The Tale of two Brothers lost map of Corrigadors treasure.

Kanacki,,Crow and Doc-d,,,,

THANK YOU ALL,, for your replies to my inquiry.
This place IS on the "bucket list" along with quite a few more. The information provided by everyone who replied is a great start for me to do some more self learning.
Honestly,,, you guys are incredible in the scope of old / ancient knowledge. And guaranteed if we ever cross trails,, I would be the first to buy a round.


Hit / Fred

Mr Kanacki

Along with Crow, you are one of the few people on here that has the experience to go with the knowledge and skills regarding treasure hunting/researching.

I would like to ask you, if I may, what your views (if any) are on the Valverde Derrotero, Treasure of Lima (not the Cocos Island thingie - merely did it really happen?) and the Lost Adams Diggings?

The above stories are ones I have some interest in and have looked into them and they prove to be rather interesting and fascinating in equal measure.

Many thanks for any reply.

Hola Interested Party in UK

Thanks for compliment.

There are many questions inside this question. So I will answer accordingly.

Valverde Derrotero for me personally is too vague and open to many interpretation and the real treasure is living life my friend, not wasting time on some thing that will require a life time and still be no closer to the truth than the day you started.

"Treasure of Lima" is a very ambiguous term that has been connected collectively to many treasure legends over the years. You have to be more specific for me to give any answer justice.

"Lost Adams" Your guess is as good as mine. One thing that has always intrigued me is with all the abandoned mines in United States how does one, even if you actually find the diggings, effectively conclusively prove they are indeed the correct digging of legends? To me any such discovery will always be a contentious issue. Therefore a moot point.

For me there less famous legends out there that are rarely talked about that warrant further research.


Kanacki,,Crow and Doc-d,,,,

THANK YOU ALL,, for your replies to my inquiry.
This place IS on the "bucket list" along with quite a few more. The information provided by everyone who replied is a great start for me to do some more self learning.
Honestly,,, you guys are incredible in the scope of old / ancient knowledge. And guaranteed if we ever cross trails,, I would be the first to buy a round.


Hit / Fred

Hola Hindahed

Hardluck once told me learning the stories behind the legends are most rewarding of all. Researching treasure legends is like a magic carpet ride in the forgotten corridors of history and every small discovery is a page of enlightenment in the great book of life. Enjoy it and read it well my friend.


What is the name of the island that you speak of with the treasure behind the waterfall? For the record, should this happen to be a story/hunt that you are planning on pursuing in the future, I apologize for such a bold question. My intentions aren't to seek it out myself (not that simply saying that means much nowadays, unfortunately). I just enjoy the history behind these stories and love doing my own "armchair research"! Thank you in advance.

Either way, let me say "thank you" for all that you did in helping those who needed it after the typhoon hit the islands. Sitting here in Michigan, none of it directly affected me, however, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate and be emotionally affected by seeing people's lives destroyed and others, such as yourself, going out of their way to contribute to the survival & rebuilding of the affected communities. I will most likely never meet you, but if somehow our paths do cross one day, just know that you've got a beer on me coming your way (ok, ok...maybe it'll be closer to a FEW beers)! Cheers to you!

All the best-

Hola J.A.A

I think you would love being fly on wall at the bar of shame. Thank you once again for you compliment.

The islands of the Pacific are my home they are like old friends, each have their own stories to tell. I grew up as a westerner in third world country, I got to experience two worlds and saw the good and bad and everything in between. I feel more at home among native islanders in wide open spaces in wind sea and sky in a world without walls may friend. Than the modern luxuries we in modern lives take for granted than being locked into a apartment of big city where everyone has detached themselves away behind high walls from the beauty of world and each other.

For those who have turned their backs on their origins and forged ahead into strange lands you regain the strange compassion where practical to help others.

As for the waterfall? One of thousands throughout the pacific.


Sadly as this location is in complex negotiation I cannot reveal further details of the site as the tribe in question is very wary of outsiders and it takes many years work gain trust. Trust my friend is a priceless commodity.


