Been awhile since I posted anything so here goes. I just finished brushing up on hydraulics. I spent four days in a classroom so I could show the PROPER way to deal wuth hydraulics. I am moving forward on my idea of lawn/garden tractor based machines. I have to go on Sunday to pick up a Dynamark tractor that was given to me by a friend. I am going to pass on a lot of information concerning hydraulics and making a few recommendations such as buying this book,
FLUID POWER SAFETY INSTITUTE™ - Complete description of How To Interpret Fluid Power Symbols book and Interactive CD-Rom . THis guy in THE GURU as far as hydraulics are concerned.
I HIGHLY recommend buying this book as an educational reference as one really needs to understand what is going on when messing with hydraulics. Hydraulic fluid injection injuries can be devastating. They seem harmless as they only make a small pinprick hole that most would ignore. To get my point across, I'll show you a few images of a hydraulic fluid injection injury.
Mods, I know these are going to be graphic, but everyone needs to understand what they are messing with if they decide to mess with these things. Please leave them up. I am not doing this because of some sick perversion, just ot serve a s a warning not to get stupid with hydraulics.
This is what they have to do to you if you get stupid with hydraulics. All of this is to remove the hydraulic fluid and reduce swelling before it causes more damage. So don't use your hands to find hydraulic leaks.
And here is what happens when you try yo be a "hero" and not go get a hydraulic fluid injection injury treated.
This is within a few days of the injury. All the black areas is where the flesh died. This ended up as a full amputation of the hand.
Like I said, I am not trying to make anyone sick or be "sick" myself. But everyone needs to understand that this isn't something to take lightly or try and do haphazardly.