The Questions LRLers Refuse to Answer

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aarthrj3811 said:
Could it be that our sane and logical answers were avoided and assumed that they were non-answers?..

Where is the spam in tis question?

Surprise! You failed to answer, yet again! But instead spammed the thread with a much repeated nonsense comment.

Poor con-artie, they just can't supply you with an answer to these issues, can they. So you are in the miserable condition of having to make yourself look like an idiot, by being silly.

Too bad, con-artie. It's your choice of occupation, so who's fault is that?

What a chump!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Well Art, I see our little Electronic Erkle is working the insult and snide remark side of the street again. Same old same old.

At least he's got his BBFL to help with it.


Well Art, I see our little Electronic Erkle is working the insult and snide remark side of the street again. Same old same old.
That is all they have to work with..they must realize by now that their side of the street has been rolled up…Art

Another question that LRL promoters won't answer

Why can't you simply answer questions about LRLs logically, instead of making silly nonsense posts or trying to attack people?

We are asking for answers and proofs, about LRLs; not about people.

You have never provided any rational answers to our questions about the LRL devices themselves, but have always resorted to attempts at insults and other nonsensical posts.

Will you ever just answer the pertinent questions asked you, in a rational manner?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Here is one pertinent question which you have never answered rationally---

Since the pointer on LRLs is totally free-swinging, why do you claim that the device "points" itself in certain directions which indicate the location of the target material?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Since the pointer on LRLs is totally free-swinging, why do you claim that the device "points" itself in certain directions which indicate the location of the target material?
Because my device does that..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Since the pointer on LRLs is totally free-swinging, why do you claim that the device "points" itself in certain directions which indicate the location of the target material?
Because my device does that..Art

Then why won't they follow a moving target, when their handles are clamped into a vise?

Here is where the diversion off-topic comes in.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Then why won't they follow a moving target, when their handles are clamped into a vise?
You must follow some strange targets…I assure you that none of mine were capable of moving…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Then why won't they follow a moving target, when their handles are clamped into a vise?
You must follow some strange targets…I assure you that none of mine were capable of moving…Art


Care to answer the actual question?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

aarthrj3811 said:
Care to answer the actual question?

I did...I have never encountered a Moving target..Art

What about all the "testing" that you are always posting about?

That's the first thing anybody with any common sense would try.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

What about all the "testing" that you are always posting about?
That's the first thing anybody with any common sense would try.
In fact, con-artie, you can have your "buddies," the eight fenix brothers try it. Because they are really doing a lot of testing lately, according to them!
I test at every different location I go to..Just to see what settings I need to use..I test at home to learn more about my equipment..That is part of being a good treasure hunter…Try treasure hunting sometime and try to learn more about the hobby..Art

Erkle and Sweetie are constantly showing their lack of comprehension on the subject.

We have been testing since day one, even with the Minelab. That's what treasure hunting is all about. Not that they would know.

Likely the most treasure they hunted was in the couch at the shrink's office. Too bad they didn't keep going. Probably pissed him off too by demanding proof they were "kinked"

fenixdigger said:
We have been testing since day one, even with the Minelab. That's what treasure hunting is all about. Not that they would know.

LRL's are great for treasure hunting, but when you get interested in treasure finding, try a metal detector.

Every machine I have has taken a lot of training. When you have "experts" that can't spend 30 mins. on a basic experiment, yet demand you hop to every whim they get, you end up with this never ending thread. SHO-NUFF

fenixdigger said:
Erkle and Sweetie are constantly showing their lack of comprehension on the subject.

We have been testing since day one, even with the Minelab. That's what treasure hunting is all about. Not that they would know.

Likely the most treasure they hunted was in the couch at the shrink's office. Too bad they didn't keep going. Probably pissed him off too by demanding proof they were "kinked"

Ah, the old #30, shows you to be a Con Artist also. Congratulations in joining the ranks of con-artie!

And I see that you are confirming your devotion to the eugenics program again. Hitler would love you!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

fenixdigger said:
Every machine I have has taken a lot of training. When you have "experts" that can't spend 30 mins. on a basic experiment, yet demand you hop to every whim they get, you end up with this never ending thread. SHO-NUFF

You boys make lots of dumb insults, then complain when anyone else cuts you down to size once in awhile. You will be whining about that soon. Poor baby!

The point is that you have never answered any of the questions on the list. :laughing7:

Always a stupid diversion, never a straight answer.

But then any time there are nine people using the same handle, there is going to be lots of idiocy involved. Pher shore.

By the way, Mr. Tester, when will you stop testing, and recover some treasure? Or show us all the treasure you have already recovered on video?

Oh, that's right, you're too busy "testing" your fake devices, to make sure they don't work!

Who do you think you're kidding, anyway? Everyone already knows you are a hoaxer and a scammer. Why else would you be spending so much time promoting LRLs, if you weren't getting paid under the table? What a bunch of dorks!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

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