The Top Five Decoded Cipher Claims

Since this person is NEVER mentioned in the BEALE PAPERS, what is the source of Willis's son-in-law being a member of the Beale Party when there exists NO RECORD or mention of this perilous expedition outside of Ward's fictional dime novel pamphlet?

That is a little side expedition search of my very own. Even though there is no evidence of an expedition. I have certain facts and maps that could lead to the treasure's location if in fact the story turns out to be true. All of this has something to do with Clayton Hart. You do know Clayton Hart did a manuscript about the Beale Treasure? I have not been able to find a copy, yet?

That is a little side expedition search of my very own. Even though there is no evidence of an expedition. I have certain facts and maps that could lead to the treasure's location if in fact the story turns out to be true. All of this has something to do with Clayton Hart. You do know Clayton Hart did a manuscript about the Beale Treasure? I have not been able to find a copy, yet?
Nor have I...

You do realize that the BEALE PAPERS job print pamphlet is the ONLY account of this alleged perilous adventure and treasure, and NO collaboration outside of Ward's pamphlet exists.

... You do know Clayton Hart did a manuscript about the Beale Treasure? I have not been able to find a copy, yet?

Isn't that what brother George Hart used in creating THE HART PAPERS( Presenting details of an alleged burial of gold, silver, and jewels near Goose Creek, Bedford county, Virginia by Thomas Jefferson Beale and associates in November 1819 and December 1821) in the 1950's that got Pauline Innis involved with this tale?

Guys, I have a question..Why do you think Beale can freely roam those Areas? Also, why do you think he found a land to bury the treasure safely?

Guys, I have a question..Why do you think Beale can freely roam those Areas? Also, why do you think he found a land to bury the treasure safely?

You stated previously that the Beale Party gave the landowner one third of the treasure to bury and watch after the treasure. Now you say Beale found land to bury the treasure on safely? You need to follow a steady line as you are beginning to have your story bounce all over the place.

At first he Gave the landowners...Then the landowners toured him on their lands, many places which he saw unfit to bury the treasure..until he found that land...

which was also owned by them...

You stated previously that the Beale Party gave the landowner one third of the treasure to bury and watch after the treasure. Now you say Beale found land to bury the treasure on safely? You need to follow a steady line as you are beginning to have your story bounce all over the place.

Also, If I tell you something important would you help me on this? Since I think you got the 3rd page, I think only you could help me...

We could chat on Google Hangouts or facebook...

I am sorry but I do not have the time. I have a lot of personal things going on and I can not spare the time.

So who are the top five claims of decoded cipher that we know today?

Your thread was so flooded with argument that your original question was ignored

The code you speak about is not so much the written code that a "cryptographer" working on "Project J" would know much about

The basic code in the Beale was then complicated with different keys that were added to be used in conjunction with other parts of the mystery behind the KGC's so called plan for the Business Plot and the 3 World Wars that were planned by other members of their order. The pamphlet held a basic template that was used to derive information about their original Land Grab in Phoenix and the second affair at the Wounded Knee Reservation that was set up to harvest their Gold and Silver for the ponzi investments through the loans from the Standard Oil Trust and the Rockefeller Banking Cabal

If a code is what you are after, then find the out of place statements and misrepresented words and grammatical errors with the intentions of moving these keys into place in some manner with mysterious parts of the puzzle that are also patterned in some manner

The need for a discussion about the ENTIRE set of Perser Codes and other hints is definitely needed

One member showed a list of names from one cipher, but he refuses to even discuss his own discovery and how he wants us to believe he was smart enough to break the code for some he afraid of something? Or is it something he is going to write in a novel and doesn't want to spoil his big surprise?

I think he wants to carry his "secret" to the grave

Maybe it would be a shame on their families that they were both employed by these thieves and at the same time were killed off by their own organization during their last dump in VA on the way out of AZ......Maybe there are just too many problems trying to memorialize their involvement in this affair and make it into the lie of the century with only one part solved.....I think that is what it is all about TBH....We'll see if that is why, when we see his rebuttal.

