Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
OK, praying for your recovery.
Sorry to hear about your accident, Franklin, and hope your recovery goes well..... I had a terrible car accident. Have to take physical therapy till November...
I agree...The engine is a foot forward and six inches to the left, transaxles broken, tie-rods broken even the frame for the struts was two inches higher and two inches back. 90 G impact. No one is suppose to survive above 50 G's at the time of impact my body weighed 18,000 pounds. God spared us both for some reason.
The engine is a foot forward and six inches to the left, transaxles broken, tie-rods broken even the frame for the struts was two inches higher and two inches back. 90 G impact. No one is suppose to survive above 50 G's at the time of impact my body weighed 18,000 pounds. God spared us both for some reason.
You guys were saved for a reason...I didn't realize the roof was That caved in on your car. Jeez...You definitely had a Guardian Angel with you. Thank God.
I hope you feel better soon!
You absolutely do have Many Skills!
Well... I wouldn't think about messing with Xena...WARRIOR PRINCESS! Can you get Joey some armor like that? He wears XXS. I have a feeling the little mini-me might need it on occasions. lol!
Oh...What do you call that moving underground river in the Ozarks that always pushes lots of rocks (and artifacts) to the ground surface like every 3-6 months after the surface has been completely cleaned? It Never Ever Stops.
Sometimes only God can explain miracles....
You'll find the treasures you seek...I don't know how to post it, but remember that song...Riding With Private Malone? Could be your brother was riding with you. Never know. Listen to the song if you can, its by David Ball.
I enjoyed our talks too...I had no idea you were a racer!
Take your time and heal.
The Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System
Here is a PDF that goes into the technical stuff....
Geohydrology of the
Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System
in Parts of Missouri, Arkansas,
Oklahoma, and Kansas
P.S. The world could not survive if Mini Me had grateful for small favors, lol.
Your PTSD will come later; mine did... STILL have it; you can cope, and still do well. I had it in Montvale when we met; we did OK, anyway... did YOU set that fire in Montvale, after I left...? HA!I did not race much. Actually I could not go fast enough. I had to let others drive that had more experience. My brother and I owned a Late Model Stock Racecar. We loved working on it to make it go faster. We had Jack Roush's racers, Hendericks and the Petty racers, they all told us to go home, that we could not compete with them. After we won 7 out of our first 10 races-------they all ate their words. We had 70 less horsepower and old third generation parts while they were running sixth generation parts giving them even more advantage. But our driver was the best until he died of a kidney stone operation at the age of 50. Only a couple years after my brother passed away of a heart attack at the age of 55. They are all racing with Dale Earnhardt Sr. in Heaven now. Mostly teaching the Angels to bump and go very fast.
I wondered a lot about my accident. Where my brother use to sit did have most of the impact and damage. Maybe he did save my life. I really can not say. I only know I felt the calmness after the crash, a calmness that can not be explained. As soon as the crash had stopped. All lights were out as both headlights were gone. I tried opening my driver's side door which opened and to my surprise the dome light came on and my engine was running. I placed it into Park and reach over slowly and turned on the Emergency Flashers. I knew that two tractor trailers were about one half mile behind us. As I opened my door the two tractor trailers were sliding their tires one in each lane coming at my driver's door as I sat across both lanes. Not getting in any hurry at least I did not feel any hurry as there was peace and calmness all around. I stepped out and closed my driver's door. I did not even look at the two tractor trailers that were sliding towards me. I walked over to the grass rather slowly and as I reached the grass, I heard the truck tires had stopped sliding. Then I heard this voice screaming for Help and for someone to help her. I had my sweater on that night with my telephone in the left pocket and my flashlight in my right pocket. I walked over to help this woman that was in panic and screaming for help. I actually had nothing to help her with but I got my flashlight and went to help. She was on her telephone trying to call her mother. I talked to her to calm her down and told her everything was going to be all right. The top of her door had bent over and cut her in the top of her head and she was bleeding all down her face onto her hand and on her telephone. I worked slowly to see if the door would open and it did. She started to get out but I advised her to stay seated until we could find out how bad she was hurt. About that time a local firefighter came running over and took over with her and he asked me turned off my engine. I told him I thought I had turned it off. After that the first reponders took over as they were there in three minutes after the crash. I thought I was safe in the darkness. I was looking for possums and deer eyes. I had slowed looking for them. Little did I expect the darkness of the night come at me. I hit my brake maybe 50 feet before impact but probably did not slow much. I am thankful everything has turned out the way it did. I still have things that wake me in the night of what could have happened and that is my worst problem. I can control the day but the night thoughts are hard to control . They gave me some pills for PTSD but I do not think they work. At least not yet. God Bless.