The mysterious death of Adolph Ruth

Good morning all: Any comments on the events that lead up to Ruth coming to Arizona? I.E. the Gold discovery/strike by Ray Howland, Milton Rose, V.S. Irwin and E.M. Lynn in April 1931 in the area of Government Well? They declared that they had found the Lost Dutchman Mine and it made headlines for months. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis


Both Howland's and Knickerbocker's discoveries in the Superstitions were covered in the press in the months before Ruth arrived in Arizona. I believe I read something about Milton Rose also but cannot locate that particular article.

There is no doubt there was something very extraordinary going on in the months just before Adolph Ruth came to Arizona. The different discoveries undoubtedly were behind Ruth's trip. The discoveries and Ruth coming to Arizona was no coincidence.


Here are just a few articles on Superstition Mountain mine discoveries from the 4 month period (Feb.-Mar.-Apr.-May. 1931) before Adolph Ruth arrived in Arizona.
This and other articles leaves no doubt there was a virtual gold rush going on in the Superstitions from February 1931 on.
Many thanks to Gregory Davis for help in locating these articles!

Knickerbocker Mar 13, 1931.webp
Knickerbocker March 13, 1931

Knickerbocker Mar 15, 1931.webp
Knickerbocker March 15, 1931

Knickerbocker Mar. 21, 1931.webp
Knickerbocker March 21, 1931

Howland Apr. 6, 1931.webp
Howland April 6, 1931

Howland Apr. 9, 1931.webp
Howland April 9, 1931

Howland Apr. 12, 1931.webp
Howland April 12, 1931

Howland Apr. 20, 1931.webp
Howland April 20, 1931

Howland Mar. 16, 1931.webp
Howland March 16, 1931

Irwin Apr. 18, 1931.webp
Irwin April 18, 1931

Howland May 23, 1931.webp
Howland May 23, 1931

Hello Starman,

I believe the LDM is a miniscule part of the history of the Superstitiions. The other history is what i find most fascinating. However, I do find all of the other connections interesting as well. I have many questions,but I will I ask what relates to this topic.

What can you tell us about the language, writing and symbols found on the map that both Adolph Ruth and Don Shade used? Is there any information from the second map that is in the public view, or is it hidden away somewhere?
Did Walt Gassler know about the monuments and maps before or after arriving in Arizona?
When you say that Adolph Ruth was not alone, do you mean that he had a partner with him, or was he being watched?
In looking at this case, I often wonder what would happen if something of a great historical and/or financial significance was found today. Would two of the three groups you mentioned be interested or not?

If people thought that Ruth had vital information, his fate was probably sealed before he went into the range. He could have easily been watched from a distance to see if he found anything. If he did he could have been followed or tracked to that location. If Ruth was shot with a pistol several things come to mind. It could have been done by someone he knew and trusted, or he could have been restrained.
Possibly all three.

If this was done over 634 gold bars, he could have been held captive until a plan was formulated and then killed at a later date. This could be why his skull was described as being green. What better way to transfer things out of the range than to pretend you're looking for something. Was Ruth's body moved more than once? Was the crime scene on Peters Mesa fabricated? I don't know. This theory is based on nothing more than speculation.

If 634 bars were removed, there weren't too many financial institutions at that time that could handle such a transaction. The Federal Reserve? I wonder if the records of that possible transaction still exist?
It may be easier to start at the end of the trail than the beginning. Just more speculation.

I would like to thank Mr. Roberts, and all contributors for a thought provoking thread.

Old Pueblo

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Hello Starman,

I believe the LDM is a miniscule part of the history of the Superstitiions. The other history is what i find most fascinating. However, I do find all of the other connections interesting as well. I have many questions,but I will I ask what relates to this topic.

What can you tell us about the language, writing and symbols found on the map that both Adolph Ruth and Don Shade used? Is there any information from the second map that is in the public view, or is it hidden away somewhere?
Did Walt Gassler know about the monuments and maps before or after arriving in Arizona?
When you say that Adolph Ruth was not alone, do you mean that he had a partner with him, or was he being watched?
In looking at this case, I often wonder what would happen if something of a great historical and/or financial significance was found today. Would two of the three groups you mentioned be interested or not?

If people thought that Ruth had vital information, his fate was probably sealed before he went into the range. He could have easily been watched from a distance to see if he found anything. If he did he could have been followed or tracked to that location. If Ruth was shot with a pistol several things come to mind. It could have been done by someone he knew and trusted, or he could have been restrained.
Possibly all three.

If this was done over 634 gold bars, he could have been held captive until a plan was formulated and then killed at a later date. This could be why his skull was described as being green. What better way to transfer things out of the range than to pretend you're looking for something. Was Ruth's body moved more than once? Was the crime scene on Peters Mesa fabricated? I don't know. This theory is based on nothing more than speculation.

