cres. T.webpemoon.webp



I will read up on some of that information Nobody. You have done some good R&I and it will take me time to catch up to you. Sounds like we are on the same train for sure.

Thanks for the post, L.C.:thumbsup:

Direct descendant of Sgt. Seth Brooks. He carried the body of this guy off the battlefield at Lexington & Concord (rumored to be a statue of Capt. Isaac Davis).. As for SCV, sorry bro. My people fought on the other side..

That is OK...

My retired skibum/river rat senses were tingling, so I checked this thread and this Native Coloradan of the legalized High Country needs to chime in a bit.

Those are interesting observations concerning the coinage. I know of one line of research that ties lines of Scottish engravers to important things in America. Concerning that pic, what immediately stands out is that the sculptor was educated in Esoteric Traditions. Interesting that a Library is employing symbols representing Hidden Knowledge, like the closed book which is also partially concealed behind the garment, the veiled head, etc. I also see androgyny in the figure, and plenty more ...

Whenever I see double owls, I always think of the Queen of Night Relief from Babylonian times, sometimes attributed as Ishtar:

View attachment 1091877

Concerning your winged hourglass, I also see a representation of the headdress of Hathor. My photoshopped pic I posted before next to this Isis Nursing Horus statue:

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Concerning the whole thing:

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Quite obvious, isn't it? In addition, those red stripes belong to the Tribe of Dan.


I gotta friendly-ly disagree with that. I say it is looking to the left. Towards its past; its legacy. Back towards Ahkenaten. The shield, the U.S., is providing protection to that legacy. I also know of lines of research suggesting that the olive branch and bundled arrows are symbols of the Tribe of Ephraim, the 13th Tribe ...

In addition to the Sun symbolism L.C. is pointing out, the eagle itself is an old symbol for the Sun, too. Layers of symbols - a Phoenix that also incorporates the Sun symbol of the eagle to reinforce it all. Now, if people think I'm nuts, what was up with the dudes that designed the reverse of the Seal?:

View attachment 1091886

What in the world does a pyramid capped with an eye, an eye surrounded by Sun rays, have to do with what we have been told about the founding of this country or what this country is all about? People laugh, but what the really should be doing is scratching their heads trying to figure out what the hell is really going on - 'cause it is nothing like they think it is.

And the evidence is staring us all right in the face. And anyone that raises questions about that evidence is mocked by people who have never once spent even 30 seconds open mindedly considering the very obvious evidence right smack dab in front of their nose ...

Concerning the question of "Is it really an eagle?", in general, I don't think the double headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire was an eagle, either:

View attachment 1091887

That is a stylized feathered/horned serpent. Compare it to the feathered/horned serpent of this serpent Crosier from Eastern Orthodox traditions:

View attachment 1091909

Much of this stuff is buried in layers.

Great thread and input, L.C.

LOL! The "BIRD'S right"... it is leaving a time of WAR (arrows), going to a time of PEACE (Olive Branches). Look up "symbolism" of OLIVE BRANCHES... it is "connected" to the OWL!

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I haven't got past where we came up with an owl (or two?) on the dollar bill?

And the wind or emotion can give eagles a crest. Piss one off enough that he ruffs up and see. ;-)


Back to posts 20 & 21: I see a "T" and an "E" in olde English font.


I think you are both right. If there is one thing I have found out about these guys it is the fact that they love to use things with multiple meanings. That way there is always room for a defense that makes perfect sense. You get yourself in the middle of that and the trail ends. I believe we have tried a lot of silly things and the obvious (which never is right) all of which amounted to the gain of knowledge that we were wrong. If you cross all of those off of your list then it becomes smaller. Knowledge gained = no time lost. Other things led us to the next clue and we knew we were right and on the trail that was laid out. On that trail we have encountered the humor and thoughts of a man or men with a good sense of humor and irony. The things we are led to have another obvious use and are not hidden from view. We use those objects to follow the ciphered code on what we found there and it will lead us to another place of interest. In short these guys loved the use of symbols with double or tripple meanings and they had a sense of irony about doing a literal degree.

