This stinks Im unemployed

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

backitup83 said:
Yep!!!! DP that does suck. I almost got stung also by the Tyco\ADT sting. I could see the writing on the wall but could not figure out what was going on. I figured I should bail and did and three months later they walked in and fired anyone that was anyone. then shortly after they walked in and fired pretty much all the worker-Bees.
Diggemall what job did you start doing on your own, IE working for your self?
There were a few others that mentioned that they branched out on there own, what were those jobs?
Ive always wanted to just sell Hot Dogs from a hot dog cart. The cart cost anywhere from 2500 to what ever one wants to pay. The hours are great and My wife said not no,,,,but helllllll NO!!!! With a lot of dirty words and stuff. I read somewhere in a mag of course, that a guy quit his suit job in NY to run a stand and pulled in 50k a year.
Good Luck DP and hang in there.

Hi Mike:

The hot dog carts do a Land Office business. I have 4 friends that do them exclusively, have for a number of years, and all started when they lost their jobs. One sets up only at festivals, one sets up outside of a Home Depot and the other two have corners in the middle of the city. One of those, in Denver, sells coffee and doughnuts in the early morning and hot dogs the rest of the day. All are driving new trucks and buying their homes.

The Bikini and Thong babes with their hot dog stands were a big thing here in Florida for awhile but their turf wars, a few accidents, and the local prudes finally brought an end to them. So much for eye

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Hello Deepsix47
I use to see more hotdog carts around here, I think they are still here but have just moved. The way it is set up here I think,is the city gives you a license and then tells you where you can set up,the only place you can set up. But anyhow, I too think you are correct about the booming business they do. I talked to one guy and he had a new truck, had UPS bring him his supply's every morning at his set up site and went to Vegas a couple times a year. This dream is not well supported by the better half, but if this job I have now keeps going in the direction it has been she may not have a choice in the matter.
OK guys lets hear from the rest of you about branching out.
Oh before I forget, Philly has a big system set up For Hotdog carts. I guess collage kids and such run them. Trucks and Suv's and such go around with 2 or three hooked on the back and drop them off. The kids run them and then when its time the trucks come back around and pick them up. Sounds to organized and corporate, what do you think?

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

can't b 2 bad u never stopped by 4 an application ???

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Bomber ???? Stopped by where for what application?

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

my work

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Rise from the ashes stories ?

I spent 20 years as a well paid electrical engineer and manager. Good reviews, good pay raises, good promotions, various recognitions through 6 or 7 different bosses.

Long story short - best I can figure, my last boss didn't appreciate my "frank" attitude - got called in for my first annual review with him, and got canned. No warning, no reason given, just "you'd be happier someplace else" (I'n not a complainer, by any means. Company man all the way)

Decided, enough was enough. If 20 years of dedicated service, with missed kids birthdays and christmas plays, and weeks away from home could come crashing to an end at some @$$#@!&$'s whim, I was NEVER going to put MY fate in someone elses hands.

Spent unemployment time putting together everything I could for my business. Started out working 'crippled' - cheap tools, etc. Now, I'm in my 6th year doing high-end custom woodworking ( & I do not make as much as I did working for "the company", but I also have zero commute, dictate my own schedule, and have gotten to know my youngo top it offest kids.

(To top it off, my wife got 'downsized' just as my unemployment was running out. She and a fellow worker started their own thing up as well and are now doing quite well also)


Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Sorry to hear this Bob,but i am sure you are a hard worker & you will find another job quick as lighting ;D

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Good attitude're absolutely right! You'll never get rich working for another man's money. Wealth comes through personal effort, self-sacrifice and wholehearted dedication into something you're good at and enjoy.

I liked your websites, pretty kewl. Tim

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Hi... :( This is Joe From New York, I am sorry to hear that you are not (working) My ( BOSS) Let me go 2 weeks be for Christmas and when he KNEW my wife was in the hospital very sick too! It's now Feburary and I hope to find a job soon. >:(

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Lost my job 11-30-06 the place closed down.At my age its going to be rough but might have a job as a park ranger.Imagine if one of you guys come in the park and try to MD i will look the other way :D

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

AA,and the rest of y'all,don't give up.When you least expect it,something will show up. I went back to work about a month ago.Got a call out of the blue.Said come in for interview,when I got there they had all the paper work ready for me.Sign here,start tomorrow.I was in shock.
So,hang in there!!

