Nothing. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE was a pure find.
Bigscoop danced around this one...
Nothing. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE was a pure find.
Are YOU a TN Monitor/Mod...?Franklin, I have, on several different occasions, posted in these forums that, "it is still possible that the narration could hold some measure of truth, we just don't have enough actual facts to pass that judgement." "Facts" are the only thing that can lead to that potential truth, not speculation, he-said-she-said, or false and unsupported claims of solve and solution, or false and unsupported claims of new evidences, etc. Currently I'm still involved in trying to track down the parents of the "only factual" Thomas J. Beale that might be connected to the "Thomas J. Beale" referenced in the narration, though even that is looking pretty hopeless at present. So where you have concluded, and why you have concluded, that I have deemed the entire tale to be 100% hoax is beyond me? All I keep trying to prevent is the addition of more and more of the same type of false and misleading information that keeps getting tossed onto the huge pile of the already false and misleading information relating to the tale. None of that can possibly lead to the truth, it can only prevent that possible truth from ever being found, if that is even possible at all?
Did they pass GO and collect more than $200?...
There are two segments now that both relate to gold heists and the illicit use of them for a game of Monopoly.
This is something to be talked about.
Bigscoop danced around this one...
Are YOU a TN Monitor/Mod...?
"Backwards strand of text"?...
Since the facts remain that we have made a breakthrough using the ciphers of a related organization, with me finding the trove and mine location of the first, setting it into a timeframe that uses a period from 1885 onwards, and with Ken into the second layer after they had used up their first stores....and with this Cipher showing that exact plan he had mentioned in a single backwards strand of text...
"Backwards strand of text"?
That reminds of those that claimed there were hidden messages in rock albums that could only be heard by playing the 33 1/3 backwards.
Fact checking you alone would be a full time job at Snopes for several people.....Go take a job at
LeGrand owes you nothing 'Heir Apparent'![]()
YEP! Yer trying to"save" us...And where in the world did this come from, and what could have possibly inspired such a notion?Are you sure you're reading things correctly?
This question was asked of me by BS:
"What facts did you know about the Beale story and the ciphers before you began your work?"
I answered:
"Nothing. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE is a pure find."
The above will be danced around again...maybe not?
You both don't have a clue as to what ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE means in a macroscopic way. You have no idea how it relates to still secret information. Wait like everyone else, including me. Does waiting bother you?
YEP! Yer trying to"save" us...
And there you go, "you knew nothing" about those "completely random numbers" and ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE was, in fact, "a completely random segment."![]()
Legrand, your claim of accurate solve has been completely dismantled, fully explained not just by me, but by you as well, I just did it in more realized detail. If you'd like, I'll take other sets of completely random numbers and I'll repeatedly produce your ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE within that completely random set. Now you know full well that I can easily do this, time and time again. "There are only 26 letters in the alphabet, in a large group of say, 500 completely random numbers each letter can be used an average of 19 times, some more and some less." A ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE segment contains only 17 letters, 9 of them vowels, some of the most used letters in the alphabet. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE isn't a unique arrangement, not at all, it could even be considered an expected arrangement even if it wasn't being directly sought. Dude, this is just pure fact due to the parameters of the science involved. "Every attempt will produce such suspicious arrangements because they must", not because they were intentionally planted.....This is just basic mathematics....a very basic exact science.
This is why "you're still waiting for that confirmation" of your premature claim of accurate solve that will never come.
This is not a debate or argument forum! Quit attacking people as though it was!
And there you go, "you knew nothing" about those "completely random numbers" and ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE was, in fact, "a completely random segment."![]()
Legrand, your claim of accurate solve has been completely dismantled, fully explained not just by me, but by you as well, I just did it in more realized detail. If you'd like, I'll take other sets of completely random numbers and I'll repeatedly produce your ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE within that completely random set. Now you know full well that I can easily do this, time and time again. "There are only 26 letters in the alphabet, in a large group of say, 500 completely random numbers each letter can be used an average of 19 times, some more and some less." A ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE segment contains only 17 letters, 9 of them vowels, some of the most used letters in the alphabet. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE isn't a unique arrangement, not at all, it could even be considered an expected arrangement even if it wasn't being directly sought. Dude, this is just pure fact due to the parameters of the science involved. "Every attempt will produce such suspicious arrangements because they must", not because they were intentionally planted.....This is just basic mathematics....a very basic exact science.
This is why "you're still waiting for that confirmation" of your premature claim of accurate solve that will never come.
"a completely random segment."
No.... placed there by human agency...backwards. This is fact.
Also... I repeat: You have no idea how it relates to still secret information. should be wearing a helmet for when you fall off your high horse...