this is probably a stupid question.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2013
I'm new to "more then recreational" gold prospecting. I want to build my own dredge 2 inch. Already have pontoons, frame ,hoses ,sluice Brace yourselves for the stupid question. When sucking up with suction nozzle. Not power jet. Does the gravel and rock travel through the pump? Or split off down a different hose. I would need like a strong trash pump or somethi g similar correct

your right , it was a stupid question.. do a little research first !!!! you have a computor, use it , google it .... search the website you are on.


C'mon Bill, He's doing his research online by posing an honest question to the helpful T-net family of good hearted prospectors. Sure he could have googled it but then he would of missed out on all the friendly camaraderie. :icon_thumleft:

Here ya go BigJoek.......Hope this helps.


ok goodguy maybe i was a little pointed ..... but, he knew it was stupid , but ask anyway because he is lazy... and my name is not goodguy , so i have nothing to uphold.


Actually I'm only on mobile version which limits the amount of searching I can do. Old grumpy guys. Could have just skipped on. Instead you had to put in the last word, thanks for your thoughts. Lazy is the last thing I am. By the way. Have a good night

Ask away I love this forum. I have gotten Advise on here that i felt like i should have paid for . I'd rather have a conversation with someone than google it anyway.


lol , i guess you called it with the grumpy old man , i guess i should just not post when i am in a pissy mood. pay no attention to grumpy of farts like me. we get over it soon enough. we are soon in a better mood. same thing goes to goodguy,sorry about that.

bill in costa rica

Actually I'm only on mobile version which limits the amount of searching I can do. Old grumpy guys. Could have just skipped on. Instead you had to put in the last word, thanks for your thoughts. Lazy is the last thing I am. By the way. Have a good night

ive always liked Bill in Costa i like him more..:icon_thumright:

What a classic example of life! Someone is in a poor mental location and reacts negatively to someone else, reminds me of myself. Then others take the time to say hey calm down. The person who reacted says oopps sorry and goodness shows up. Way to go people, good on ya!..........63bkpkr

I knew I liked this site for some reason

I've been asked that question several times over the years by people interested in how dredging works.

Not a bad question at all you just found out who to trust and who to ignore and by doing that you showed me who the real prospectors are not the ones that run ther mouth thanks and good luck with your dredge.

look jeff, i made a bad move !!!! i opened my mouth when it would have been better to keep it shut. you are more than a few days late in opening yours. get a grip !!!!!

bill in costa rica

Wow I can not beeleave this post is still active. I aint should not of posted this you are right. Can we all just get a bong.

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