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Hi all detector 77 here. man it's been a grueling three days in the dirt, but it did pay off....WOW !!!!!
I have put in six images of some of the Stuff I found, a little history first.. the old K of C is about to be demolished, the building was originally built in the 1880's after finding this out I asked permission to search the grounds from the church ( Catholic ) also built in 1863,( my next project ) anyway here is a list of the goods that I woke up from their " Dirt Nap " lol.....
3 Sackajewa dollars 2000 all. 1 1979 Susan B. Anthony dollar. 1 1971 aKennedy Half. 3 Roosevelt silver dimes 47, 60, 64. 1898 Barber dime, 1876 Seated Liberty dime. 1897, 1906 V nickels, 1918 buffalo nickel. Indian head pennies 1880, 1884, 1893, 1898, 1900. Tokens included Palmolive soap token, Illinois labor tokens, and old merchant tokens for trade. old buttons unknown but the one on the bottom has a cannon insignia on it, also found 27 wheat pennies, 85 quarters, 65 dimes, 260 pennies, and an assortment of relics,
I have put in six images of some of the Stuff I found, a little history first.. the old K of C is about to be demolished, the building was originally built in the 1880's after finding this out I asked permission to search the grounds from the church ( Catholic ) also built in 1863,( my next project ) anyway here is a list of the goods that I woke up from their " Dirt Nap " lol.....
3 Sackajewa dollars 2000 all. 1 1979 Susan B. Anthony dollar. 1 1971 aKennedy Half. 3 Roosevelt silver dimes 47, 60, 64. 1898 Barber dime, 1876 Seated Liberty dime. 1897, 1906 V nickels, 1918 buffalo nickel. Indian head pennies 1880, 1884, 1893, 1898, 1900. Tokens included Palmolive soap token, Illinois labor tokens, and old merchant tokens for trade. old buttons unknown but the one on the bottom has a cannon insignia on it, also found 27 wheat pennies, 85 quarters, 65 dimes, 260 pennies, and an assortment of relics,
if you dig deep enough you will find it!!!!! That is the truth.
I wish everyone could experience the fun in a project like this one, it is easier than you think to gain permission to these type of hunts, all you have to do is ask, the worst that can happen is they will say no, but.....I find most of the time they say yes..my own experiences. anyway I hope you all enjoy these pics, and let me hear from you all, this was a lot of work....lol.