Dead John, It is not undisturbed land. It was farmed for years and the back several acres are kind of damp. If the land owner does take up the hobby, maybe he will see how much work is involved on the other side of the deal.
On most of my cache hunts, I only dig one hole, and it is always filled. If that is how you cache hunt I would hate to have you on my farm. Looks like you are in the 10% that is giving us a bad name.
I have never gone over 50% on a split. You don't seam to realize it cost hundreds, sometimes thousands to acquire the information to locate a possible cache location and only about 1 in 10 can be found for various reasons. You show a real lack of experience in cache hunting, maybe none at all! What you don't realize is when you make the offer, some just say yes, some say no, and others see it as a game of whits and play it out.
You appear to be a bit wet behind the ears. Give it some time . You will learn.
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