Man, just go see the guy!! Nothing could be more simple. He has already turned you down several times, by not answering your spam. The only thing he can do now, is slam the door in your face. And dont try that "butter him up" tactic, its not going to work. What if you went to buy a car, and the salesman took you out to dinner, what would you think of that? He is not answering your mail, and he is not going to sit in a quiet restaurant with you. Visit him and see if you can make a deal, and bring your partner too. No one wants to deal with an "unknown partner". If you cant make a deal, then just hope the cache is on the other land, and go make a deal with him, face to face, not with spam mail.
Sorry Frankn, its you that screwed this deal up, not the LO. Its kinda like your partner here on the forum, he tried to pretend that he wasnt your partner, then he is your partner, what was the object of trying to fool the TN members? Looks like some silly games. Maybe the LO also sees this as some kind of game, and he doesn't want to play. Even the members that are posting here are taking your "offer" as a joke, trying to get to #1000, not even talking about an offer.