Well.........................some days are like that. I figure it's payback of time for all those great finds. You know we really only "make" about $1 / hr as TH'ers? It's the gold, old coins and silver that even out that $1 over the non-producing times.
Hi Onion,I am like you when I dig I go for all or go for nothing! But sometimes I put my machine on notch mode to go over the rusted stuff..So I probably miss stuff...Though I have done OK on that..This year I will be trying some new techniques...And I am still possibly going to by an water hunter machine that can pick up gold signals..Do you have any good suggestions? For the Wisconsin type of land scape and that type of metal detector would be good? I could use your professional insight on this idea.?
Hey Onion. It's a good thing your wife loves you...Throwing all that crap on the kitchen counter like that!!! And knowing you, it's probably 2 or 3 time a day! ~CO2
Onion. You are making my eyes water. Looks like the digs of most typical days in small town USA. You have the right plan though. That is the only way to success on most older sites unless they are cleared ground like Free looks for. Spotz
CO2, he's the ultimate recycler.coins to pocket, alum. to scrap bucket, dirt to compost heap. Jis wife is probably ok with it, she figures his hands fit around a broom and mop handle just like his BH. LOL
Thanx onion, I would love to be able to unearth that much trash in three hours! I dig all targets above iron, I guess I just need more practice with this new machine to locate my targets quicker! Thanks for the advice! 8)