Yep. I joined PCGS just to get some coins graded. They give you 8 "free" submissions for I believe it is about $180 or so. Out of those 8, 6 came back as "cleaned" with no $ returned. This scam should be reported to the better business bureau or a consumer fraud division. For what they call "an opinion" they can say they tried to grade your coin and gave you their professional "opinion". SO, they can basically use their "opinion" to justify stealing all of your money without grading or encapsulating your coin. I still think that you should pay for this "opinion", but not full price as you would for full encapsulation. This should be half service = half charged.
Here's my emails to PCGS: Let them know what you think!! Perhaps we can get their thinking re-arranged.
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 11:19 AM
To: Customer Support
Subject: Submissions
I recently submitted 6 coins for grading. Of the six I submitted, 4 came back as "cleaned". Some of these I would defer to the experts, but one coin in particular (a 1932-S Washington Quarter) I have had in my collection for over 35 years. After looking at it intensly with a very fine loop, I am convinced it has never been cleaned. The mint mark is slightly dented, but it can still be determined to be an "s". Do you sometimes just put "cleaned" on something you don't believe is worth grading? I am distressed that you can charge $30 x 4 to send back more than half my coins, and walk away with the extra cash! I have heard that you would argue that this is for the time it takes to determine that the coin is "ungradeable", but then does that mean that you are giving the encapsulation capsule, and the time it takes to label and put this all into the capsule for free? Certainly not. I feel that if you are going to reject coins, the fee charged should be half of what it is presently, since you are actually doing half the work. I cannot afford to be sending coins to PCGS when half of them come back "cleaned". Of my first 8 "free" submissions, I think six of them came back rejected. In this case, I did not know that you would charge for rejections, or I would have been more careful. In the case of these last coins, I did not beleive they had been cleaned and have no way of telling short of just looking for scratches on the coins which I did not see even with a powerful loop. You have made me afraid to get any coin graded at this point for fear that PCGS will once again just walk off with my $ and send me back a nice blue case with a plastic envelope in it for $30 per coin plus postage and ins. fees. Many coins are cleaned these days and this is such an arbitrary thing to say about any coin, that this must be your best moneymaker. I admit, that I am impressed with your standards, but at the same time, I have seen dealer coins that were obviously slabbed by PCGS that certainly had obvious cleaning yet were graded and encapsulated.
I am fearful to send any more of my coins to PCGS because it is such a "crapshoot", even on the ones that I would swear have never been cleaned. I am not new to numismatics, but will be sure to tell all others that I talk with about the "true" way PCGS works. To say I am disgusted is an understatement.
From: Cassi East []On Behalf Of Customer Support
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:53 AM
To: ################
Subject: FW: Submissions
We don?t call coins cleaned arbitrarily. If we determine it has been cleaned, that?s what we call it. If it is ungradeable for a different reason, we state the correct reason. Just because a coin has been in one collection 35 years does not preclude it from being cleaned. Coins were cleaned in the late 1960s and early 1970s too. In fact, it was more prevelant then, because the dangers were not as widely known.
We don?t ?walk off? with people?s money. You are paying for an opinion, and that?s what you?re getting. We would actually prefer to put coins in our holder than not.
Mike Sherman
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply. I do understand what you are saying, but many of these coins sold today have been dipped or otherwise cleaned in such a way that it is not blatantly obvious to the coin collecting consumer. My point being that, yes, PCGS is giving an "opinion" too. Your "opinion" might be more scientific than mine, but just the same you are charging full price for the privledge of that "opinion" and making extra money by not encapsulating the coin (plus the labor involved) too boot. Hence, you are getting double value for your "opinion" and the customer is getting just the "opinion" for the same price he pays for an encapsulated and graded coin. I'm sure PCGS will not lower a "money making" standard such as this. I just see it as "giving back" something to the consumer who supports your industry, not "biting the hand that feeds it". A half fee for non-encasulation would show "good will" towards your customers and possibly even bring in more customers when they found out that you were not out to gouge them. Admittedly, an "opinion" is valuable, but come on, let's be realistic and see the whole picture. Customers are what has made PCGS. Without them, you don't have a business. I have a choice as a consumer, I just believe it's not right what the grading industry is doing these days. It's just my opinion, but feel free to bring it up at the next board meeting. I'm just a little guy in the whole scheme of things and I'm sure dealers take priority over us, but I would be submitting more coins as a litlle guy if I felt like it was worth a chance they "might" get encapsulated and if they didn't I could count on half of the regular fee to pay for the priviledge of a professional opinion.
I didn't even get a response back.
These people don't care, they are like a big auction site we all know of. Because they are the biggest, they don't give a flying leap what we submit.
Email them at and let them know your opinion!!!!