
Sep 6, 2007
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Golden Thread
Hi again here is some photos of the other item that was given to my sister. it is a gold locket that is nearly the same size as the pendent. there is a design that is marked on the front. I also noticed a few things that are unusual about it. The hinge is on the opposite side to normal lockets. Also in side the locket the casing is not connected all the way around. there is a bit that has either taken off after been made of they made it without it. for those who are after info of were it was found read my other post on my own piece of pirates treasure.let me know your views


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creolgirl said:
did you see the verdict written in my other post. its great news take alook

No, I didn't see a "verdict". Did you have it appraised by someone who touched it? I saw where someone looked at a picture and said it might look like something possibly similar on an object not in this thread.

If I could get my dog to make jumps like this I could be in show business. :D

Hope when they hang me the judge and jury reaches a "verdict" with more evidence than that.

Yep. Just being negative. You can generate electricty without positives and negatives.

The good news is that truth stands up to debate or dissention so you have nothing to fear.

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Charlie P. (NY) said:
creolgirl said:
did you see the verdict written in my other post. its great news take alook

No, I didn't see a "verdict". Did you have it appraised by someone who touched it? I saw where someone looked at a picture and said it might look like something possibly similar on an object not in this thread.

If I could get my dog to make jumps like this I could be in show business. :D

Hope when they hang me the judge and jury reaches a "verdict" with more evidence than that.

Yep. Just being negative. You can generate electricty without positives and negatives.

The good news is that truth stands up to debate or dissention so you have nothing to fear.
I agree, its still unidentified. I dont think she meant that. It was just the first opinion from an expert (from picture) and it was positive.

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What a great treasure, NO WAY that one is stamped or mass-produced. I would definitely take that one to an expert jeweler for an appraisal. Thank you Creolgirl for sharing your treasures with us here.

Charlie P wrote:
Call it healthy skepticism.

There is a more accurate term for it, and you do pride yourself on accuracy, right? ;D :D ;)

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you all find the treasures that you seek.

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thank you oroblanco. its great to be able to share this story to everyone.

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We had pirates hereabouts, too. Though they were landlocked. Legends of "Hessian Gold" and "Tory Treasure" looted and hidden away by the local farmers turned bloodthirsty by riches. British payrolls abscounded with on the St. Lawrence headed for Canadian forts; or on wagons hidden in caves. Train robberies, cannons filled with gold and sunk in swamps. :icon_farao:

There's not a spot on earth that doesn't have such legends, whether it's pirates, Incas, Aztecs, Vikings, Templars or Nazis.

That's the stuff dreams are made of, kid.


As many folks have lost fortunes looking for easy wealth as have found it.

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Charlie P wrote:
That's the stuff dreams are made of, kid.

Sometimes you surprise me Charlie, that was a great post. :thumbsup:

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Well I could give you my sad childhood stories about how my VERY cynical Father never threw me a ball and did not tell me he loved me until I was 35 (the year he died) but it would get all maudlin. We all bring a little luggage to this site.

The difference is at work during the day I don't have a Jim Beam and water in my hand.

Well there. That's too much information.

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Dang buddy I had no idea what your life was like, and I hope that your life has improved so that all unhappy memories can fade into grey. I had the impression that the pithy posts were just a rather sarcastic sense of humor - and apologise for having no understanding.

We treasure hunters have a habit of getting a little over-optimistic and excited when we find something that MIGHT be a real treasure (how many times I have dug that danged beer can thinking it was a silver dollar! Once in a while the beer can turns out to be the dollar though.) when we ought to keep our pants on and research the thing to find out exactly what it is before we celebrate. This "What Is It?" forum is a good tool for us - sort of a treasure hunt for those who are not asking the questions, and a way to access the great minds and vast experience found among the membership.

Good luck and good hunting to you Charlie (and everyone) I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

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Jim Beam and water :icon_scratch:??? Charlie, you do need help ::)...d2

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VERY cynical Father.........

No sense in carrying on that legacy.


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Oroblanco said:
We treasure hunters have a habit of getting a little over-optimistic and excited when we find something that MIGHT be a real treasure (how many times I have dug that danged beer can thinking it was a silver dollar!  Once in a while the beer can turns out to be the dollar though.) when we ought to keep our pants on and research the thing to find out exactly what it is before we celebrate.  This "What Is It?" forum is a good tool for us - sort of a treasure hunt for those who are not asking the questions, and a way to access the great minds and vast experience found among the membership. 

And how often have we tossed out something that was actually a valuable or unusual relic?  So it benefits us to be open minded until we find out what something is--both in the field, and in terms of deciding what finds to save.  In many cases, this is impossible--but our "What Is It" forum is a fantastic start.  I like to know what things are as I dig them up--or at least have a danged good idea.  It makes the moment much more special to me.  It also keeps nice finds from getting relegated to the "junk box."  But it takes work to figure it out.  That's part of the reason I joined this forum--to learn to ID the things I was finding. 

Now, about pessimism...

Pessimism has no place in my ethics.  I've found that it holds my abilities as a detectorist up, and keeps me from doing the level of research and recovery that I want to.  You have to envision finding the Very Best sites you can--spots no one else has discovered--and you have to think all the time about finding what you want to find, be it Gold Rings, Old Coins, Spanish Silver, Civil War Relics, Bottles, Native American Artifacts, or whatever.  Whatever drives you.  The more years I do this, the more I realize that just about every facet of our hobby is deeply entwined with Psychology--from how to get that property owner to say "Yes," or how to deal with a site where the finds are thin, or several "skunk" hunts in a row.  Sometimes the owners of that really old house with the yard that looks "too nice to ask about hunting" WILL say "Yes."  And sometimes that piece of "junk" turns out to be a valuable relic.  Today is the day.



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