THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Crescent City I was there to buy a rare guitar body. Hmmmmmm....

beached boat.jpg

It's the new version of reality sir.
Just chatting with 2 MTO surveyors.
One fellow said 5 yrs ago he could leave his kayak down by the river 2 blocks from his home.

Now it's an encampment of tents. We can't go near there, nor the splash pad at the city park.
They use it as a bathing place.

Can't complain as it's deemed hateful and racist.
I told him that folks have tried to set up camp around my world.
Tents disappeared, everything gone.
They moved on soon enough.

No welcome mat here.
Sure is, and its the same in every western country now. Well orchestrated collapse. Society, medical, power infrastructure, lawlessness, food security , cost of living.....
Every night on tv here machete attacks, home invasions, murders.....

Give me a break.
Folks playing the poor card.
Yet can buy the habit.
Nope not going there.

It's like a panhandler on the street.
Drinking a $3-4 drink, smoking a factory made smoke, on the IPhone.
Asking for $.00
Ya right🤣🤣🤣
Its makes you sceptical too when there was an expose done on beggers in Melbourne several years ago. They discovered quite a number who were dressing poor and were not poor. Labelled professional beggars.
One was unbelievable, dressed in tattered clothes, unshaven look. They secretly followed him home to one of the richest suburbs in Melbourne. His home was estimated at 3 to 4 million. He was wealthy and just so greedy he pretends to be poor and beg.
Others they got people to dress poor and get into conversations with some of them. Truly some were seriously down and out but others bragged about how they made as much money a week in half the time that they could working as a shop assistant full time.

A freshly plowed before its groomed a possible.
My England club would ban you for not filling.
Lazy ass detecting that's what it is.
Ankle twisting holes that's what it is.
They're detecting hay/pasture in the video, which makes no sense.
Animals can take a bad leg stepping a shovel hole.

2 examples:
I stated to a farmer's relative when they saw me smooth out my hole.
"You sure tidy up your digging "

I stated its a requirement by the club when digging in England.
Plus its not my dirt so I as a detectorist respect that I am allowed to dig.

"Well there should be no other way"

The local harvester (cuts 1000s of acres) stated this:

Haven't you been digging anything out in the field Jim?"

Oh yes I have been digging many targets at the 3 sites back there.

"Oh it was just that I have driven around all of the places and haven't seen a single hole"

My reply: Bob you're never going to see one either.

Take some pride in this passion and the stewardship that is shown goes miles in obtaining permissions.

There's my take on that subject.

Even if they say ok-still do a nay.
Farmer near here had idiots leave 2 foot deep big holes from guys chasing deep nuggets moonlighting. He broke an axel on one of his machines and a prize breeding bull broke its leg.
Id say 80+% of prospectors here don't fill their holes these days. There are open holes everywhere you go. I was on an Aussie forum here about 5 yrs ago and mentioned an area where someone had really made a mess leaving open holes and not backfilling areas they had excavated. I got attacked left right and centre by members saying there just holes, get over it, don't be so sooky about it, so what animals dig burrows etc... even the forum moderator said to me "look we all have different ideas of whats right and wrong just drop it". This is regardless of the fact that the holder of a miners right is told in the rules and regulations that its law that all holes must be filled and excavations backfilled. I questioned him about something else and received a threatening pm from him, the mod, saying in no uncertain terms "you don't know who I am and what im capable of"
I love detecting for gold here but I loathe and hate the detecting industry as a whole.



Yeah, we are a bit weird here. There was a time that our country decided we needed a new national anthem. It was at the time God Save The Queen. We sang it as kids when I was in primary school. Anywho, the day came that they reckoned we needed an Aussie one. So was polls and stuff. That song Waltzing Matilda was one of them in the mix, and not obscure, right up there.
Walzting Matilda is about a sheep theif who evaded the police, but he did eat it before, edit because, he was hungry.
We are consistent though because our national hero is Ned Kelly.
The original robot. :laughing7:
There are towns that the tourism revolves around Ned.
I see a Ned Kelly sticker on a cars back window easy 3 times a week.
We even have a Ned Kelly Aussie bourbon now. :laughing7:
Admittedly its rubbish, I tried it.
Once Mick Jagger played him in a movie, how dumb. Why??????
Heath Ledger was way better. But with Orlando Bloom? Seriously? We have heaps better serious actors that make his entry look stupid. I think it was just to draw in overseas viewers. He's just a whimp. Like in Troy.


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