They found the missing nickles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rich, Rich, Rich.... do you really suppose that the heisters knew they were stealing a bunch of nickels? Could have been bags full of almost anything. I don't know what the Amurikan flag or the Dicklerayshin of Indeependance were make out of, but you need to take a closer look at the herbal vurietees of hemp and cannabis. Quite different actually, no matter which country they are grown in.

I believe George's falsies were bone. Human bone.

Free2Detect stated that the value of those nickels came to 180,000.00! WOW! That's a LOT of clad. Here I was worried sick over that one (1) nickel I lost at the beach last weekend trying to test/play with my MD. Great story!

Yes, Pirate, I agree with many of Rich's comments as well. What I was also saying is that the cannabis grown for hemp fibre is very low in THC, and knowledgable tokers would not waste their time on industrial grade hemp. There is a lot of hemp grown in Germany, Switzerland and Japan. Japan has over 4,000 hectares planted in hemp, a lot of which is about 50 km north of Tokyo, in one prefecture that is licenced to grow. It is becoming more noticeable in some countries, and it certainly is possible to obtain licences to grow hemp where the proper laws are in place. Maybe some day we will learn how to cope with drugs and drug laws in the U.S. and Canada, but I wouldn't count on it in the near future. We are simply the most medicated society on the face of the earth.
Holy smoke, this is a long way from that great post about the nickels.

free2Dtect said:
I heard George Washington never smiled because of the stains on his teeth.

Sorry if i confused you,but i was talking about The King Of England at that,...... ;D

Pirate said:
i agree fully with the comments posted by rich.? ?They tried to ban alcohol but everyone saw the backlash it caused and it was quickly legalized.? ?Later a man invented a machine that made picking and mashing the pulp fibers out extremely easy, Just as he patented his tool a few major companies felt threatened by it namely the logging companies, oil,? and textile industries.? ? They were (still are) very powerful and have a say in way more than you can imagine.? ?MArijuana was made illegal and strange movies were made and shown to children to scare them.? These people are the ones in congress or their children.? YES the dec of ind. is written on hemp, it makes an extremely durable fiber.? Fact:? 1 acre of marijuana and 10 acres of trees = the same amount of newspapers!? ? 10 acres of trees take 50 times longer to reproduce efficiently.? tree fibers are millimeters in length whereas hemp fibers are the entire length of the plant, 3-20 feet.? Vikings made rope from hemp that can still be found intact today, as well as the oldest natural mummy wore hemp shoes.? I in no way advocate marijuana smoking nor am I in any way against it.? I find it to be a nuetral subject at best, my problem is with the very expensive and impossible "war on drugs" and the GOvs lack of understanding of the intense benefits in the manufacturing and processing of hemp products.? Just my crust over date 2cents, Pirate

Hey now thats a good post!.....i didnt want to go in to that many details though,.....also i do not advocate the use,but the war on drugs is pretty much a war on the people theres always a ship or plane landing and its a never ending supply pretty much,Id say legalize the herb but have very strict rules about use and such "like alcohol laws/21 to drink etc etc"
\,its USz biggest cash crop,farmers now are turing to growing this plant do to the goverments trade laws "WTO",and also that they can get over a hundered grand a acre "twice a year",versus growing corn or wheat at 5 grand a acre.....

ill post more about this in the next reply-----thanks,no i dont advocate the use of this material aswell,nor use it........ ;)

Boardwalker said:
Yes, Pirate, I agree with many of Rich's comments as well.? What I was also saying is that the cannabis grown for hemp fibre is very low in THC, and knowledgable tokers would not waste their time on industrial grade hemp.? There is a lot of hemp grown in Germany, Switzerland and Japan.? Japan has over 4,000 hectares planted in hemp, a lot of which is about 50 km north of Tokyo, in one prefecture that is licenced to grow.? It is becoming more noticeable in some countries, and it certainly is possible to obtain licences to grow hemp where the proper laws are in place.? Maybe some day we will learn how to cope with drugs and drug laws in the U.S. and Canada, but I wouldn't count on it in the near future.? We are simply the most medicated society on the face of the earth.
Holy smoke, this is a long way from that great post about the nickels.

Yes there are alot of differnt types of THC producing plants such as - Indica,Rudiless,sativa ,where your comment comes in on HEMP,.....
Alot of people dont know about Hemp in the US to pretty much they have been lied to,.......Hemp is one of the oldest and most used fibers since the dawn of mankind,.....
heres a factoid for ya's=
Ben Franklin - yup save a penny a day man also smuggled Cannabis Indica seeds out of what was known as turkey at the time...,a strange fact but true...
G.Washington and Tom Jeff- bolth of these guys were token,but also improving the science of farming in general,all due to hemp,and Tom jefferson made a VAST AMOUNT of scientific improvements to basic farming of Wheat Grain rye ,corn,etc etc that if it wasent for hemp then ....... not even gonna bother,cause alot know

