THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning all.

I am happy to report that the truck repairs are finally complete. So far (knock on wood), it's running great. This is the most complicated engine repair I've ever done, so I'm pretty happy. (I've replaced heads and timing chains before, but only on smaller engines, this is the first time on a V8, and the only time I've ever drilled and tapped any engine component.)

Good morning all.

I am happy to report that the truck repairs are finally complete. So far (knock on wood), it's running great. This is the most complicated engine repair I've ever done, so I'm pretty happy. (I've replaced heads and timing chains before, but only on smaller engines, this is the first time on a V8, and the only time I've ever drilled and tapped any engine component.)
Well done Robert.

Today is a air-conditioning clutch replacement on the 2011 Honda.

What is it with people today?

So I have a hay field that we lease out.

The horse farm that boards 50 horses loves the organic hay from the field.

This is just a mile away from their gate. Instead of the other field being 17 miles away.

So the first year we had a different bale count off by 1.

Last year I counted but the bale count was different again off by 3 bales.

So when I was in the hospital I asked the guy that baled it what was the count.

I wasn't at the house when they dropped off the payment (month late) and once again 3 bales short.

I texted the folks and said they were short 3 bales.

"Fine the husband will drop off the extra $$$ on Monday.

I texted back.

There's one thing I hate is being gaslighted.

Seriously what is wrong with people these days?

I texted the guy that cuts.
Told him the horse farm is out of there.
Thanked him for his service.

It seems that a gentleman's agreement is a lost art these days.

The Mrs said text them for the $$$ and for last year's mistake also.

No dear, I'm taking the higher road here.
It gives great pleasure to bad mouth them from now on.🤣

Rant finished.
Now I'll need to patch that hole in my foot from that shot.🤣

How is everyone? I'm really missing you lot but I'm so busy ATM and life is a pile of crap so haven't really gotten around to spending time here
Hang in. there, "this too will pass" as grandma always said.

Hang in. there, "this too will pass" as grandma always said.
Been hanging for the last 4 years.. is mean more but the last 4 have been really bad and this year has been even worse. I won't go into detail as it'd fairly personal and some here know me outside of Tnet too

But yeah.. I'm hanging..

How is everyone? I'm really missing you lot but I'm so busy ATM and life is a pile of crap so haven't really gotten around to spending time here
Have a good weekend! Just good. Make it good dang it.

I've a stash of chocolate covered caramels with chunks of sea salt on them.
They have lasted a while as I probably shouldn't eat them.
But given a rough spot I'll say to heck with the rough spot and enjoy a treat of a caramel.
And today is my good day coffee cup day. A 30 cent cup at a thrift store long ago during a bad time.
I use the cup , it is a good day. which takes us back to making it a good day.
it's my good day cup . But was someone else's cup prior.
If I saw you down I might let you use it. So you know you're being cheered for!


Good morning everyone. We're back from our Quebec City visit & 7 day cruise up the St. Lawrence and down the coast of New Brunswick/Nova Scotia, Maine to Boston.
Beautiful scenery everywhere & cool temps were enjoyable. My poor wife caught a bad cold the last couple of days & is miserable. All in all a nice trip. :coffee2:

What is it with people today?

So I have a hay field that we lease out.

The horse farm that boards 50 horses loves the organic hay from the field.

This is just a mile away from their gate. Instead of the other field being 17 miles away.

So the first year we had a different bale count off by 1.

Last year I counted but the bale count was different again off by 3 bales.

So when I was in the hospital I asked the guy that baled it what was the count.
View attachment 2172490
I wasn't at the house when they dropped off the payment (month late) and once again 3 bales short.

I texted the folks and said they were short 3 bales.
View attachment 2172491
"Fine the husband will drop off the extra $$$ on Monday.

I texted back.
View attachment 2172492

There's one thing I hate is being gaslighted.

Seriously what is wrong with people these days?

I texted the guy that cuts.
Told him the horse farm is out of there.
Thanked him for his service.

It seems that a gentleman's agreement is a lost art these days.

The Mrs said text them for the $$$ and for last year's mistake also.

No dear, I'm taking the higher road here.
It gives great pleasure to bad mouth them from now on.🤣

Rant finished.
Now I'll need to patch that hole in my foot from that shot.🤣

A friend used to moose hunt Canada.
It cost him a couple cattle one year. Other years one or more it seems from foggy memory. But two one memorable year.
Was it people at work that knew he was away?
Truck and trailer at night. Tracks from it was about it for evidence.

Horses can really vary. Ideal forage for them, accordingly.
A particular farm sold me a bunch of prior years second cut one year. A rare event being their hay was in such demand. Might be the site I see an ad for hay auction at the past couple years.
My prior experience in haying at multiple sites far distant from each other , even in different regions of the state in addition to boughten hay for different critters indicated the hay was as great as claimed.

Old mare appreciated it.
Same gal that had a boarder join her with an owner (brother in laws witch of a wife) I didn't appreciate.
I was cutting hay with a borrowed homemade scythe and wheel barrowing it for a while as I expanded pasture fences.
But the alfalfa in that fancy hay....Was a premium affair.
Had I the chance to buy again I probably wouldn't have been able to afford it.
But had I access each year close by to it and was going to be feeding four dozen head I'd be hopping up and down over the option.

You talking round bales? Not that that changes count.
Among three parties recounts don't seem to be happening.

No hay should leave field until you /your representative personally signs off on the count.
Your man that baled, should hold weight as to a default count. Yet still be held honest by a secondary.
Heck we used to have more than one person count the same money at night in the restaurant to avoid conflicts of count. That was not about distrust , it was for accuracy's sake.
When we didn't agree (and that happened sometimes , )we counted it again!

Mornin all.

The Batchelor life a while as her royal indoors headed states away for a show...
Power lounged yesterday. I need to make up for that today.

Still the same number of dogs. A good thing. And I count them frequently.
One that has been skipping meals ate a good bit for breakfast. I'll take that as a win for now.

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