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I completely understand and wouldn't ever want anyone to Jeopardize a commodity such as trust, especially when considering that the reason I even asked was just so I could cure a case of boredom as I laid on my couch! I hope the negotiations work out for you and that maybe one day we could find out what exactly was behind the falls! Regardless, please do continue with the tales of lost & untold treasures.

All the best-

Hello J.A.A

Some things in this world can be said others due various reason cannot. That said the song of the pacific as she sings many songs. The will be time enough for treasure legends.

Join me in a coffee?:coffee2:


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Gracias Senor Kanacki……..there is a huge world out there to experience and it is sad that so few step outside of their world to seek, live, experience…… is liberating…….you cannot understand what is out here by reading, or by taking a week or so vacation.
And it is true as Senores Crow and Kanacki have said; the big legends are a great stories that keep us entertained as well as learning from both successes and failures.
For me, the small, little know stories that one learns of only after spending time with the natives and as our wise old bird, Señor Kanacki has said, gain trust……and trust is something very precious and often hard to gain…….and it takes time……and with time, more of the stories come out, things become more clear……
And in truth, part of the treasure is the pursuit, simply living in a foreign land………and this is a treasure that cannot be lost.
Gracias mis amigos, vaya con Dios, viva Christo Rey

Hello Doc ya might like the old saying "if ya spent some time in other peoples cultures you begin to see in through their eyes." Time spent seeing through many cultures eyes is time well spent.


Hola Interested Party in UK

Thanks for compliment.

There are many questions inside this question. So I will answer accordingly.

Valverde Derrotero for me personally is too vague and open to many interpretation and the real treasure is living life my friend, not wasting time on some thing that will require a life time and still be no closer to the truth than the day you started.

"Treasure of Lima" is a very ambiguous term that has been connected collectively to many treasure legends over the years. You have to be more specific for me to give any answer justice.

"Lost Adams" Your guess is as good as mine. One thing that has always intrigued me is with all the abandoned mines in United States how does one, even if you actually find the diggings, effectively conclusively prove they are indeed the correct digging of legends? To me any such discovery will always be a contentious issue. Therefore a moot point.

For me there less famous legends out there that are rarely talked about that warrant further research.


Hola to you as well Mr Kanacki

Me thinks I can smell the fresh breeze, hear the gentle rolling waves and see the colourful flora and fauna whilst you tap away on your computer from here in damp, cold England...

But the adage; the harder you work the luckier you get, probably holds true for you.

Anyway, many thanks for your reply.

The Valverdo Derrotero/Llanganatis/Atahualpa's Ransom is a strange and mystifying one. I did some research on this and it appears that there was an actual derrotero but that it never left Quito. I found a text which stated that the actual site was not in the Llanganatis but just outside of Quito and that the hidden site was used by a Spaniard to collect gold which was then surreptitiously worked and gold smuggled into Quito to be smelted. It was the smelters who notified the authorities who then went after the Spaniard. This chap then made a run for it to Spain with his native wife. He also took with him some "trunks with personal items." On his deathbed in Spain he offered the King the location if he granted his living family there an estate. So the story goes. The text was dated from the 1830s so preceded Spruce's work on the subject.

With regards to the 'Treasure of Lima', I was referring to the alleged treasure that left Peru in and around 1820. I've discussed this with Corporate Investigations and it was/is an interesting one. I have come across various references that say a British Royal Navy officer actually made off with a load of valuables as there was a considerable presence off the coast of South America at the time. I am not sure if this alleged treasure got anywhere near Cocos Island. What I wanted to ask is, whether you believe that there really was a "Seven foot statue of Mary made of pure gold and other church treasures" that were really sent away on ships surreptitiously?

Could be an incredible hoard still waiting out there somewhere....

The Lost Adams Diggings is another equally enthralling/frustrating one, and I completely agree with what you say on this subject.

Question is matey, are you still 'up' for an active hunt?:thumbsup:

Hola Interested Party In UK

In regards to 7 ft statue of Virgin Mary? Interesting and well known tale been bandied about for years. But one has to ask which of the alleged 160 churches in Lima this fabled statue belonged to? Not counting the hundreds of other churches in regional capitals up and down the coast of south America? The problem is researchers in the past always looked at the "ONE"main predominate church in Lima. The fact is that church was technically never looted although some silver was stripped from the church to pay for the defense of Lima.There is many mus-perceptions about the treasure of Lima. Mostly brought on by poor research.

