Layer two of the Beale relates to the finds by Ken Bauman and that being the key phrase ERE FENN DUE RED KNEE
Here is that very breakdown showing the signature is by someone threatening Roosevelt and calling himself "YOUR IVY OVERSEER" and making a claim of treasures buried near Montvale Rd, signing the cipher ...... Luv Beverly....
The ciphers are derived from the Text in the print there above the phrase "OR ELSE YOU DIE"
The message was crafted this way so that he would be personally alerted to it, and this card was released shortly after Edison's death.....showing signs to the Beale troves buried from the Black Hills mining that was discussed in the Beale in Bauman's review of their Project Red Knee, with the Menlo Park troves buried in the second layer also talked about
The ciphers in the Beale Papers were only one half of the find the Arizona mines you had to follow the directions to find the Peralta the second stage they were mining in South Dakota and were tapping the mines well as burying gold from the heists in the hills in the "Second Location" as discussed in the Beale papers.....
But the second troves were not tapped until later in the early 1900's...the instructions are clearly there showing how to find them and other prizes in Menlo Park.
Ken was absolutely right, that there are treasures being redistributed and buried in buildings from their times, with additional codes added after the time of the ciphers from the Beale heists of the Apache and Sioux relocation plans, and that they were being used for the creation of additional operations, set into a cache to be opened at a later time, with a coded message left in the Beale working as the base level template, awaiting the time when this card was crafted to continue their affairs through their Standard Oil Trust.....