The Peralta Stones

Blindbowman - that site may be even more complex and strange than we imagine - remember how many people have hunted those hills, and how many have died. It may or may not be the nephew, or might be something completely different yet no less interesting. Any theories as to who or whom might have placed the coin? A tougher question is WHY? A simple case of someone dropping a coin seems not likely, unless the area is all rock and if that were the case the person would have heard the coin hit the rocks - you know that nice "ring" that silver (and gold) does when struck, so would have known to look for it. The animal bones could point to an ancient Indian site...! ???

Tropical Tramp, an interesting idea about the hypnotherapist. The original injury was from a bow breaking right? Could it be scar tissue growing and putting pressure on the optic nerve? I am sure no doctor, but your eyesight is important and worth extra efforts and checking all avenues for help including a hypnotherapist.



"thats a level 9 climb"

Can you tell us what made you rate it a "level 9 climb"? Is that your own rating system, or one of the accepted systems used in mountaineering? If it's the later, which one?




Was that question out of line?

I have been in Search and Rescue for many years and have had training in Technical Rope Rescue. Mountaineering terms are pretty familiar to me.

Having been in most of the "rough" terrain in the Superstitions over the years, I have not seen anything that would reach the most difficult ratings. Is it your contention that Waltz and or the Jesuits needed technical rope climbing abilities to reach your location?




Tropical Tramp, an interesting idea about the hypnotherapist. The original injury was from a bow breaking right? Could it be scar tissue growing and putting pressure on the optic nerve? I am sure no doctor, but your eyesight is important and worth extra efforts and checking all avenues for help including a hypnotherapist.

I agree Oro, but if it is the result of a physical result/cause such as you mentioned, one the many tests and examinations would have shown it up. MRI's are just for that.

As I started to post in the dowsing room, I have done a lot of paranormal experimenting, among which was the eye/ mind relationship and it's barrier line control by suggestion - i.e self hypnosis, or straight hypnosis. Suggestion can play an extremely powerful effect both for good and bad.

I may get back to it when I finally finish the business with the 'Escondida mine'.

Apology to the room for a minor deviation on the thread, but it just might allow him to contnue on the LDM quest, as well as living a full life...

Tropical Tramp

"thats a level 9 climb"

Hmm - that actually may help to pinpoint Blindbowman's location, or one of them at least! Is the term from rock climbing/ice climbing? Just curious. Don't worry BB - I sure don't know exactly where your sites are, other than "in the Superstitions" which as we know is a pretty large area. The sites are safe from me at least. ;) (Plus I live too far away to simply pop in there any old time.)

Tropical Tramp - hola mi amigo - Blindbowman had mentioned in an earlier post that he had been blinded by a bow snapping into pieces some years ago which left him blind for some time. That was why I assumed it had to be a direct injury. I am sure no expert in anatomy/physiology, and it is not too accurate to compare an animal to human, but my old prospecting dog had an accident which resulted in scar tissue growing around one optic nerve, blinding him in one eye which could not be corrected by surgery. However psychological causes are every bit as devastating and require expert assistance in treatment, such as hypnotherapy. Your suggestion is certainly worthy of checking into - if it were ME - I would consider every possible route to avoid losing my eyesight, as blindness is a very difficult condition to live with. I hope friend Blindbowman will pursue every avenue to save his eyesight.


RealdeTayopa said:
Bowman: You have stated that you were blind once but came back and now you are going blind again.

You stated that after many tests and medical examinations nothing physical could be found.

If this is correct, then you have a mentally caused condition. Many people have lost their sight this way due entirely to a psychological /. physiological reaction. This problem can exist simply as a way to escape a problem or possibly to punish oneself for a real or imagined reason/act.

It has been known to exist to escape the results of a planned move, eliminating the possibility of having to face a direct failure.

Remember the brain is the final sensor in seeing by interpreting all visual signals / stimulus from the eyes.It can chose to accept these signals or simply ignorer them.

A very simple but extremely effective tool to remedy this, if this is the primary cause, is to go to a competent medical Hypnotist./ Doctor You have nothing to lose and every thing to gain.