This may be the actual solve of B3 but he has not addressed the dual use of that cipher to produce a template that shows their actual addresses or locations on a map that were known at the time to be part of a group that were continuing the affairs of the CSA

The entry of the numbers into a grid of a 66x99 space block produces some patterned oddities that when highlighted reveal specific locations that are the actual homes of the men involved

The Locality of the Vault is seen in B1, the other unsolved mystery.....with nothing to be able to locate it on the map, you were merely handed some general guidelines of a map of sorts from the descriptions of it originating in Bedford at Bufords and then it being about 4 miles from that location to the next set of clues....

As in B3 revealing a secondary layering (that is published by a Dr. Green), the B1 not only translates to the description of landmarks along the way, it coordinates with a Perser coded message that serves as a hint used to overlay the DOI in the area of Bedford to locate a final point along the trail

That will only lead you to their ceremonial grounds where the thoughts of men in cloaks burning crosses comes to mind, and where symbols of a certain type of map and carving from Bedford Basin is embedded in the terraformed design of the area

The B1's secondary map, like the layout of the properties of the men in the B3, shows there is no true way to prove that you have solved it unless you have the DOI.....

So taking the hint from the pamphlet here


You see the letters holding their capitalization are somewhat out of place and one of the commas, that are repeated over and over, as in how I am typing here, is missing....

This other statement at the end of the pamphlet is that hint mentioned to remind you about the key being found in a part of the pamphlet that is hosting an improperly capitalized letter with a single missing comma.....which denotes a pause, which is used to get you to stop for a second and take a closer look, rereading it again.

Beale Description2Puctillio.webp

The "false or idle punctillio" would describe something related to punctuation, and the letters seen being falsely attributed to something normally "Not" capitalized are combined together to spell SINJ......I believe that is the literal and appropriate interpretation of the papers and their mistakes, hinting at the nature of the men involved being not that educated.

Looking at Justintime's DOI you see the continued statements by him verifying that there was a test on the holes showing that there was a chemical used to literally burn a hole in the paper, so that it had been altered to show a specific shape of the opening, which coincidentally looked like the original outline of the borders of Bedford city limits on the map at the time.

That will only lead you to a location that was "farmiliar" to them.....the farms and the family of certain crew of Rebels of the KGC and previously armed soldiers of the CSA.

Now seeing all the codes being used you would think that the Pamphlet was the only thing you needed, but they were making sure that they were not going to be found, killing off their own men, and twisting a tale about their bodies being located in the deserts of Arizona, surrounded by their fraudulent Land Claims under James Reavis.

This being something of a mystery on it's own, the location of their mines was never known. They told you it was in Colorado, when in reality it was the measurement of 300 miles that led you to the West of Santa Fe right to the Superstitions, where 30 men were found dead in their movement away from the mines that they worked.

These were the missing men of the Perilous Enterprise that was spoken you can see in *******ized Spanish that they were in fact the same men


The stones show that there was only one word that was "Not" capitalized....once again matching the Beale Pamphlet's description

There is more "coincidence" too (being a favorite word of Beale deniers like ECS and BigScoop who claim there is no "provenance" in these assertions)

Matching the statements in the Beale about the dates of their adventure is a code at the bottom of the stones that reads

2=3-Mine Symbol-18-7

They were said to leave on a 2 year contract, leaving in the 3rd month of March, to find the mines, and mine for 18 months or more, as spoken in the Beale

Now if any of you "treasure hunters" can find a better translation of it I will fill your bank account with the gold from it......


As far as where the trail in Bedford leads you to, that is nothing more than a part of the story that is being told here, and is something that is LONG GONE.....

The men used these specific locations in Bedford and north of Montvale as two locations that were Underground Treasuries......the ones that were used for major political objectives like buying the Mercenary Cossack's that were used to murder the Tsar and his family, and organizing the men that killed the Archduke in Austria, to set up the world wars that were fought

These were the affairs of the original "Zionists" that plotted their course through a series of operations and set up a political stalwart organization in the US, attempting to control the population from being able to stop their affairs and monopolizing the lands of the Natives, in order to sell them back to the settlers that already had made their peace with the Natives

Now when these men were caught filing the claim of the Peralta Family in the 1880s they were made out to be the biggest criminals in the world at the time, with agents of the Union being sent all the way to Spain to investigate the claims that were made from them.

