I am not going to waste my time typing every single piece of ciphertext and plaintext example that I found in the Beale that speaks about smaller parts of their operations
But according to the translation as it was shown, they had said that they planted a booby trap in the vault for the finder.
The ciphers translated with a sort of confusion in the misspellings, and they were intentional IMO
Stacking the plaintext with the translations and misspellings against the corrected version will reveal their message and a warning to the "finder" of the trove....as they had intended for their good ol boys to grab it and plot out their operations
The text reads something about a large amount of TNT being "Deposited" there.
Now seeing that message mentioning the TNT which was found in the mid 1800s AFTER the supposed date, you find that they were planning something big to trap anyone that cracked their code and found the stash
It's as simple as holding the Beale next to the same text but corrected.....
The ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE was meant to be used to describe their second "Perilous" Mining Operation in the Wounded Knee Reservation.....to use that text as an embedded mystery you then find the Gilogly Sequence, and reverse the count of the numbers, but to have the recount used at the point where the alphabet began at 500. The recount was important but everyone forgot about it.....
To locate the second stash you have to have the map they made.....Yardley broke the code and sent the location of the stash to Roosevelt in the Death Card that was addressed to the Secret Service.
That was how they had that fool on Oak Island digging the Money Pit....he was working to decode numerous ciphers and texts with Yardley and were on the Island moving into trying to form a way to take the stash from these heists of treasures and relocate them to another place. While the hooplah was going on in the Money Pit, his teams were busy moving the second stash to their own underground location near the Money Pit....but some leagues away......
Justintime's DOI was edited and SINJ'd so the key was to find these holes in the DOI and use them to be placed over certain locations, which would lead you to find locations that were important.....I tried to tell him that it was all gone but....still he is adventurous hoping a random smaller treasury is found somewhere. His DOI is the master map for the entire KGC Underground Treasury System planted all over VA. I'd go looking for some of it as well.....
Now the odd part of the DOI he has is that there is another hole on the surface that shows the hole was made near a phrase DISPOSED TO....and it hosts a shape of a familiar lake.
But that seems to be in another location altogether....
Have a Bedford, VA and a Bedford Basin, NS
Have a clue on the Peraltas saying Busca Por La Mapa, Busca Por La Coazon ........
When you get to the Omega in VA.....you then see a map that was terraformed and the trees were made to outline a design of the replication of the map of Nova Scotia's Coast and the same outline of the Carving found in Bedford Basin, NS is found in VA so this means that they were trying to get something sent to their English lords that they were working with to try to create the banking ponzi schemes that they had been making in NYC with the first stash.
Assuming that Albert Pike was a known Jewish conspirator of the KGC, and he was based moving their cabal through the US as a Splinter Cell of "Masons"......he figured that he should bring his Grand Lodge Conspirators into the mix and some of the goodies were moved or "DISPOSED TO" the area that England was in control over at the time.....
This laid the foundation for the Balfours and the Rothschilds to become the backers of their ends of the Wars that Albert Pike was planning. There were a lot of people involved and they tried to use men to do their bidding and as we saw them drop the story about their men being killed by "Injuns" BEFORE they disappeared out West, it was obvious that they had planned to kill them off after they were done mining for them to keep the secrets.
The continual search for information by the men investigating Reavis out West in the Supes led to the eventual discovery of the bodies that were found in Massacre Grounds....where 30 men were found near leather packs filled with high grade ore.....
So what part of History Class did you miss?
I even have the Zimmerman Note broke down to prove what I am saying, starting WWI....and they specifically sent this info from the Room 40 with a broken ciphercode that the US could source and read like a book......Yardley was the one that took advantage of that chance to inform the Vermont Corps to plan ahead for that war, a good 3 months....while they staged the arrangement of the assassination of the Archduke......
So convoluted but it was how they made themselves into a huge secret banking cabal that was using this stolen gold from the Apache and the Lakota.
Ask yourself how the Apache got their name and when Geronimo was asked himself, he replied "It was named after the Boy named Apache, who killed the Great Dragon"
That is written history....
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I am living history....I am Legend
You are still nothing