I never said I put a lot of trust in Barry Storm, just that he died in '71. He was a promoter, with all that goes with a promoter.
Loke wrote
Hmm how do you know how far away Wagoner's ledge is from the Pit mine?
Wrmickel1 wrote
I never said I put my trust in Barry Storm, in fact I only trust a very few people on the planet, and I even question the Bible. Don't assume what I might be putting faith in. Holmes was very definitely 'in on' the very first searches for the LDM, he went out as soon as he knew the Dutchman was dead, and according to the manuscript, had even attempted to trail Waltz to his mine. Who knows why Julia put a horse on her map, she drew a number of them and sold them for extra money.
Wrmickel1 also wrote
Why don't you read what he wrote himself and find out?
Now on the rose quartz thing, for our readers that don't know what we are talking about, here is a shot of gold in ROSE quartz
Compare to the famous matchbox
a better photo
Does that matchbox look like it is ROSE quartz to you?
Please do continue;