Whelp, Tnet crashed my computer not once but twice. The adobe loader messed up and my whole ship went down.
I don't need a security token for every post. The pop-up letting me know I got a message is totally un-needed (are college kids programming this?)
I don't need a pop-up just to upload (annoying). Takes to much time and resources.
When I post, I type more than three characters, then it tells me I "need another token to play", and I am like "WTH?"
At one time you could upload your Kmz and Kml's in the same uploader with the pics -what give's.
And why is there an "advertisement on every page"? Are you that hard-up for money
The only question is why weren't some of these features added into private groups (like really make it private so some one can't just mossy up and take a peak?)
And please get those dang treasure boxes -so gaudy- off the middle of the threads (you have done plastered the whole site).
Have you ever heard of the K.I.S.S. motto? (Keep it simple stupid). You don't need to put a ba-zillion features into it.
I think you guys are looking at this from a business and programmers point of view and not a user's <.