Their vaults were emptied and deposited in the banks of the Rockefeller Banking Cabal

Oh and @Cryptography

Isn't it funny what you can find in everyday objects holding acrostics in your coffee cup

CSS The Other Guys2010.webp

Now stepping into the next level of "Cryptography" you see that other people in their agencies are more than well aware of how these codes are made and are hiding their own secrets about their plans

Kryptos Keyword Anagram.webp

Here's a hint

The CIA is spawned from the OSS, which previously was created by men that were in the American Black Chamber of Herbert Osborn Yardley

The nature of Yardley's involvement in their organization was meant to be a part of something more like the continuation of these affairs that were some of the original clandestine operations of the US govt, and if you were able to take a look at the ciphers that Yardley handled and was familiar with, you would see his genius at work when you looked at the Roosevelt Death Card sent to FDR

The ciphertext immediately stands out as the NDOI hints at something In the DOI itself.....and the numerical coded sequences are something of a similarity that stands out as being a part of the book codes that are found there

Roosevelt-letters Ciphers Beale.webp

Jim Gilogly of the CIA was keen on recognizing something about the alphabetical sequence that was found in the Beale Ciphers and made mention of that fact being tied to the addition of a secondary layer.....Ken Bauman asserted that the reversal of the numbers and the direct read of them were found to be tied to this second layer of coding

When deciphered it leads to the second stash north of Montvale...where the other Bufords was made some time after the first in Bedford

Roosevelt 1936 Cipher BOX OE.webp

Your thread was so flooded with argument that your original question was ignored

The code you speak about is not so much the written code that a "cryptographer" working on "Project J" would know much about

The basic code in the Beale was then complicated with different keys that were added to be used in conjunction with other parts of the mystery behind the KGC's so called plan for the Business Plot and the 3 World Wars that were planned by other members of their order. The pamphlet held a basic template that was used to derive information about their original Land Grab in Phoenix and the second affair at the Wounded Knee Reservation that was set up to harvest their Gold and Silver for the ponzi investments through the loans from the Standard Oil Trust and the Rockefeller Banking Cabal

If a code is what you are after, then find the out of place statements and misrepresented words and grammatical errors with the intentions of moving these keys into place in some manner with mysterious parts of the puzzle that are also patterned in some manner

The need for a discussion about the ENTIRE set of Perser Codes and other hints is definitely needed
One member showed a list of names from one cipher, but he refuses to even discuss his own discovery and how he wants us to believe he was smart enough to break the code for some he afraid of something? Or is it something he is going to write in a novel and doesn't want to spoil his big surprise?

I think he wants to carry his "secret" to the grave
Maybe it would be a shame on their families that they were both employed by these thieves and at the same time were killed off by their own organization during their last dump in VA on the way out of AZ......Maybe there are just too many problems trying to memorialize their involvement in this affair and make it into the lie of the century with only one part solved.....I think that is what it is all about TBH....We'll see if that is why, when we see his rebuttal.

This may be the actual solve of B3 but he has not addressed the dual use of that cipher to produce a template that shows their actual addresses or locations on a map that were known at the time to be part of a group that were continuing the affairs of the CSA
The entry of the numbers into a grid of a 66x99 space block produces some patterned oddities that when highlighted reveal specific locations that are the actual homes of the men involved

The Locality of the Vault is seen in B1, the other unsolved mystery.....with nothing to be able to locate it on the map, you were merely handed some general guidelines of a map of sorts from the descriptions of it originating in Bedford at Bufords and then it being about 4 miles from that location to the next set of clues....

As in B3 revealing a secondary layering (that is published by a Dr. Green), the B1 not only translates to the description of landmarks along the way, it coordinates with a Perser coded message that serves as a hint used to overlay the DOI in the area of Bedford to locate a final point along the trail

That will only lead you to their ceremonial grounds where the thoughts of men in cloaks burning crosses comes to mind, and where symbols of a certain type of map and carving from Bedford Basin is embedded in the terraformed design of the area

The B1's secondary map, like the layout of the properties of the men in the B3, shows there is no true way to prove that you have solved it unless you have the DOI.....

So taking the hint from the pamphlet here
You see the letters holding their capitalization are somewhat out of place and one of the commas, that are repeated over and over, as in how I am typing here, is missing....

This other statement at the end of the pamphlet is that hint mentioned to remind you about the key being found in a part of the pamphlet that is hosting an improperly capitalized letter with a single missing comma.....which denotes a pause, which is used to get you to stop for a second and take a closer look, rereading it again.

