The worst things to bring on a camping trip or a hike

I agree, only in desert or extremely dry, arid areas do I carry water. A lifestraw or other water purifier will suffice. I will however carry a canteen or bladder to carry a small amount of water. Also canned foods can be extremely heavy and should be avoided except on short hikes. I carry dried or dehydrated foods along with coffee or teas for drinking, and trail mix or dried fruit and nuts for on the go snacking. Good Luck. rockhound

The last couple of years I've been using a SteriPen Journey. Usually take a couple of coffee filters with me to pre filter anything visible, then use the SteriPen.

When my brother and I started hiking in the hills, we tried Lanterns, too heavy, went to D cell flashlights, too heavy, finally went to AA's flashlights. Having to carry it all day, to use at night means it has to be light to carry. 2 each with spare batteries, that way when the batteries died, it was get the other flashlight and then replace the batteries in the dead flashlight. It is really hard to see at night with no moon.

Well this wasn't me, but while packing for a weekend camping trip I caught my then girlfriend packing a blow dryer and curling iron. After explaining that there wasn't going to be any electricity out there, she got a sheepish look on her face and put them back in the bathroom.

I always pack the the absolute minimum. Being ex-infantry I know it's important to keep it light as possible.

Boots that are just a tiny bit too small. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

Portable A.C. unit...
Sleep Number bed...
And Swimming pool...

They are a pain when camping... :P

Bottle of Yukon Jack.
Your ex girl friend (don't ask)
Anything that requires a microwave...

Best things to bring.
Toilet paper.
Bottle of Yukon Jack.
Your ex girl friend..... ....:laughing7:

Bottle of Yukon Jack.
Your ex girl friend (don't ask)
Anything that requires a microwave...

Best things to bring.
Toilet paper.
Bottle of Yukon Jack.
Your ex girl friend..... ....:laughing7:

I'll second this! I'll add.... Any kind of alcohol(depending on where your camping) I've "heard" of people drinking too much and getting lost less than 100yrds from camp in the brush and briars, waking up in the morning after sleeping(?) in the dirt,leaves, and briars!

NOW, I've never actually seen(or maybe double) it in person! But I heard about this happening! :laughing7:

Probably one of those guys(in his younger years) that gets to go camping with a few girls, and is the only guy in the world that ends up sleeping in the briars all night! Go figure! Ever hear of those kinda people? Shheeeesh

Seriously though! One thing to consider not taking in the woods or on a hike if going to be out a few days?

Car keys! This has happened to me and 2 friends over the years! You are so use to setting them down. Then when going through your pack or setting up camp,changing, they some how grow legs and run off! Hide them under your vehicle somewhere when no ones looking..Has happened canoeing too! Maybe was already mentioned, I didn't read whole thread.

It's the worst thing to just be ready for a shower, and push to get to your vehicle when you've had enough adventure for a few days, and NO KEYS!!!

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Oh yikes @nitric , the thought of leaving keys terrifies me.

And alcohol is a terrible idea, as well ex partner of any stripe.

Ha, this ones easy. Camping is our thing and my wife and I have a system for all the different types of camping we do throughout the year and are usually very organized and streamlined but......... when we go with a group, or the kids (who by the way are all grown with their own families) my wife/nana feels it is our obligation to take quadruples of everything possible incase somebody needs or forgets something. I remember one trip last year where I counted a dozen camp chairs! Oh and radios, and DVD players in case the grandkids get bored (pfft-give me a break!), and "Floaties" and extra sleeping bags, and pilllows, and blankets, and thingamajig camp decorations, and games, and extra fishing poles and our water "cuz it tastes better", and............well you get the idea! LOL

fowledup, wow sounds like you either have or need a huge truck for everything. lol

Well this wasn't me, but while packing for a weekend camping trip I caught my then girlfriend packing a blow dryer and curling iron. After explaining that there wasn't going to be any electricity out there, she got a sheepish look on her face and put them back in the bathroom.

I always pack the the absolute minimum. Being ex-infantry I know it's important to keep it light as possible.
EXACTLY! Same thing, but mine added (I kid you not!) a whole drawers worth of makeup!?!? Enough to cover everyone at a miss America pageant. Told her every bug in 50 miles will come to her perfume & the kicker! Told her skunks will sneak up in the night to lick off makeup. The look on her face was worth millions!!!!

It always seems like I am preparing for wilderness survival the way I fill a backpack. My first choice was always a good pocket knife as that will provide all else for survival. The worst item? Chocolate. (Trail mix with M&Ms or anything with chocolate as an ingredient since it almost always MELTS... even in the ziploc bag.)

I like a little workout when I camp, but next time I will leave the 50 pound dumbells at home! :laughing7:


The worst thing to bring camping is the device that I despise more than anything on this earth...a cell phone.

(Trail mix with M&Ms or anything with chocolate as an ingredient since it almost always MELTS... even in the ziploc bag.)

You are supposed to eat all of that as you drive to the trail head. At least that's what I do! :laughing7:

Hi Joanne,

I like your plan.

When I go backpacking with friends I always bring safety equipment which I have never used thankfully! A friend on his first trip brought a 3 man tent, his shoulder strap broke half way on a 25 mile hike so we all ended up carrying his stuff since our shoelace fix wouldn't hold 80 pounds...

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