As for a British Naval officer sailing off with treasure? The trouble we have is a story with facts blended with fiction. Officers of many British navy vessels did for a time for a commission percentage transported huge amounts of money on behalf of wealthy merchants wanting to get there wealth out of south America after 1821. Before that the Country was effectively in a state of blockade by the early Chilean navy under lord Cochrane.. He himself sized money, to pay his rebellious crews who had not been paid for months from San Martin who in turn sized it off the Spanish during a negotiated settlement with the Spanish when he took Lima.

Many churches was looted on the coast of South America during that period during the war of independence before that date in the Power vacuum left from the Spanish unable to control the sea from about 1815 onwards to 1821. However the complexities of the events that took place back then would warrant a book in itself to explain. The best one however to ask would be hardluck. But these days he is very heavily involved in negotiations these days. And in answer to your question in short Yes.

As for Valverdo Derrotero/Llanganatis/Atahualpa's Ransom story. Interesting discovery of an 1830's story version. Indeed that really does requires more follow up some research. A Question springs to mind are both treasure legends connected? Or did the later legend feed off the earlier one?

As for an active hunt?

While I have not said no, I am prepared to take look a the devil in the detail of such a venture. However I am in no need for an unnecessary risk these days. As I have my own projects as well as business interests in some of trios. While for the up and coming young guns of this world they may not have much to lose for such ventures. Indeed there was a time the unholy trio once was in the same position.

However these days I on the other hand do. Having a large family 4 sons and 4 daughters, grandchildren and Large extended family. I am in some respects taken over as clan chieftain with various social and business commitments. Also various "Discreet"political connections groomed over many long years to consider. Any proposed Venture have to be carefully considered for its it impact and affect on my other projects.

As for damp cold England. It is hot here and sticky and nights are very humid. My home is built into the rain forest. As I type it is hot and humid at home I do not not always sleep on the "Drumbeat" while she is in harbour. I cannot complain exile to my island home has not been too drastic. I too and those other raggedy bums who lived for so many years on the fringe margins of society have done rather well for themselves flying under the radar as free as a bird, with various business ventures.

So you see why I am cautious in what projects I may involve myself in.




Its late and I am due for my daily massage and grandpa nap.


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Hello IPIU

Another thing Kanacki failed to mention the Drumbeat AKA "LOVE TUB" badly need a refit and needs a some sweet loving some deck planks as in various state of decay. A big job ripping and refitting new deck planks sealing and waterproofing the deck. The hull is still sound, but and endless war against corrosion. I just know when I visit him he have me working on the old girl in July.

Kanacki how is the engines going?


Hello IPIU

Another thing Kanacki failed to mention the Drumbeat AKA "LOVE TUB" badly need a refit and needs a some sweet loving some deck planks as in various state of decay. A big job ripping and refitting new deck planks sealing and waterproofing the deck. The hull is still sound, but and endless war against corrosion. I just know when I visit him he have me working on the old girl in July.

Kanacki how is the engines going?


Crow the engine are working well. The Port engine we had a hell of a time with it cutting out on occasion last year is rectified. Both engines my friend are Smick purring like a kitten.

The standby generator has been giving grief again. I had to pull it apart at sea.



Kanacki The Standby generator really needs to be stripped. Hows number 2 bilge pump? is it still leaking?



Cyclone Pam as we rode on the back of the storm we hit heavy weather and caught a strong blow. we lost forward hatch about 3 am and took a lot of water through the exposed hatchway number 2 bilge pump was leaking more water than what she was pumping. That combined with standby generator not working made a very crappy night. You know how it is your been there before you have series of small things that become a serious issue. Patrick did very well securing a temporary makeshift cover that reduced the amount of water entering the ship. As you know it nigh impossible to fix thing the the ship is violently pitching and heaving in near total darkness. Forward cabins got wet.




