The Value Then?

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You don't already know this. what's your point.

Wrong. :laughing7: It's where I was going to go with that question that was to be the important intended subject of this thread. But as expected, "train wreck!" :laughing7:

bigscoop already know the answer to that question. We have discussed it before.

Wrong. :laughing7: It's where I was going to go with that question that was to be the important intended subject of this thread. But as expected, "train wreck!" :laughing7:

This is the listen to Scoop thread.Lol..same old,same old. Your right and everyone else is wrong. Gotcha,I understand, I train wrecked the thread, for telling the truth. Lol..I can back anything I say up. Using the key. I know Exactly, what to do. Justintime

This is the listen to Scoop thread.Lol..same old,same old. Your right and everyone else is wrong. Gotcha,I understand, I train wrecked the thread, for telling the truth. Lol..I can back anything I say up. Using the key. I know Exactly, what to do. Justintime

Ok....I hear ya, but so far, you've managed to turn a 3/4 million total into 3/4 million each in 31 receptacles? Franklin presented real math, real totals, as they would have been during the period in question. He even showed how he arrived at his conclusion. In other words, he was dealing in facts. So please, explain to us how you arrived at 3/4 million each, and 31 receptacles? Just explain to us, using facts, how you arrive at more then 3/4 million? All you keep saying is, "I know because i have the key".....but you fail to prove any of your conclusions beyond that, and by applying convenient twist to the wordings in the pamphlet. Heck, just prove the 31 receptacles? How did you arrive at that? How did you arrive at the total value of the two deposits?

From this you willbe enabled to carry out the wishesof all, by distributing the portion of each to theparties (Designated). This will not be Difficult, as their residences are given, and they can Easily be (Found). Were does it say there was just two deposits. The total it never said (total). The two,deposits in cypher,lol..belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number 3, (Herewith),were the excavation or vault. There are several times on the key were it says DECLARATION,the DECLA, and N, are removed, leaving the word RATIO, then with multi helping words. You have no idea what I've seen,mind Blowing. The cipher said the articles belonged to the parties, never said this is all, or this is total. the accumulations of each One to be placed in a Common Receptacle,and each entitled to an equal share, Whenever he chose to withdraw it-all ready separated ,and will be easily Found. Justsayn,Justintime

From this you willbe enabled to carry out the wishesof all, by distributing the portion of each to theparties (Designated). This will not be Difficult, as their residences are given, and they can Easily be (Found). Were does it say there was just two deposits. The total it never said (total). The two,deposits in cypher,lol..belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number 3, (Herewith),were the excavation or vault. There are several times on the key were it says DECLARATION,the DECLA, and N, are removed, leaving the word RATIO, then with multi helping words. You have no idea what I've seen,mind Blowing. The cipher said the articles belonged to the parties, never said this is all, or this is total. the accumulations of each One to be placed in a Common Receptacle,and each entitled to an equal share, Whenever he chose to withdraw it-all ready separated ,and will be easily Found. Justsayn,Justintime

"Two deposits" all else is speculation without any evidence whatsoever. You were not chosen and there is no DOI map/key. This was apparent long ago. :icon_thumright:

lol, bigscoop of nothing, act on what you think, Ill act on what I,know. I have shown,more than most. What you say is Fact, everything else is not, lets see
So, hold on to your false info-fact, goodluck. Your the train wrecker. Your not as smart as you, think u Are.

Ilets see somr of the rings from the tally. I don't believe you found all in 2012, prob, bought them.

3/4 million,per person sounds far. Can't read one thing,totally focus it. Open up. I have no wants or needs,mine are filled. The truth, to conceal,is to reveal. Lol..PS math isn't allway right. There are many examples look it up. The story that is being told in Beale letters,isn't all literally true, a story for key holder, and to keep the story alive. Justintime8-)
This reminds me of a movie (it's a mad , mad , mad , world) You would get 3 points for first on the scene, 2 points for each member of your family and 5 points for finding the spot and oh what the heck! the first one there gets it all!

Ilets see somr of the rings from the tally. I don't believe you found all in 2012, prob, bought them.

See, just more speculation. :laughing7: Suppose you saw that in one of your visions, perhaps? I mean, really, in your own defense, is that the best you can do? Don't get angry, mad, frustrated, allowing your emotions to get the best of you. Just counter with something credible, that's all you really have to do. :icon_thumright:

Anyway, moving ahead....

It's interesting when you break the individual deposits down into separate amounts. The first deposit totaling roughly $280,000 and the second deposit totaling roughly $470,000. I did this same breakdown several years back because I wanted to have this knowledge in case these amounts might pop up again during my research.

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