The Mysterious Treasure of Deadman Cave

Sounds cool, Pellegrino Eric. The guy I talked with had the ring of truth and I'm sure he found something, but maybe not this one. (And I hear from a lot of folks telling me they found this or know where that is, but I've been in that area a lot, and he was dead on with his description.) I guess you're wanting to contact the forest service for permission to go in with a vehicle? I wouldn't go that route. If at all possible, it would be better to go in and scout that out on foot. Then you can give the feds a heads up, and say good-bye to what you've found. Good luck, and keep us posted on what you come up with.

Maybe you could have that guy get in touch with me, I would love to discuss my theory with him. Thanks,


Maybe you could have that guy get in touch with me, I would love to discuss my theory with him. Thanks,
That won't happen PellegrinoEric cause he wasn't hip on sharing that info with the world. Hey, maybe he was just tellin me a good bedtime story, but he was dead on about how he described that part of the country so at least he had been there. I don't know if he's even on here anymore. However, that area is still worth lookin over. You're able to walk a lot, you could set up a base camp at the Sand Dunes, go in from the west side. I'm not that familiar with the east side of the Sangre de Christos, so maybe you might want to go there, scout it out, get a better base camp. It's rough country, but that's an area you just need to walk into, figure where people might actually pass across and keep your eyes open. Best of luck.

Gidday amigos the story amigos dates for 1880

It was reported in The Colorado Chiefton volume 10, number 2598, October 20 1880. Deadmans cave.





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