This is why we get a bad name, long story.....


Jr. Member
Feb 5, 2009
Was hunting this weekend two days at the same beach at different times in Jupiter, Fl ( I am posting the location for a reason). Saw another MDerist?? on the beach both days, smiled at him both days, hoping to say hello and convese for just a minute, NOTHING back. OK no biggie, continued doing my thing. Second day, same thing except this time there was another guy there, they talked for a minute to each other and parted ways. And before I continue, no I didn't find a thing!!!!!! Maybe they found it all. They both new what they were doing, had one had an excal, and all the gear gloves, pouches, scoops and dug and dug some spots for a long time. Anyway, guy from the first day digs, digs, and digs somemore, big hole. In the mean time I had met another guy that didn't have his detector and asked me if I had found any old nails or such. We started talking and he was very knowledgeable and actually gave me some great advice. So were both kinda watching this guy digging (by then my arm hurt so bad, tennis elbow except I don't play tennis I dig in the sand, and you guys that have this know what I am talking about, I call it diggers elbow Besides I couldn't take the beating from the ocean any more. So he digs this hole for a least 45 minutes and leaves, doesn't fill in the hole. My new friend and I are just looking at each other like are you kiddig me he left the hole, a deep hole. He was like a greedy little man, trying to get everything before anyone else. I put the location because if they read or post on this site, you know who you are. Anyway, still had a great time, trying a new machine, thats probably why I only dug alot of trash, still learning the sounds, tones and settings, I did find a quarter. HH

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Run into them everywhere.

I thought the water was off limits at Jupiter.

With gold as high as it is the crud crawls out from under the rocks to invade the beaches looking for a quick profit. They are not in this for the fun or sport. They also hunt property that is off limits to metal detectors.

It happens. Just fill in what you can. IF they leave trash, take that out too. I don't know what goes through hunters minds. All you can do is clean up after them. If you get confronted for not filling in holes left by some one else...just oblige to fill it in. I have before. Be friendly to anyone...including just might get free parking next time for picking out soda cans from the water. Hint hint.

I wouldn't call him "experienced" if it took him 45 minutes to recover a target. And I sure do meet alot of the unfriendly's along the way. Good for you posting about it.

Was not in the water, at the water edge, digging in a very rock area. Does anyone have any suggestion for the "diggers elbow" I mentioned above, really cutting into my time and hurts!!

4 Motrin on a full stomach and use other arm. Ice. Take a break. Figure out different ways to dig. Ones that don't put to much stress on your arm.

mommagpx said:
Was not in the water, at the water edge, digging in a very rock area. Does anyone have any suggestion for the "diggers elbow" I mentioned above, really cutting into my time and hurts!!

I usually run into at least one of these every time too.... Geared up like you wouldnt believe, and wont even give you a nod....
Just goes to show you that there are many arseholes in the world, and our community is no different...
The only holes I wont cover back in are small ones in the water... They seem to fill in pretty quick by themselves with the wave action.

finderzzs said:
I wouldn't call him "experienced" if it took him 45 minutes to recover a target. And I sure do meet alot of the unfriendly's along the way. Good for you posting about it.

Well that was me and It wasn't 45 mins it was around thirty minutes and the chest was so big I couldn't get it out. Now with the bull out of the way you will see that often enough and like Steve said many that don't even wave.....

mommagpx said:
Was not in the water, at the water edge, digging in a very rock area. Does anyone have any suggestion for the "diggers elbow" I mentioned above, really cutting into my time and hurts!!

There is a vitamin made by a company called "standard process". It is called cataplex acp. You can look them up on the net. This stuff works miracles on tennis elbow. I had tendonitis so bad, I couldn't stand to touch my elbow. I got these vitamins fron my chiropractor after he suggested I take them for my elbows. In just a few days, the pain was gone. It actually heals the connective tissue. If you can find some, try them. They work great. If you decide to try some and can't find them, I can give you the number to my chiropractor's office. They don't cost much either.

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