Maipenrai, According to your theory, the cache is his simply because someone buried it on his property. What if I dug it up and reburied it on my property. According to your theory, it would be mine!
That would be theft. In some States you could legally be shot!
It's not that simple getting a cache as some might think. There are many obstacles, the biggest being location and permission. My partner and I have been to the area and interviewed relatives of the person that is in the original tale. We found out facts like the family split into two different areas of the county and we were in the wrong area. The latest complication is that the lot and the stream that is part of the location info. do not appear to meet. The ownership of the lots in question have been traced back to the original story teller.
50% would have gotten you on the property long ago. Greed is keeping you off the property and giving the owner time to find the cache if it even exists. Story teller sounds good.
Nicmarch, I must have run those numbers a hundred times!
Why? Do you think they numbers will change?
Diggummup, I have a copy of the latest deed with his name on it. That address is not listed for sale.
I am presently looking for a good topo to trace that stream.
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Lost, You don't just run out and dig up a cache. There are numerous obstetrical you have to overcome first . When and if I clear those obstetrical, I will turn on the 2 Box and move out.
I have $13 silver dollars buried, buried when I was app. 10, at my old home. One day I might look for them. I might try your approach.