In case you no longer have access to some of your old posts on this subject, here is some of what you wrote in 2008:
01-18-2008, 08:43 AM
In another thread the topic of Adolph Ruth staying at theMorse ranch while in Arizona was raised. This thread will attempt to give someinformation about that stay and the relationship of Mr. Ruth and Cal Morse. TheMorse connection has been largely overlooked by enthusiasts because the Ruthdeath story evolved into a story that contained a lot of false information andrumors. The facts of the matter just may help researchers here get a stepcloser to unraveling the Adolph Ruth mystery. A mystery that has been confusedand twisted by hundreds of conflicting stories and accounts.
Background of Cal Morse (Collins R. "Cal" Morse).
In 1892, 4 prospectors discovered the rich Goldfield golddeposits on the west side of Superstition Mountain. The Mammoth, Black Queen,Bulldog and Wasp were among the mines that sprang from this discovery.
The 4 prospectors were ; Oren and Orlando Merrill, CollinsHakes and Joseph R. Morse. * Joseph R. Morse was the father of Cal Morse.
All 4 of these prospectors became very rich from thisdiscovery and all 4 continued to live in the Mesa area where they owned homes,ranches, mines and numerous business interests. Joseph R. Morse owned a ranchnearby the location of the Buckhorn Baths (Hot Springs) on the Apache trailjust west of todays Apache Junction. This ranch became the Cal Morse ranch whenhis father died in 1918. Cal Morse's neighbor was the Collins Hakes family, apartner of his father in the Goldfield discovery. The Morse and Hakes were avery close knit group. Collins Hakes had married the sister of Joseph Morse.
The above photo is from the family photo's of the CollinsHakes family. Collins is the father in the photo, the mother is Mabel ann Morseand the little boy with his hand on his mothers shoulder is Daniel Hakes.Daniel Hakes will be a prominant figure in the Adolph Ruth mystery in lateryears.
Like his father, Cal Morse was a prospector and miner in hisearly years and a life long enthusiast of the Lost Dutchman Mine which he searchedfor many years unsuccessfully. Later in life Morse became a cattle rancher,planted a large orange orchard along the Apache trail, and operated severalbusiness's in Mesa and what would become Apache Junction.
At least two of his business in the 1930's were servicestations ( gas and auto repair) in east Mesa. Both Leroy Purnell and JackKeenan were in Morse employ at various jobs in the summer of 1931. Purnell andKeenan worked at everything for Cal Morse from ranch hands to auto mechanicsand even fruit pickers in his citrus orchards. Jack Keenan's relationship withMorse was especially close while Purnell seemed to be more a general laborer.Keenan worked as an auto mechanic in Morse's east Mesa gas station which todaywould be inside the city limits of Apache Junction. While both Keenan andPurnell knew Tex Barkley and his family, and may have visited his QuarterCircle U ranch on occasion, neither man was working for Tex as a cowboy in thesummer of 1931 as is commonly believed.
Adolph and Erwin Ruth became acquainted with Cal Morse inthe 1920's when the Ruth's learned of Cal Morse's interest in the Lost Dutchmanmine and his efforts at locating that mine. Morse's searching for the mine waswell known across Arizona and parts of the west and Morse spent a considerableamount of money in that endeavor. The Morse and Hakes were well known aroundArizona and very prominant citizens of the Mesa area. From this mutualinterest, a friendship developed between the Morse and Ruth family. Muchtranspired between the time the two met and Adolph Ruth came to Arizona on hisfatal trip in May 1931. Much of that part of the story is not mine to tell andI cannot talk about some of those things, but I can say the Ruth's visited theMorse's at Cal's ranch before May of 1931.
When Adolph Ruth decided to search for the LDM in Mayof 1931, he came straight to Cal Morse's ranch. Mr. Ruth received his mail atthe Morse ranch while in Arizona and his place of contact was with Morse.
While Mr. Ruth frequented the Tex Barkley ranch during the34 days he was in Arizona before he entered the mountains, he did not"stay" at the Barkley ranch. Ruth "may" have spent a nightor two at the Quarter Circle U which probably led to the rummor's that is wherehe was residing.
It was two of Cal Morse's employees, Leroy Purnell and JackKeenan who took Adolph Ruth into a camp at Willow Spring. They packed Mr. Ruthin through the First Water ranch on the NW side of the Superstitions ( Notthrough the Quarter Circle U ranch). Notice I did not say they packed him inFROM the First Water ranch, I said THROUGH the First Water ranch. The reasonfor the conflicting acounts is because Tex Barkley and others at the barkleyranch did not know until later how Ruth had gotten into the mountains. LeroyPurnell and Jack Keenan were not very forthcoming with authorities in thebeginning themselves on the specifics of how, when, where and why Ruth got intoWillow Springs. Again, this is a part of the story I am not at liberty todivulge or expand on.
When Adolph Ruth came up missing it was Cal Morse, not TexBarkley, who first knew of his disapearance and alerted the authorities (Maricopa Co. Sheriff). It was Cal Morse whom Ruth's wife wired reward money foranyone who might find her husband. It was the Morse ranch where Adolph's son,Erwin, came to stay while searching for his father.
Referring back to the above photo of the Hakes and theiryoung son Daniel.
I met Daniel and his wife Melissa at the very last ArizonaPioneers reunion held in Phoenix in 1960. Daniel was in his 80's then and ahistorian of the Hakes and Morse families. Daniel passed away a few years laterbut his wife lived on into the mid 1970's passing on at the age of 95. Whilevisiting with Beatrice Lewis of Mesa ( wife of Al Lewis of the Goldfield mines)and Mrs. Daniel Hakes, I had the occasion to listen to the story of Adolph Ruthand the Hakes and Morse involvement, parts of which I have related here in thispost.
Hopefully this information might be used to pursue a new andmore authentic angle in furthering research on the mystery of Adolph Ruth.
Maybe others were aware of this story, prior to your 1980 post, but I don't believe I had ever seen it before. Kind of goes against the accepted "facts", but I have no doubts you have the true story.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo