The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Friday and Saturday we were back at the site.

We started in shallows, along the base line we have been working all summer.
We have been using the Lifeguard tower and the blue marking buoy we placed earlier this spring, where I believe our first solution hole begins. This area has been hit pretty hard by all of us over the past two decades and there is hardly even a fish weight to be found out here now! The “Tank” with its 34 inch blower and 500 horsepower 6-V92 can make quick work when the overburden {sand} is only 2 to 7 feet or so.
Our main goal was to photo document the sub bottom hard profile – so to “ground
Truth” and add some weight to the hypothesis I have been following since 2006.


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

True to form, the bottom came up quick and for the first 3 or 4 holes we only had about 4 feet between the bottom of the blower and the hard rock bottom. {When it is wavy in these types of diving conditions we call the blower the “cookie cutter”, because in a swell or a rogue wave from a sport fisherman running the inlet – it can bite you, big time!)


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

As we approached the drop off all of a sudden, things got interesting… Still hardly any artifacts but a number of “burn marks” where other salvers, including myself had found coins and other artifacts years earlier.
Then we hit the drop off! And the rocks! These picnic table size rocks actually form cave-like conditions at the drop off and you begin to think.”Oh boy, we are going to start finding some goodies” but remember this area has been hit very hard by some of the best divers in the business for over 20 years!


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Then we hit our first grotto!

Folks, this isn’t just a crack! When you see these you start hearing Chinese music and expect to have mermaids start to swim out of them!


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

No, that’s not a mermaid its my oldest daughter – who is using a rock for a weight belt!
Here I am swimming out of the grotto. Now I am the size of a small adult manatee so, this gives you all an idea how big this grotto is we dug out with the “Tank” at the ledge….
But other than memories…. No treasure…

We continued to enjoy the clean water and great diving conditions – while scouring the bottom for what ever we could find. On these type of dives you look closely for items others may have missed; like pottery chards or archaic native American tools. When you least expect it sometimes great photos are taken. Here is one I am fond of.


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Here are some more photos of Rod and I
in the deep holes - except for adventure, coming up dry
The other photo is of Yvonne, my great wife, dive buddy
and companion is sitting on my big lap, with my oldest daugter Lisa
sitting next to me.


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    C in hole Dive with Lisa 7-10 032.webp
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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Capt Dom, you already have your treasure. All that you bring up from the sea is extra.
Thanks for letting us view your adventure.

Good luck, Jeff

Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

diverj said:
Capt Dom, you already have your treasure. All that you bring up from the sea is extra.
Thanks for letting us view your adventure.

Good luck, Jeff


You have a good eye....

Thanks for noticing! You will be welcome aboard our vessel!

P.S. Its even better when you have a day like the
Gold Hound just did..... A great way to make the Queen's Jewels
Folks happy about their Quest

Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

July 13th was good for us! :hello2: :hello2:

We didn't quite find the first box of emeralds yet
Dale is attempting to direct us to but.... we got on the board!

Yvonne and I are going to grab something to eat
but here is a photo


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

We are going to take some close up of the coins....

One green quarter from 1981 and....
two chunky 8 Reales' :smileinbox: :smileinbox:
They are chunky coins - not razor blades :headbang:

We also recovered "Dad's Keys"!
They are encrusted enough to be from 1981 as well!

Take a look.... ::)


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Here are the two coins.
They are Mexican 8 Reales
Philip the 4th OMP Variety

I'm figuring you all know what a 1981 Quarter looks like!


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Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Beautiful coins ... You guys are living the dream, wish I was there :thumbsup:

Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

I agree ,that is living the dream big time. :icon_thumright:

Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

Awesome... Back on the treasure I see. Were you still going at the sink hole area or is this closer to shore? Looking forward to a break in the schedule to get back down and dive with you again! :headbang:

Re: The "Tank" is back at our Jupiter Shipwreck Site!

We try and get out year round depending on if the equipment
is all together.... the weather permitting, there is fuel in the Tank's tanks
and we aren't getting in each others space or way.

We have been at it since July 13th of 1987. A lot of sub contractors
have come and gone and worked under our JWI Federal Admiralty Arrest.
But make no mistake about it. The Jupiter Wreck belongs to JWI. Inc.
and its stockholders.
You refer to a tank so does that mean you're referring to your salvage boat and could it be called the bottom line with twin blowers on the back?

You refer to a tank so does that mean you're referring to your salvage boat and could it be called the bottom line with twin blowers on the back?
Captain Dom Addario passed away a few months ago. One of his salvage boats was called the Tank. The Bottomline is a totally different vessel.
This is The Tank.

The Bottomline


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