Give a listen to this idea, Dog. ECS and I are sitting in easy chairs smoking long cigars and showing
viewers some of our dug treasures. You and your GPR man are in another room or setting relating to
the audience of the treasures they missed by mere inches. The scenes switch back and forth with
promoter tags saying "Who Would You Rather Hunt With?"
A party of non-speaking (low paid) personnel, ten men and two women, are asked for thumps up or
down for each 5 minute segment. Since commercials take up 45 minutes there are three segments,
winners of each receive for segment 1 - a roll of wheat cents each; segment 2 - 2 counterfeit ten
dollar gold (fake) pieces; 3 - 2 autographed copies of "What I Don't Understand About LLRs" by
J Danville Ovid (an alias).
In the first episode Dog and GPR win the fake coins. They assume they are in the lead and high-five
away the last seconds. The preview shows Dog and GPR looking in the Florida swamps for Fountain
of Eternal Youth. They are wearing the counterfeit coins around their necks.
That's just a rough draft but so far whatcha think?