Boardwalker said:
Yes, Pirate, I agree with many of Rich's comments as well.? What I was also saying is that the cannabis grown for hemp fibre is very low in THC, and knowledgable tokers would not waste their time on industrial grade hemp.? There is a lot of hemp grown in Germany, Switzerland and Japan.? Japan has over 4,000 hectares planted in hemp, a lot of which is about 50 km north of Tokyo, in one prefecture that is licenced to grow.? It is becoming more noticeable in some countries, and it certainly is possible to obtain licences to grow hemp where the proper laws are in place.? Maybe some day we will learn how to cope with drugs and drug laws in the U.S. and Canada, but I wouldn't count on it in the near future.? We are simply the most medicated society on the face of the earth.
Holy smoke, this is a long way from that great post about the nickels.
Yes there are alot of differnt types of THC producing plants such as - Indica,Rudiless,sativa ,where your comment comes in on HEMP,.....
Alot of people dont know about Hemp in the US to pretty much they have been lied to,.......Hemp is one of the oldest and most used fibers since the dawn of mankind,.....
heres a factoid for ya's=
Ben Franklin - yup save a penny a day man also smuggled Cannabis Indica seeds out of what was known as turkey at the time...,a strange fact but true...
G.Washington and Tom Jeff- bolth of these guys were token,but also improving the science of farming in general,all due to hemp,and Tom jefferson made a VAST AMOUNT of scientific improvements to basic farming of Wheat Grain rye ,corn,etc etc that if it wasent for hemp then ....... not even gonna bother,cause alot know
The drug war on the other hand is a good and bad thing,
#1- its a war on the people,and the world......
#2- No Marijuana does not come from Mexico nor down soulth "pana red etc etc/lol",but infact grown in the good old U--S--A and are northen cousians,.....
#3- Legalize cannbis use,and work on solving the more harmful drugs problems like TOBACCO,ALCOHOL,HEROIN,COCAINE and so on.educate the people instead of inprisoning them which is a big corprate scheme,....Im not condoning the use of the material nor am i a advocate of its use or anything i said above,im just stating facts.....just the
also attached is a picture i found on the web,now to all you old tokez--- its not no mexi schwag anymore,no seed nor hardly stem,just bud!/ if you belive in god then god made all the plants on earth......or i think the good book said that?;.....hmmmmm