I personally have seen this create miracles.

Tropical Tramp.

micro nerve damge to both front templeral regions of the brain ( nerve damge to the cirebril cortex )..... its like the base ball player that gets hit in the temple and goes blind ...i am happy to be alife ... i had bleeding inside of my left eye , light bleeding & swelling of the brain,at 17 grams the peice of the arrow rest struck me flat on the left temple . a walt and a little red mark , i was stuned and in shock and had a real bad head ache that nght the next morning i was blind and my brain was swelling . i didnt wake up for 3 days ...they put patches over my eyes 3 months , i was totally blind ,they told my wife if i did not awake with in 3 days they would drill holes to releave the pressure if i didnt die i had a chance insurece company will cover ,expoloratory micro brain surjury ...with a less than 5% rate of cureing the injury i am going blind slowly and i could last a few years ether way sight wise ... as lonng as the head aches are gone i am OK ...thats level 9 with out ropes . level 9 with ropes or (9R) is over hanging and bridgeing or cavern dark work . desending or asending .....yes , i was a climber... the reason i did not answer you was not because i didnt want to, it was because i couldnt . we got a bad computer virus worm going threw the web right now up here started jan 7th and almost had to formatt the hard drive .... we had the up to date full norton antivirus . it didnt even slow it down ..i wanted to make sure it could not be past on to anyone else .. it was a real pain in the A ...

1999 august 10th 4;30 in the after noon after my son got home we were going to shot some . its one thing to face be injured like this , it was far worse haveing my son there beside when it happend took me 3 years for them to get me stable . everything they did had uncontrolable effects . from one med to another at one point they would have me on sleeping pills for a month at a time i would wake up just long enough to wake up and than back to sleep before the skull pain would start again .i did that for about 6 months the skull pain was so bad i would let my family sleep why i would get up and put my head under cold running water for hours ... ...dont ask what a man finds out about him self liveing threw something like that .....the list is to long to type ....

about 7 months past and i was setting in my lliveing room and my sight came back about 80% of the way , i went blalistic called all my family , the next morning i watch my son walk out the door to go to school a few mintues after as he walked up the drive way my vission faded again , i lost it , i lost it bad , i walked up and down the road screaming To GOD , i was almost hit by truck , i cryed so long i forgot what i was crying about have never faced anything till you face the fact God may turn his back on you ! i never gave up i know he is real and he had his reasons . to teach me what can only be learnd in this way ...

3 years after i went out side in the winter for the frist time and found that if the temp was below 20degrees that is would suber cool the blood in my templeand my vission would come back about 65 % as long as i stayed out side ....i allmost froze to death that winter . i remember seeing my wifes face for the frist time in a little over 3 years .. i can talk about this and what happend get the idea what makes a man like me who i am ... to hard core to give up , and i carrie the love of my family and love ones in my heart and my will is all mine ... i know GOD and i know God is real ....who else could do this to another being and watch .....

i remember one thing learnd above all else ,how i felt when my wife found me in the front yard at 5;30 in the morning on thanksgivening day on my hands and knees trying to find a shot gun shell i had droped , blind and in skull pain some bad there is no words for this kind of torture,,

sshe took the shot gun back in the house and i would not go back in till i found the shell . it took hours ...

if anyone of you think for secound that i will walk away with out finding what i am looking for .. you are out right misteaken sense & will power goes far beyond my sight ....

"God dose not make us human we do ..."

its all good now . i dont care what others think about me anymore .. i learn that the hard way . one day i went to my brothers for morning coffie . we had a close family and always had saterday morning coffie . so i thaught it was time to get out and try to be normal again even if i was blind , i got there and after a few mintues my eyes started to bleed , the blood ran down my face and my mother ask if i was alright , had i cut my self with my glasses .i said no and remove the glasses to wipe away the blood running out of my eyes . my mother got up from the table and said ho my god i cant watch this . than my brothers kids ran in the other room and were crying & scared of me , than my brother ask me to leave because i was scareing the kids by crying blood ... you people will never know me or what it is to be the blindbowman . i dont just call my self the blindbowman, i am the blindbowman with respect .. i always will be ...

one more expedition ..i found it ..i will prove it

sorry about your problems some of us has less or more , just read too much into this form i thought you were going to prove the the stones real but as i seen it it's all up in the air . no prove no pudding

HI Bowman I am not a doctor. I am in the position of say an aircraft / automotive engine mech, who can visually / mentally diagnose almost any particular problem with an engine without knowing the metallurgical characteristics etc of the materiel's involved. In light of this I suggest that you consider the following.

