Russia are the starting grounds.
Worst part is at the end of WWII the scientist that made the disease was brought over to the USA to work for us and his main research facility was Plum Island, a bio research facility off upper New York near the new England area. The disease was manufactured on plum island and some of their grey field mice escaped. They didn't bother to do a thing about it.
Since WWII Germany and Russia have been working on a cure and owned up to the disease but the USA refused to acknowledge anything and since the 70's when the escape occurred and the first case came up in Lyme Connecticut the government still remained quiet until 2002 when the records became public they tried to downplay it. President Bush enacted a new law demanding a better testing procedure be done because the current test is 15% accurate at best, the "bulls eye" mark only shows up on 10% of the cases and you can be bit and it take up to 7 years to show up. There are over 160 symptoms of the disease so it takes a really good Infectious disease Doctor to diagnose it, PLEASE don't rely on your general doctor they don't know their butt from a hole in the ground. 400,000 new cases are documented each year but the CDC say that this is possibly only 10% of the real cases since the disease mimics many other diseases and the doctors order wrong tests or prescribe wrong meds and its their inexperience that's causing the death of thousands each year..more than AIDS does

Lovely,...... and I usually pulled several attached off of me each year.

This back and forth about some of these harsh chemicals used to aid us when we go afield might inform but it also causes a degree of mis trust. The July issue of Consumers Report has maybe safer recommendations and some of which are all natural. Those who have the need should take time to research that data they have in that issue and maybe it will give you a better solution to a very growing problem.

There are a lot of myths out there about ticks and Lyme disease.
Do ticks jump on you? LOL no they don't jump, they actually use one half of their body to cling to vegetation with their remaining legs outstretched ready to grab the unwary passersby, that's all they do nothing more. Don't believe me..take a white pillowcase and drag it through the weeds for a 100 feet and count the ticks..this method is how researchers gather ticks to study how many and what they have in their digestion system as in the diseases.
Another myth..if you get the tick off of you within 24 hours you wont get Lyme disease. Ehh wrong answer. Ticks carry the diseases in their digestive juices so actually when they use their rasp like mouth parts like a reciprocating saw to burrow into your flesh they then vomit their juices into you to start feeding so the tick has the disease well guess what now you do.
Another myth..i was bitten but no red ring/bull's eye showed up so im safe. Ehh wrong there are in fact 4 distinguishable marks that can show up the red ring being one but they only show up in 15% of cases.
Another myth..if I take the antibiotic im safe..ehh wrong the antibiotic has a high effective rate if used within the first 30 days of being bitten because the disease which is a parasite reproduces by forming a cyst ball inside you every 28 days hence getting treatment within that first month because no known antibody is able to break through the cyst wall when it has hardened, after 5 days of incubation the cyst breaks open and thousands of new spirochetes shoot out and attach themselves to hemoglobins and the new cycle begins. Each month you go without antibiotics the worse your case becomes the harder it is to kill all the spirochetes.
Another myth..the government and scientific community ate working hard to eradicate the disease..again a big EHH wrong..a drug call quinine used for malaria which one of the Lyme disease co-infections is called bobesia which is the tick version of malaria, the drug that cured malaria and saves millions of people around the world yearly was banned for usage on Lyme disease patients in 2007 by our government, the FDA, gave no reason why but warned every doctor currently medicating Lyme patients with it to cease immediately or risk losing their license and more yet the drug was working. There are many more myths

Personally I think all Lyme disease patients should band together get lawyers and sue the government for what they did by creating it, heck we have proof from their own records. Sue them till even Obama squeals like a stuck pig, that part I personally would enjoy but make them yield to us and do something

I agree. Most of modern medicine falls into the same category as the snake oil salesmen of the 1800's, not designed to cure just to make money. As i started to get old i began to question the large amount of medications my doctors were prescribing and none really helped with anything except maybe the symtoms. I quit taking most of them and looked for alternative medicine, natural and homeopathic and soon had no health issues. The super bugs created in the hospitals that antibiotics no longer work on are all cured by honey. Yes plain old honey. Honey kills all bacteria known to man and I found this out when i learned hospitals were using it to combat the super germs they had produced.

I agree. Most of modern medicine falls into the same category as the snake oil salesmen of the 1800's, not designed to cure just to make money. As i started to get old i began to question the large amount of medications my doctors were prescribing and none really helped with anything except maybe the symtoms. I quit taking most of them and looked for alternative medicine, natural and homeopathic and soon had no health issues. The super bugs created in the hospitals that antibiotics no longer work on are all cured by honey. Yes plain old honey. Honey kills all bacteria known to man and I found this out when i learned hospitals were using it to combat the super germs they had produced.

Honey? I know it has serious antibiotic characteristics but had no idea it was being used like that. I will do some checking on it.

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