If 634 bars were removed, there weren't too many financial institutions at that time that could handle such a transaction. The Federal Reserve? I wonder if the records of that possible transaction still exist?
It may be easier to start at the end of the trail than the beginning. Just more speculation.

I would like to thank Mr. Roberts, and all contributors for a thought provoking thread.

Old Pueblo
OP...if 634 bars were taken out of the mountains in 1931 they would have had just a couple years to dispose of 1933 pres. roosevelt signed an executive order forbidding us peons from hoarding or selling gold...coins were allowed but no bullion...whoever ended up with those bars had no way of knowing what roosevelt had in mind so they probably would have stashed the bars or left them hidden where they were until they could figure out how to deal with the bars...if they hadn't done anything by april 1933 then they were screwed....they would have had to wait 40 yrs until that law was changed...if they were smart they would have sold the gold off in smaller quantities quickly and invested it in companies and business's ..who knows...maybe some of the bigger business's in the valley today were started with that gold?

I agree with Howland that between Tortilla Creek and Goat Canyon is prime area for four of the Sombrero mines to be located. Is that a pit mine in Goat Canyon in second photo?
DSC_7072Tortilla Pass North.webp DSC_7174.webp
Anyone who has been to the ranch will be able to spot the creek along the cliffs below, center of view is down little Goat Canyon/ Fish Creek.


  • DSC_7174 Tortilla Fish.webp
    DSC_7174 Tortilla Fish.webp
    787.6 KB · Views: 147
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Hello azdave35,
Good post. Anything is possible. I suspect certain law enforcement and some politicians were involved. If so, the politicians would have probably known what bills,laws,and executive orders were coming down the pipe. If that much gold had to be transferred and sold who would have the necessary connections and influence to make it happen? This is all speculation as none of us were there. If this did take place it went way above the locals heads. I imagine money would have been much easier to put through the wash and spin cycle than it is today. Did any of the powers that be be have any large campaign donations,increase in personal accounts,or an influx of disposable cash? Who knows? I don't know if those records would even still exist.

Old Pueblo

Hello azdave35,
Good post. Anything is possible. I suspect certain law enforcement and some politicians were involved. If so, the politicians would have probably known what bills,laws,and executive orders were coming down the pipe. If that much gold had to be transferred and sold who would have the necessary connections and influence to make it happen? This is all speculation as none of us were there. If this did take place it went way above the locals heads. I imagine money would have been much easier to put through the wash and spin cycle than it is today. Did any of the powers that be be have any large campaign donations,increase in personal accounts,or an influx of disposable cash? Who knows? I don't know if those records would even still exist.

Old Pueblo

good point...could be the politicians of the 1930's were just as bad as the crooks we have running the country

I don't know who did that, but it is a horrible Photoshop. I could do better in MS Paint.


He's just feeding the cookie monster....

DSC_7268 Mongollon Man and cookie monster.webp

The monster was not inserted with any program. I did try and clean up fuzziness but gave up on that because the pixels were too large to sharpen. Head, Legs to waist, and his left shoulder are untouched. Some of the monsters shadow on rock behind him was lost due to trying to clean up rump outline. Waist and back had silver hair mixed streaks that were lost in the edit. I do have the original untouched photo. The post was about the statement not the photo, unless you are turning to a monster chaser?

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Here are just a few articles on Superstition Mountain mine discoveries from the 4 month period (Feb.-Mar.-Apr.-May. 1931) before Adolph Ruth arrived in Arizona.
This and other articles leaves no doubt there was a virtual gold rush going on in the Superstitions from February 1931 on.
Many thanks to Gregory Davis for help in locating these articles!

View attachment 1475458
Knickerbocker March 13, 1931

View attachment 1475459
Knickerbocker March 15, 1931

View attachment 1475460
Knickerbocker March 21, 1931

View attachment 1475461
Howland April 6, 1931

View attachment 1475464
Howland April 9, 1931

View attachment 1475465
Howland April 12, 1931

View attachment 1475466
Howland April 20, 1931

View attachment 1475467
Howland March 16, 1931

View attachment 1475468
Irwin April 18, 1931

View attachment 1475470
Howland May 23, 1931


Once again, you have done some great work here. This does shed some new light on a subject that many thought was beat to death.

I am revisiting my suspicion that the only thing Purnell and Keenan did was to guide Ruth to a specific place in the mountains, knowing that he was to meet someone else, or another party.

Purnell and Keenan were not prospectors. They did not know the mountains well enough to guide Ruth.


Once again, you have done some great work here. This does shed some new light on a subject that many thought was beat to death.

I am revisiting my suspicion that the only thing Purnell and Keenan did was to guide Ruth to a specific place in the mountains, knowing that he was to meet someone else, or another party.