A) Apparently the Medical personnel have not found the source of your problem in 7+ years in spite of many, many tests by very competent persons.

B) From what you have posted, your problem is inconsistent in having brief periods of sight returned.
Referring to (A), none of the tests / examinations etc. show anything unusual. So theoretically, we can rule out a physical reason for your problem. - barring blood or fluid pressure.

The upper right limb of your bow striking you in the left Temporal region would carry quite a bit of kinetic energy, enough for local damage, but not enough to effect the Brain in general since it wasn't of the type and magnitude of a slower heavier impact, such as a fist or club.. While it could have caused extensive local damage, you have not mentioned anything about any fractures or concussions, only severe pain.. So the likely hood of it effecting both optical nerves is slight. Furthermore you have had intemittent sight since, including now. This would tend to eliminate scar tissue involvement also, unless the medical personnel removed it.

So we are back to Fluid pressure. What has your blood pressure been on an average, especially when you have these pain attacks and loss of vision? The bleeding from the eyes is interesting along with the cold apparently effecting your vision. Normally when one is subjected to extreme cold, the body literally retires the blood from the superficial areas, skin, etc., in order to protect the critical areas such as internal organs and brain. So there could be a lower pressure in the eye,, but? At the moment I would tend to rule out Macular Degeneration since a normal examination would have shown this up, plus it is a steadily degenerating condition, no momentary periods of increased vision..

So I am back to the point of auto-suggestion, being triggered by any of many things. There are many people living that have a permanent blindness or other physiological / psychological problems that can, and have been eliminated by competent Psychotherapists. While these problems are basically mentally induced, they are just as much physical as any other cause in their effects.

So I again reccomend that you talk to your doctor about his recommendation for a quality Med certified Hypnotist. If he is not open to talks, and many are still behind in this procedure, ask another, or even better, ask a MED. Certified Hypnotist if she / he believes that they could be of any benefit. check your local telephone book or call your Hospital. for referrals.

In my past experiments I have found that I can easily control fluid pressure, yes blood pressure and heart beat also, as well as pain, discomfort, anxiety, or even bad habits.

I probably can even eliminate the horribly addictive Internet vice, hehhee/ ,.

Tropical Tramp

p.s. the room for a temp. change in the thread, but it just may keep our bowguy with us and to allow him to finish up his search.

p.p.s You never have stated if your sight just goes black or opaque? Important.

sorry about your problems some of us has less or more , just read too much into this form i thought you were going to prove the the stones real but as i seen it it's all up in the air . no prove no pudding
Remember the Hare and the Tortise, the race isn't over yet my friend Deacon.

Tropical Tramp

Well Blindbowman, you know there is an odd saying "Irony is the rule" (pretty strange if you think about it, so many incidents are full of ironies) "ironic" would it be, for after so many thousands of people had searched for the Lost Dutchman mine and failed, for a BLIND MAN to finally find it! Hmm? Ironic enough for you? You may have a strange advantage Blindbowman, for the "irony" rule at least!


HI bowman: I now know much more about your condition, thanks, I was going fairly "excuse the expression" blindly. However you can definitely eliminate any pain and drop the use of the present pain control drug. through this treatment.

As for the shock wave, yes, it could exist under unusual circumstances. This could stretch the endings / nerves sufficiently. But nerves have been known to regenerate or repair themselves. I personally can testify to this. When they cut about out about 1/2 of my left front thigh muscles, they also cut many nerves. Over time the nerve system has been repairing itself. It is almost normal again. I can now walk almost normally again. Self hynosis played an important part in ths.