The "false or idle punctillio" would describe something related to punctuation, and the letters seen being falsely attributed to something normally "Not" capitalized are combined together to spell SINJ......I believe that is the literal and appropriate interpretation of the papers and their mistakes, hinting at the nature of the men involved being not that educated.

Looking at Justintime's DOI you see the continued statements by him verifying that there was a test on the holes showing that there was a chemical used to literally burn a hole in the paper, so that it had been altered to show a specific shape of the opening, which coincidentally looked like the original outline of the borders of Bedford city limits on the map at the time.

That will only lead you to a location that was "farmiliar" to them.....the farms and the family of certain crew of Rebels of the KGC and previously armed soldiers of the CSA.

Now seeing all the codes being used you would think that the Pamphlet was the only thing you needed, but they were making sure that they were not going to be found, killing off their own men, and twisting a tale about their bodies being located in the deserts of Arizona, surrounded by their fraudulent Land Claims under James Reavis.

This being something of a mystery on it's own, the location of their mines was never known. They told you it was in Colorado, when in reality it was the measurement of 300 miles that led you to the West of Santa Fe right to the Superstitions, where 30 men were found dead in their movement away from the mines that they worked.

These were the missing men of the Perilous Enterprise that was spoken you can see in *******ized Spanish that they were in fact the same men

The stones show that there was only one word that was "Not" capitalized....once again matching the Beale Pamphlet's description
There is more "coincidence" too (being a favorite word of Beale deniers like ECS and BigScoop who claim there is no "provenance" in these assertions)

Matching the statements in the Beale about the dates of their adventure is a code at the bottom of the stones that reads
2=3-Mine Symbol-18-7
They were said to leave on a 2 year contract, leaving in the 3rd month of March, to find the mines, and mine for 18 months or more, as spoken in the Beale

Now if any of you "treasure hunters" can find a better translation of it I will fill your bank account with the gold from it......

As far as where the trail in Bedford leads you to, that is nothing more than a part of the story that is being told here, and is something that is LONG GONE.....
The men used these specific locations in Bedford and north of Montvale as two locations that were Underground Treasuries......the ones that were used for major political objectives like buying the Mercenary Cossack's that were used to murder the Tsar and his family, and organizing the men that killed the Archduke in Austria, to set up the world wars that were fought

These were the affairs of the original "Zionists" that plotted their course through a series of operations and set up a political stalwart organization in the US, attempting to control the population from being able to stop their affairs and monopolizing the lands of the Natives, in order to sell them back to the settlers that already had made their peace with the Natives

Now when these men were caught filing the claim of the Peralta Family in the 1880s they were made out to be the biggest criminals in the world at the time, with agents of the Union being sent all the way to Spain to investigate the claims that were made from them.

Their vaults were emptied and deposited in the banks of the Rockefeller Banking Cabal
Oh and @Cryptography

Isn't it funny what you can find in everyday objects holding acrostics in your coffee cup

Now stepping into the next level of "Cryptography" you see that other people in their agencies are more than well aware of how these codes are made and are hiding their own secrets about their plans
Here's a hint
The CIA is spawned from the OSS, which previously was created by men that were in the American Black Chamber of Herbert Osborn Yardley

The nature of Yardley's involvement in their organization was meant to be a part of something more like the continuation of these affairs that were some of the original clandestine operations of the US govt, and if you were able to take a look at the ciphers that Yardley handled and was familiar with, you would see his genius at work when you looked at the Roosevelt Death Card sent to FDR

The ciphertext immediately stands out as the NDOI hints at something In the DOI itself.....and the numerical coded sequences are something of a similarity that stands out as being a part of the book codes that are found there

Jim Gilogly of the CIA was keen on recognizing something about the alphabetical sequence that was found in the Beale Ciphers and made mention of that fact being tied to the addition of a secondary layer.....Ken Bauman asserted that the reversal of the numbers and the direct read of them were found to be tied to this second layer of coding

When deciphered it leads to the second stash north of Montvale...where the other Bufords was made some time after the first in Bedford
Where is any of this connected to James Beverly Ward acting as agent and publisher for the author of the 1885 BEALE PAPERS?
All you have presented is not in any way considered as "provenance", but clearly an example of mistakenly perceived connections between totally unrelated people and events fabricated into a clustering illusionary creation of proof of an unproven outlandish theory where NO actual connecting evidence exists.

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