My good treasure hunters of the United States. Frankn who to this very day refused take a 50 - 50 for a treasure, claim I had threaten to kill him, when I do not know his real name and address. I only kill people in self defense.
My treasure hunter name is: Connecticut Sam which I also used when I write comments for many NY newspapers and other forums. It is very simple, after I was falsely banned for life by Frankn, I used the Name: Connecticut Danny. I make it very easy for you. My real name is Daniel Samuel XXXXXXX. Many years later, I got back on, first using: Connecticut_Danny, then the name I like the most. Connecticut Sam. I am not fooling anybody except maybe Frankn. In my opinion which I am entitle to: Frankn is a nasty mean old man who is mad at the world. I am still seeking stories about treasures in Connecticut that you are no longing searching for. Best of luck. I have many good friends here.