As for your above normal seeing in the dark, yes, that is easily explainable, but not in this thread/room.

I suggest pm'ing or opening another thread which all can go to if interested.

Tropical Tramp

bb sorry about your brain and eyes but back to the mine , gold and silver won't do me any good up in canada , from the begining of this you stated you found it , ok where or what did you find , just like to know , pic work too takes time to recover data from photos ....we are still finding hiden things in the photos

to find anything and not get high quality photos is poor evidence , thats why expedition 3 is a full out photo expedition .about 30% of all photos taken are useable research data.only about 10% are real quality evidence ,... do the math ..expedition 3 is out right over kill ! .its being planed for december 1st of 2007 , to even think of takeing 12,000 quality photos is beyond planing ...

i have read and reread the manuals for the equipment and i am in training to teach my self and others how to use the equipment in those conditions , what have i found ? a real good reason to go back and finish what i started ...the right way with the right equipment and training ...wisdom can be a far greater tool than all the TNT you could carrie ,lol ...

i found part of my equipment is (out of stock) and i have to relocate those missing peice .. so even if you think you got everything in order ,you still can not plan on the unexspected .. as is the case with this legend and the conditions in the mts .....

I have been reading this with great interest & extreme curiousity ;D
There is a lot to be read so I am sure I have missed more then I realize. . .still I have a few questions, if they have been address already I apologize. . I am not trying to be repeative or start arguements, just trying to get a better idea for myself. . .

My questions:

* Has anyone translated the words written on the stones? What was the result? Is the language Spanish, Portuguese, a mix or ?? ? ???

* I have seen mentioned a time or two the mispelling of the word "Coazon". . . is there a possibilty that was the way the individual(s) who wrote it "heard" the word? I am just thinking of Ellis Island & when individuals came over many many names were mispelled due to language barriers.

* I see discussions about the number 1847. . could it represent a year some gold was mined & reburried? I read an bit on :

During the 1840s, the Peralta family of northern Mexico supposedly developed rich gold mine(s) in the Superstition Mountains. In 1848, during a routine expedition to carry gold back to Mexico, the large party was ambushed by Apaches, and all were killed except for a few Peralta family members who escaped. According to the legend, the Apaches buried and hid the gold and covered up the mine. This area is known today as the Massacre Grounds.

1847 would be one year prior to that. . just a thought in my head that maybe it was getting harder to get out with their gold so they began to hide it & leave "notes" for future findings.

On it also stated that :

In the 1870s, Jacob Waltz, "the Dutchman" (actually a native of Germany), was said to have located the mine through the aid of a Peralta descendant.

Are there any descendants around? Would the family have not talked, left diaries, notes around for the future generation? Any of the descendants ever talk about the stones or gold or ambush?

Thank you for your time, knowledge & thoughts. . I am really curious about this one!

Bogart :D


It would seem that no one is going to answer your questions. Anything related to the LDM and the Stone Maps can be found at this site:

I prefer not to hawk another site here, but it is the best (bar none) reference place for the legends and stories that surround the Superstition Mountains. A search on any related subject will turn up just about all the information available....and a good deal that can't be found in any other public source.

Joe Ribaudo

Bogart, I refrained from posting a reply here in this thread which would be controversial, and posted some answers to the questions in another thread which is dedicated to the debate over the stones, at:,47594.msg544868.html#msg544868

The link posted by friend Cactusjumper is an excellent source for info too. Good luck and good hunting to you, hope you find the treasures that you seek.


;D Cactusjumper & Oroblanco ;D

Thank you so much, each of you , for taking the time to try & answer my questions. . I greatly appreciate this ;D

I have read over a majority of the posts/articles/so forth posted here & on the other related post as well as other tid-bits I have stumble across via the internet. . I am quite sure my questions were answered among them, it just at times would become trying reading over the many & often repeative items. . so I thought I would just pop out the questions ;D

Again I thank you kindly for taking a moment to try & help me out with information ;D

Bogart :D

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