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Boy, and I thought I was all alone.
I've been out of work for 2 months and I'm about to go sell myself on a street corner.
So, looking at my mug do you think I could make a go of it??


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Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

I think you would have the corner AND the street all to your self. :o

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

I just had to add my 2 cents to this thread I just came across today. I too have been out of work for quite some time now and the situation is getting pretty desperate. I'm in my mid 50's and it seems that I no longer have any value to the corporate world.

Most of my working years was spent freelancing and running my own photo and graphics businesses but since I went bancrupt a few years ago it has been a donward spiral. I love to do photo restorations, you know, when you have an old family photo and it is torn or creased or faded or otherwise damaged I scan it into photoshop and bring it back to life.

But most businesses see me as a dinosaur, my skills are not up to date and basiclly they don't want me because I am too old. I set up a website on blogspot because I can't afford a real website but it doesn't generate anything because I don't have the money to advertise it and even if I did I don't know how.

All I have is my computer and my Photoshop, and it won't be too much longer and I'll have to cancel my internet connection. I'd do it all day long if I could I just don't know how to recover from this place I'm in.

I love treasurenet because it gives me hope every time I read about someones finds, maybe I'll find something too. Don't want to bring y'all down so I'll shut up now.


It could be worse...

you could be living in this craphole of a city, Flint, MI. Not only is the economy the worst in the country, but it is so crime infested, that a person would be safer in Iraq.
I have just a good enough job to survive, but not enough to get out of this city. Here in Flint, MI, you can't walk to the end of your block safely. Every chance I get, I grab the trusty MXT and head out of town, just to relax and not worry about getting killed by the thugs that run this city. Flint, MI "was" the prosperous beautiful motor city, now it's the drug infested "projects".

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

you could be living in this craphole of a city, Flint, MI

I do Jeff, I live in Muskegon, Michigan

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

I spent a lot of time in you guys neck of the woods back when I was a feild service eng. cool WWII sub outside of Muskegon, used to hang out at the Plush pony lounge in Flint they had a $6.00 prime rib on Thurs. night. I don't ever remember those areas being very prosperous must be bad now. With the auto industry in the crapper it's got to be hard on the whole state. hang in there something is bound to break for you.

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Wow! How cool, small world. I remember the Plush Pony.

This entire state has went right-down-the-tubes, with the exception of some small areas. One of my favorite places is Grand Haven, MI. That is one beautiful city.

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

pokerbear said:
I too have been out of work for quite some time now and the situation is getting pretty desperate.. . .

Most of my working years was spent freelancing and running my own photo and graphics businesses but since I went bancrupt a few years ago it has been a donward spiral. I love to do photo restorations, you know, when you have an old family photo and it is torn or creased or faded or otherwise damaged I scan it into photoshop and bring it back to life.

. . .

All I have is my computer and my Photoshop, and it won't be too much longer and I'll have to cancel my internet connection. I'd do it all day long if I could I just don't know how to recover from this place I'm in.

Not to add salt, but seven years ago the company I worked for went down (bought by Kodak for it's customer base and closed). Anitec, was GAF, was Ansco, was Ansco & Scoville, was Scoville. The company that supplied chemicals, lenses and plates to Mathew Brady for those Civil War images.

We were killed because guys bought digital cameras and Photoshop instead of nitrate emulsions, acetate base films, emulsified papers and analine dyes. Your business put us out of business after 150 years (120 years of operation at the Binghamton plant I was at).

But, something will come up. I went to work at Manpower for a huge pay cut (I went from manager of A/P and G/L to an entry level A/P clerk), took ANY job that was offered and eventually worked back up to where I was over the last six years or so.

And now I'm working for a company that has been labeled a "discontinued operation" by the parent company. Time to dust off that resume. Sucks, but what guarantee did our ancestors have 60,000 years ago that food would be on the table the next week?

Re: This stinks I'm unemployed

Now I really do feel bad :(

I started out in film had a studio and a darkroom, used kodak chemicals and paper, but alas, the handwriting was on the wall, if I wanted to survive I would have to switch over to digital, so I learned Photoshop and bought one of the first Digital Cameras, a Kodak hybrid, big thing, cost $10,000.00

I think life used to be simpler.

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