The Minelab Equinox 800 is a Piece of Junk

Be sure to get all the iron particles that may attached to either end of the charging cable. I had that same problem and taking tweezers and getting rid of them was the problem on my 800.

"I have a nice farm to hunt", boy that is an understatement if I ever saw one. I would say you had a "Great" farm to hunt.
Get it while you can. I think I would pitch a tent and camp out at night to keep any night hawkers away.

Be sure to get all the iron particles that may attached to either end of the charging cable. I had that same problem and taking tweezers and getting rid of them was the problem on my 800.

"I have a nice farm to hunt", boy that is an understatement if I ever saw one. I would say you had a "Great" farm to hunt.
Get it while you can. I think I would pitch a tent and camp out at night to keep any night hawkers away.

Ha! Yeah, there are two farms next to each other, I've hammered the one, and just got permission for the one I'm hammering now :) I cleaned up the contact points and the old NOX charged up just fine.....I'd like to talk more, but I'm heading out and swingin' til my arm falls off :):):)

Ha! Yeah, there are two farms next to each other, I've hammered the one, and just got permission for the one I'm hammering now :) I cleaned up the contact points and the old NOX charged up just fine.....I'd like to talk more, but I'm heading out and swingin' til my arm falls off :):):)
Good deal, make hay while the sun shines.

I recommend you using it for at least 80 hours. Equinox 800 as a long learning curves, the most you know how to use it the better it become.

It takes time to learn your machine.
I recommend you using it for at least 80 hours. Equinox 800 as a long learning curves, the most you know how to use it the better it become.
and if your new to detecting the a long, long time. If you are experienced but not with Minelab a long, long time.

Pairing the ML head phones takes 15 seconds unless you use the supplied headphone module, then it's instantaneous.

Once they're initially paired, they connect in about 2 seconds on a new start-up.

As Cudamark stated, after initial pairing subsequent use of detector will only take 2 seconds to pair the ML 80 Headphones. Initial pairing takes 15 seconds. I think that is ware users may think it is not pairing because it takes so long. What it is doing is searching for the WM08 Module. It tries for approximately 15 seconds, Then initiates and pairs the ML 80 headphones.

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FYI for new owners, you can't pair both the remote speaker and blue tooth headphones at the same time. it is one or the other. Equinox looks for the remote speaker first by default, if it is turned on it will never look for the Blue Tooth headphones.

I went on a hunt today and decided to give the Nox 800 a shot. After about an hour in the woods around an old cabin where I found a lot of old coins with my Tesoro Tejon, I got tired of digging a lot of garbage signals with this detector, so I made my way out to the road where I was given permission by a woman to search around her 100-year-old farmhouse.

Early into the hunt, I dug a wheat penny and an old token. Nature called, and I went off into the brush to take a leak. When I came back the wireless headphones would not reconnect to the metal detector under any circumstances. It ruined my entire hunt and I wanted to bash this thing into the side of a tree.

My wish is that I would of had my Tejon. The Minelab Equinox 800 is a real Piece of Junk.
Absolutely terrible comments. If your such an expert you should of been carrying a spare backup detector. Another you tube expert? I am positive the 800 is a good detector. Seems like user error to me.

Absolutely terrible comments. If your such an expert you should of been carrying a spare backup detector. Another you tube expert? I am positive the 800 is a good detector. Seems like user error to me.
I am sure after a little time he has changed his opinion , I once felt the same way when i got my brand new fisher cz many many moons ago . After a time , thing start to click you begin to understand a new way of detecting .
After you lay down as much money as it costs today for a new equinox 800 you kind of expect miracles . I love my Equinox 800 but it did take some time to really start to understand it and how to use it . Im sure its the same for him !
Have a great day and happy hunting !

I liked my Nox at one time, but calabash digger has ruined it for me.
I feel so "ignorant"!!

I liked my Nox at one time, but calabash digger has ruined it for me.
I feel so "ignorant"!!
Gee how weak society has become really.
Letting something like that ruin their lives.
Turn off the YouTube, go and enjoy what bought.

Nothing in my book beats the Nox right now. I’m seeing to many Legends up for sale on boards. They still have some issues to be resolved.
the Equinox is the true Legend until it gets knocked out there.

OK, Everything is cool now you guys. The EQ is sitting next to me sucking the juice from the wall and I am no longer angry with her. Were all just getting ready for bed. Tomorrow will be another day. :icon_thumleft:

While your lying in bed, and she's napping... pull out this book The Minelab Equinox 600 800 Metal Detector Hand book by Andy Sabisch.

It just might help you fall asleep, but it will also give you a lot of advice or ideas on how to use it. It's rare to have a book dedicated to a single detector (Hrrm, must be a pretty good detector), and I've found it really helpful in some ways to understand the machine.

Happy hunting.

*also this is such an old post, that over a year later, I'm sure you're getting along with the Nox just fine, now.

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Not so rare at all, Andy has written books on the Deus and the Minelab explorers, and there are other books about other detectors. I have Andy's first book on the Nox and I think it is basically useless, maybe his second edition is better. I do like his Etrac and Deus books, but the Minelab Nox manual downloaded for free is in my opinion way better than Andy's book for learning and understanding the Nox.

Not so rare at all, Andy has written books on the Deus and the Minelab explorers, and there are other books about other detectors. I have Andy's first book on the Nox and I think it is basically useless, maybe his second edition is better. I do like his Etrac and Deus books, but the Minelab Nox manual downloaded for free is in my opinion way better than Andy's book for learning and understanding the Nox.

Mmmkay, ya got me? I didn't say there weren't other books dedicated to specific machines, I said it was rare that is the case. There are a lot of general metal detecting books, and I'm sure they may even reference specific models in places. The other books you mentioned are even the same author and only limited to a few more machines. I'll stand by it, there is not a lot of books out there beyond the user's manual that is focused on one machine or its limited series. Unless you look at the handful of units addressed by Andy.

The manual for any detector is your essential handbook. I found some of the explanations and sometimes slightly nuanced ways of describing features in Andy's book to be helpful. Helpful, kinda like me just offering a suggestion for a book that helped me out.

FWIW the second addition for the Equinox Series includes some additional updated information for the current firmware, but is otherwise much of the same (as I understand it)

I had some good luck w my equinox this low tide series. Lots of lead and iron and other junk at this spot. It’s my best spot on a big minus tide.

I was getting a one beep high tone. Not repeatable.

I trenched down and got a wheatie. And then I did it 4 more times. Just a 32 signal. Not repeatable.

I had my two friends with deus 2s. I eventually called one of them over to try to see if they got anything. Nope, nothing. No signal near my ghost like high tone. I trenched in w my hori hori, and 6 inches down, the big tone was… a wheatie! It beeped it usual 22/24 once up on the sand and gravel.

That’s my equinox story for the day.

I have had my machine since it came out, and use the heck out of it.

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