The drug war on the other hand is a good and bad thing,
#1- its a war on the people,and the world......
#2- No Marijuana does not come from Mexico nor down soulth "pana red etc etc/lol",but infact grown in the good old U--S--A and are northen cousians,.....
#3- Legalize cannbis use,and work on solving the more harmful drugs problems like TOBACCO,ALCOHOL,HEROIN,COCAINE and so on.educate the people instead of inprisoning them which is a big corprate scheme,....Im not condoning the use of the material nor am i a advocate of its use or anything i said above,im just stating facts.....just the

also attached is a picture i found on the web,now to all you old tokez--- its not no mexi schwag anymore,no seed nor hardly stem,just bud!/ if you belive in god then god made all the plants on earth......or i think the good book said that?;.....hmmmmm ;) ;D


  • Whitelight product.webp
    Whitelight product.webp
    16.1 KB · Views: 943
hey anyone have a Nickle Bag?,had to throw that in......... ;)

Heres the numbers! or as Sgt. Friday would say " Just the facts."


3,600,000 nickels

18,000 days at 200 digs per day

49 + years at 365 days a year

Wow that a lot of nickels!

Ed Donovan

ecdonovan said:
Heres the numbers! or as Sgt. Friday would say " Just the facts."


3,600,000 nickels

18,000 days at 200 digs per day

49 + years at 365 days a year

Wow that a lot of nickels!

Ed Donovan
Hey Ed, you left out one detail.
You know the one about 15 pulltabs for every nickle. ;D

Pirate said:
PS yes I know this is so far off topic its not funny but? :P

I wouldnt say off topic at all!.....agree withya 100% also,......
But some catagorize the herbz as a serious narcotic such as coke or well you,but the oil barons and paper barons are the ones who keep this plant from being legalized due to the amount of money the companies would loose because of it,...No its not a gateway drug,if ya call it that then soda is aswell as candy or coffee...,Also if you belive in the good book "no offense to anyone or on thier beliefs" but it says god put all the plants on earth....Hmmmmmmmmmm......

Columbus should be considerd a mass murder aswell as Cortez!,I also agree about the Native Americans!,But some truth to the matter is that some land was traded for FAIRLY!,and not with beads noe firewater etc etc,but with gold and such,and also i feel that all the complaining about the Indian tribes owing casinos are seriously nonsense,The Native Americans were givin a small plot of reservation land and should be owed more than a few casinos...

As for slavery-- Im personaly sick of the "race card",weather black,white,Indian etc etc,at some point in history ALL races were inslaved in some fasion!.....
Witch Trials - In the Us as well in Europe was mass brainwasing of a religon,but in Europe it was Rye Egrot that made the people act like somthing from a old movie/witch s etc etc,that was the effect of the Rye Ergot "mold" that is similer to LSD......

but good point there Priate........ ;)

Rich said:
i would never call a cannabis user a druggie....marijuana has been used since the dawn of man......,the US Decliration of Independence Is written on Cannabis,and also the first US flag is made of it....,
It was mandatory to grow it by King Geroge under Brithish Imperilsm,.....or you got your land snaged from you....
and during WW1 and WW2 it was mandatory for some farmers to grow thier share for the goverment.....
Henry Ford even made hemp fiber car,also ran on hemp oil....which still to this day would blow away MPG on the latest new car....
plus in todays market Cannabis/herb is worth its weight in gold per ounce - now wouldnt you grow it?.......i would if i could,.....also smoke it.....

A shame is when Heroin is cheaper than a pack of tobacco sticks,and cocaine is still shipped in via fed Ex,......but herb---its grown right here in the good old USA! not from our neighbors down soulth.....
? ?

yes it was dumb to bury nickles in your herb feild but also why rip off a truck of Nickles reguardless of dollar amount? -? I dont even think they were ripped,they were just really dam dumb!.......

? ? ?my 5 cents worth.... :o

Dude you're out there...... ::)

hey does this count as treasure, i found this stuff while metal detecting in the mountains,


  • twin towers.webp
    twin towers.webp
    17.2 KB · Views: 893
anyways dont get all excited all as im legal and at the time of the photo the supreme court hadnt made any rulings on the sb 420 laws and all but its all good. even if ya dont find some treasure this stuff will keep ya dreamin lol

Hey Gubetube my mom used to have a plant that looked just like that.... hey wait a minute lol!

I always used to bug her about what type of plant it was and she would say it was a vine of some sort. But everybody remembers back in the 80's mid to late ish when the police would come to school and educate the kids on drugs. I wonder how many kids said
"My dad has a whole bunch of plants just like that in the back field" lol. Anyway I always knew what it was and I just told her not too long ago, she just about fell over laughing because she was scared to tell me. I made sure to ask her at least 2-3 times a year when I wanted to bug her lol.

I don't think she was growing nickles but I think there was a few dimes in that pot.

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