Thieves !

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
🥇 Banner finds
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All Treasure Hunting
Though I won't pay more then $500 for a $100. bag of 90% because I Remember much lower Prices. & Would be Buying only as a Favor , even at that price :tongue3: I Don't Buy & Sell :coffee2:
I Find and sell , or Give it away to my nephew :tongue3:

But considering they Sell For Spot.
and some may even add a Premium when selling to the Public.
imo they should at least Offer $2000.
Silver: $28.93

that would still be a c$900. profit .

Seems to me that's a Hint Silver is Not Expected to Perform like Gold is, or they would Buy for $2800

Coin Shop's Said THIS When I Tried to Sell Them 90% Junk Silver!​


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Yeah unless you’re finding and selling,or holding for some time till rates go up. It’s usually a loosing situation. When u buy your paying spot plus premiums. When u sell back. They pay under spot. That’s the business part. Couple percent on the buy couple percent on the sell = income. Most public to public deals pay/buy 80%-90% spot….

It's the same with gold. You pay above spot, you sell below spot. That's just the way it goes, with metals and with just about any commodity. If you're playing it as an investment, you wait for market moves big enough to cover the buy/sell difference, just like with any other asset. If you're playing it as an inflation hedge, you wait for inflation to cover the difference (which, these days, won't take that long).

This is also mostly with business aspect view they depend on the buy/sell to stay in business.
i have and some do also. Is barter/ buy with metals. Private parties that appreciate the silver/gold. U can get more bang for the buck. My neighbors kid does my front yard. Gets paid in silver sometimes, or even gave him a goldback bill as a tip.. I might have broke even if paying him w cash. … but he loved it and i know hell save it….

in 2008 Platinum was $2,290 per troy ounce
now I think it's $959.64 .

Gold was $900 ish in 2008.. gold is $2425.43

They traded Values

1n 1999 When I was finding Gold Rings everywhere & Selling them , Gold was Under $300 :(

price of Silver was $5.00

I only Buy Gold & Silver for 1999 Prices :coffee2:
But No sellers Yet :dontknow:

1n 1999 When I was finding Gold Rings everywhere & Selling them , Gold was Under $300 :(

price of Silver was $5.00
Then both have outperformed inflation, at least by the official numbers. Those prices adjusted for inflation would be $587.24 for gold and and 9.79 for silver. Current gold pricing is roughly 6X that and silver is 3X. I can see why people would sell, but I think the long term will see higher prices for both of them. (I mean, why not? Everything else is going up like crazy...)

Silver doesn't move much right now because it is manipulated more than gold. It has many industrial uses that tend to keep the price down so electronics, and other products that use it remain affordable. That being said I still stack it some. It's never going to be a losing investment. At some point, if our current fiat currency continues its downward spiral into hyper inflation it will definitely be a good item to own. Look how much inflation has killed the paper dollar value in just the last 3 years.

Look how much inflation has killed the paper dollar value in just the last 3 years.
It's been going on a lot longer than that. (Source)


Though I won't pay more then $500 for a $100. bag of 90% because I Remember much lower Prices. & Would be Buying only as a Favor , even at that price :tongue3: I Don't Buy & Sell :coffee2:
I Find and sell , or Give it away to my nephew :tongue3:

Finally !! My long lost uncle as shown!!
do you need my updated ground addy?

But considering they Sell For Spot.
and some may even add a Premium when selling to the Public.
imo they should at least Offer $2000.
Silver: $28.93

that would still be a c$900. profit .

Seems to me that's a Hint Silver is Not Expected to Perform like Gold is, or they would Buy for $2800

Coin Shop's Said THIS When I Tried to Sell Them 90% Junk Silver!​


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