From this you willbe enabled to carry out the wishesof all, by distributing the portion of each to theparties (Designated). This will not be Difficult, as their residences are given, and they can Easily be (Found). Were does it say there was just two deposits. The total it never said (total). The two,deposits in cypher,lol..belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number 3, (Herewith),were the excavation or vault. There are several times on the key were it says DECLARATION,the DECLA, and N, are removed, leaving the word RATIO, then with multi helping words. You have no idea what I've seen,mind Blowing. The cipher said the articles belonged to the parties, never said this is all, or this is total. the accumulations of each One to be placed in a Common Receptacle,and each entitled to an equal share, Whenever he chose to withdraw it-all ready separated ,and will be easily Found. Justsayn,Justintime