Hero Member
Ok I know this part of treasure legends is slow but dang..
Hmm well I am curious if anyone has any ideas or ongoing theories. Apparently Gollum doesnt want to or is ignoring me but he has stated for 5 years that part of the ship has been used to build a house addition.
W/o any further evidence I think it's still under the water waiting to be uncovered and make someone rich. Now as to the statements made for the ship being near dos Palmas. Excuse my spelling. Or near the springs over the border.
Not throwing mud just stating fact and theory. No trouble wanted.
Ps. The theory as the pig farmer finding the pearls and selling them in LA. Seems likely but why would the wife tell a ranch hand about it and show him?
Just questions trying to pull people in to the conversation. It has been stated before but I want to revive a section beyond the drama in the LDM forum
Okay, anzayounggun I’ll throw my two cents in here. Gollum is probably busy, and he doesn’t respond very well to direct inquiries, anyway.
As far as I can tell by looking at all of the reports, there are at least 3, probably 4 or 5, maybe many more ships in the area.
1. The one that Gollum reported as being used for a house addition, was supposed to be located near the west edge of the Glamis dunes, south of the 78. This may have been the pearl ship, but I doubt it.
2. The pig farmer (Nels Jacobson) ship was located nearer Niland, in a field, so not in the dunes. This seems likely to have been the ship associated with Cavendish, specifically, the Content, since the farmer supposedly obtained jewels from the ship. He also used parts of the wood to make a pig pen.
3. The ship supposedly found by the Indian guide from Anza’s expedition. This was in the area of San Felipe wash, quite a way west of the dunes, and may be the one reported as being near Superstition Mountain. This is the one I think is the pearl ship.
4. Ship reported as being in Coyote Canyon. Another possibility for the Pearl Ship. However, with the number of people (myself included) that have been up and down that canyon over the years, it is unlikely that this report is factual. But maybe…..
5. “Viking” ship reported by Myrtle Botts, in the area of Canebreak canyon? This somewhat resembles the description of the ship near Hank Brandt’s mine, and is in the supposed area, but may not be the same one.
6. Don Jose’s (Real de Tayopa tropical Tramp) ship near the Pinacates. Not in this area, so……
There has obviously been a lot of “mix and match” reporting going on, as is common with most, if not all treasure stories (for more examples of this, just go to the Lost Peg Leg Mine section). As I say, there may be more, but these are the most plausible and most reported ships, IMHO.
Some coffee while you contemplate the above information?