Purnell and Keenan were not prospectors. They did not know the mountains well enough to guide Ruth


"March 2, 1931, Leroy F. Purnell stakes out the Mountain View claim". "May 17, 1936, Leroy F. Purnell and his pack burros are off to the Little Colorado to search for gold......."
From Tom Kollenborn's "The Chronological History......"

It would seem that Purnell, at least, thought he was a prospector.

Take care,


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The monster was not inserted with any program. I did try and clean up fuzziness but gave up on that because the pixels were too large to sharpen. Head, Legs to waist, and his left shoulder are untouched. Some of the monsters shadow on rock behind him was lost due to trying to clean up rump outline. Waist and back had silver hair mixed streaks that were lost in the edit. I do have the original untouched photo. The post was about the statement not the photo, unless you are turning to a monster chaser?

Never try and "clean up" any pics of what you think may be a monument or cryptid. Only makes them look fake to a trained eye. Please post the unclean pic of Mogollon Monster. You can pretty much follow Bigfoot sightings along most US Mountain Ranges. Arizona is no different. Just most of the state is too hot for year round sightings. Mogollon Monster are just Bigfoot sighted on the rim.


" My Mother states that when Father left Washington he carried a small diagram or map of the locality drawn by himself, and in addition at least two printed maps and a copy of the government topographical map. The government topographical map and a short note of directions in my Fathers handwriting were found with his remains and were later shipped home with other personal belongings. The two printed maps and his personally drawn map are missing. No one in the family closely examined this material when he took his departure. He undertook the trip against the remonstrances of the family, although none of the us fully understood the dangers. However the personally drawn diagram or map, if found could be easily identified by any member of the family and it is also probable that the two printed maps or any other similar material he may have taken along, could likewise be identified."

Erwin Ruth

Erwin later seemed to be unable to remember details concerning any of the maps other than Adolphs copies were written in English as he had translated them. Later we are told that Adolph took all three originals, but Erwin sent Glenn Magill the three tracings. However elsewhere, Erwin is very clear in he isn't sure about what was on the maps, as he had passed them on to his father and had little interest in them. He then contradicts this at times with describing the maps and the Spanish verbage used on them. Additionally Erwin adds in one letter that the "old Spanish map" could not be located and Adolph may have taken it with him. So if Ruth took two copies and a hand drawn diagram along with the topo, what is the one "old Spanish map" that was missing? In the same letters Erwin speaks of it always singular as a map. Additionally, if Purnell had a map and the detectives were looking for a way to verify that map as Adolphs, it fits with Erwins narrative more as it being a singular map.

Maybe the day will come when a few privately held diaries will be allowed to be shared and everyone will better understand the search area and why Ruths remains were found where they were. Guess those folks don't want speculation and opinion to drag things through the proverbial mud.

Until then boys....stir the pot! Lol

Mike you can see the original full size photo in my hunt. If you are looking that close then you should spot the rectangle Olympic size pool of water in the path up.

" My Mother states that when Father left Washington he carried a small diagram or map of the locality drawn by himself, and in addition at least two printed maps and a copy of the government topographical map. The government topographical map and a short note of directions in my Fathers handwriting were found with his remains and were later shipped home with other personal belongings. The two printed maps and his personally drawn map are missing. No one in the family closely examined this material when he took his departure. He undertook the trip against the remonstrances of the family, although none of the us fully understood the dangers. However the personally drawn diagram or map, if found could be easily identified by any member of the family and it is also probable that the two printed maps or any other similar material he may have taken along, could likewise be identified."

Erwin Ruth

Erwin later seemed to be unable to remember details concerning any of the maps other than Adolphs copies were written in English as he had translated them. Later we are told that Adolph took all three originals, but Erwin sent Glenn Magill the three tracings. However elsewhere, Erwin is very clear in he isn't sure about what was on the maps, as he had passed them on to his father and had little interest in them. He then contradicts this at times with describing the maps and the Spanish verbage used on them. Additionally Erwin adds in one letter that the "old Spanish map" could not be located and Adolph may have taken it with him. So if Ruth took two copies and a hand drawn diagram along with the topo, what is the one "old Spanish map" that was missing? In the same letters Erwin speaks of it always singular as a map. Additionally, if Purnell had a map and the detectives were looking for a way to verify that map as Adolphs, it fits with Erwins narrative more as it being a singular map.

Maybe the day will come when a few privately held diaries will be allowed to be shared and everyone will better understand the search area and why Ruths remains were found where they were. Guess those folks don't want speculation and opinion to drag things through the proverbial mud.

Until then boys....stir the pot! Lol

Are you the same Zentull, i.e., Wayne Zentull from the old LDM forum?

Zentull is Wayne's posting ID, but not his last name.

I look in often, but stay out of the fray. I tend to let Frank deal with the public through the forums, its more interesting that way. LOL

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