THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I get out to a drained lake tomorrow going to hike to an area that in the past 100 years has had a ton of activity. Most out here don't bother to hike to that part when they drain it. I'm stubborn and will detect all day digging even the darned pull tab and slaw signals.
Oooh, that sound fun!

I get out to a drained lake tomorrow going to hike to an area that in the past 100 years has had a ton of activity. Most out here don't bother to hike to that part when they drain it. I'm stubborn and will detect all day digging even the darned pull tab and slaw signals.
Remember the aqua for the long day out.

Drove down to Lake Mead last night to check out the full moon on the lake. This shot was with my iphone at around 9pm. Incredibly bright moon!

Just stopped in to say G night... been busy on things today... i am so far behind on so many things that its almost pointless on some things.
Not enough hours in a day... not enough days in a week.... not enough weeks in a month... and..... yes... not enough months in a year.

Sheesh this year has sped by.

Anyway... without further adu... Good night my fellow scallywags.

Good morning, 55 outside here on Florida's East Coast. Brrr!

How's the rehab/mobility going fish ??
Not doing any running or jumping yet ( wasn't doing much before the accident):laughing7: but I can walk around the entire grocery store(wife's decision not mine ) :BangHead: Think I'm just gonna chill for the winter work wise so I don't have to slip and slide around outside on the ice and snow. Thx for asking brother

Good morning, all.

Had a nice covey of Bobwhite Quail out in the yard last night. Maybe 15 or 20 birds. Naturally, the camera battery was dead, but I got a few so-so pics with the phone. Digital zoom is better than it used to be, but it still has nothing on a big camera lens.

IMG_2972 (1).jpeg

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