Cyclone Pam as we rode on the back of the storm we hit heavy weather and caught a strong blow. we lost forward hatch about 3 am and took a lot of water through the exposed hatchway number 2 bilge pump was leaking more water than what she was pumping. That combined with standby generator not working made a very crappy night. You know how it is your been there before you have series of small things that become a serious issue. Patrick did very well securing a temporary makeshift cover that reduced the amount of water entering the ship. As you know it nigh impossible to fix thing the the ship is violently pitching and heaving in near total darkness. Forward cabins got wet.

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Hello Kanacki enough of post Morten of the Drumbeat of last cruise. We are properly boring to death people about the repairs needed with your mistress. Anyway you better half might find it cheaper if ya had a real mistress...:laughing7: Sailing vessels are black holes in the bank balance.

And beside ay cannot go running off anywhere as we have unfinished business remember????:laughing7: Ya a few few months to scrub the old love tub up and besides I have meet my in law when I visit with my better half and little pirate.


Hello Don Amigo

You guys might be interested in welfare of "Love Tub" But it will be lover boy stuck down in bilge in stifling heat covered in crap working while Kanacki always seem to have " other things to do":laughing7:


Hola Crow

Ah a soft weak complaint there my scallywag of a beach bum. You loved it you are in your oils getting down and dirty in the bilge on the tools. Retired or not ya still loved messing with mechanical side of things every now and again. When you visit you can prop up my bar. Since you was along time single you forget that messing with tools is ruse to hiding from the other half while appearing to be doing some thing useful.:laughing7:


Hello Crow and Kanacki

Crow, and here was I thinking and believing that this particular 'free bird' would never become domesticated....:laughing7:

But I still believe that freedom, free will and desire still are the order of the day....

Kanacki, those pictures you have posted above are reason enough to make one try and ensure that any endeavour is successful. Going back to what we were discussing, your reasoning is very sound, and it is good to converse with folk who have the practical know-how as oppose to simple theory. With regards to Hard Luck, I once asked Corporate Investigations why that was his nom de guerre as you chaps had obviously done the business in your chosen fields. She replied that it was your dry sense of humour and sense of irony that gave Hard Luck his moniker as oppose to something like 'Good Luck'.

I meet this fella sometime ago who grandparents had struck it rich. His story was this:

In the 1940s, during the partition of the Indian sub-continent, his family were trying to reach the Indian side amidst all the killing and upheaval. One night (they only travelled during the night and hid out in fields during the day), his extended family espied a large estate which had recently been set alight. His old grandparents decided to investigate and see if they could obtain anything to eat and find shelter for a night or two....

When they tentatively entered the property, they saw that it had been hastily abandoned and ransacked before being setting alight. Even though there was extensive fire damage to the outer walls, the inside was relatively ok apart from the mess that had been made by those searching the place for anything of value. The estate itself was set in large secluded fields amongst what was once a wealthy field of differing crops. That night the family quietly occupied a small room to bed down in. The grandparents spent the night trying to find any food, water or clothing for their family. Whilst doing so, the grandmother espied a small wall which had some damage where somebody had tried to break some plaster on the wall almost as if to try and retrieve something....

The grandmother went and informed the grandfather who came to have a look. This grandfather was aware that sometimes wealthy families would cache their valuables inside false cavities. After a night of quietly trying to remove the plaster and bricks, the grandparents uncovered a small box full of golden jewellery and a pouch of gems. They could not believe their stroke of luck. Well, they safely made it to the border area (with their treasure), sold it in what was then Bombay, took a boat to London, bought land and properties and never looked back.

I have also come across a group that is dredging a particular river in India looking for diamonds from the days of the old kings and queens...

Going back to South America, I have also come across to references that the last free Sapa Inca - Atahualpa - was taken and buried near what is present-day Otavalo in Ecuador. There was a tribe of natives that were tasked with protecting his burial site who were loyal to his maternal relatives the Shyris. Apparently a Spanish priest who was taking the last rites of a native said that the chief had declared on his deathbed that he was the last to know the exact spot where his Lord Inca was buried. When the priest asked for him to identify it, the native replied "I am now a good Catholic but I have been an Indian a lot longer." and he refused to disclose the information

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