Just my two cents, L.C.:occasion14:

You bring up a good point Charlie. The obvious meaning or explanation of something in question. The men we have been dealing with love the use of things with multiple meanings. The use of Latin by them was for the very purpose of it's use of words that change depending on how they are used. Like "box" in English for example. Did I represent it in that sentence correctly? You tell me what it means now. They would take this kind of thing to a literal extent in the field. They were seriously skilled navigators and had surveying experienced men from West Point and former military actions. The multiplicity of language barriers was used as a tactic by them as most people were uneducated at that time. By introducing an object with a dual or even multiple purpose in an open display, it made them feel all the more secure, educated, wealthy, and above the common man and the laws they wrote themselves out of for as long as they could.

Just my two cents, L.C.

P.S. You are correct if they were painting a pissed off Eagle.

I just had this vision of an engraver coming in to work, taking off his coat and turning on the light over the work bench. There on the bench there is this eagle perched in a cage and he slaps the cage around until that Eagle looks like he is really mad and then the engraver sets down and starts engraving! LMBO! Hey, nothing is out of the realm of possibilities right?:laughing7:


I just had this vision of an engraver coming in to work, taking off his coat and turning on the light over the work bench. There on the bench there is this eagle perched in a cage and he slaps the cage around until that Eagle looks like he is really mad and then the engraver sets down and starts engraving! LMBO! Hey, nothing is out of the realm of possibilities right?:laughing7:


Good enough for me; was it a Bald Eagle or GOLDEN Eagle...?

I'm not saying that any of things are a proven beyond a doubt fact. I am just thinking out loud with the rest of you on the subject. Please don't be afraid to speak your mind on any of these threads. That is the only way the truth of what is and the myths about what is not will be 100% revealed or maybe they will remain a question for a future generation to decide.:dontknow:

except for is a fact and has been used by the K.G.C. and O.A.K. for a purpose other than the letters of the alphabet that they represent.


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What strikes me as a very revealing piece of evidence about the depth of Teddy Roosevelt's involvement with these same O.A.K. gentlemen we have identified is the fact that he had knowledge of the same symbols and their K.G.C./O.A.K. use in the field. In his diary he made an entry after suffering a terrible personal loss. He uses this symbol big and bold at the top of the page. Below it he wrote. The light in my life has gone out.

The solstice symbol we have decoded and used was made apparent by the shadow of an obelisk cast on the ground. Teddy's X makes sense if you know that is what the same symbol would look like if there was no light on the obelisk.


Google Image Result for

Although...a picture is worth a thousand words.

arbor lodge meeting (1).webp

P.S. The bold symbol that he made centered in the page that is twice the size and boldness of anything else on the page could have just come from him warming up the quill as he thought about what he was going to write....and this picture taken at Paul Morton's party at Arbor lodge could be just a bunch of random billionaire monopolists and Robber Barons celebrating Morton's appointment to the Sec. of Navy position with President Theodore Roosevelt who had appointed him to the position; at his ol man's (Who was in the K.G.C.) private mansion in Nebraska City. Not long after this picture was taken Paul Morton would be on the stand in front of the Federal Trades Commission for giving cash kick backs to J.P. Morgan and J. Gould. He openly admitted he broke the law and that he would do it again if necessary. One of their partners Andrew Carnegie (also in the picture taken at Arbor lodge) was quoted in a book that he wrote "AN EMPIRE OF WEALTH" telling the young men of the day to "Break rules not OWNERS"...which is exactly what Paul Morton did and President Roosevelt came to his defense. Enough said for now.


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"In addition to Seals, flags can tell one a lot, too. Look at the first flag of the US, flown for 1.5 years from December 3, 1775 – June 14, 1777, called the Continental Colors or Grand Union Flag. It is on the right. On the left is the flag of the British East India Company, same BEIC that made a killing, both literally and figuratively, forcing opium, with the help of the military when China tried to keep their drugs out, upon the Chinese people for MASSIVE profit. (Make no mistake Pablo Escobar utilized International Bankers out of Europe that knew damn well what Blood Money they were handling):" NOBODY

Japan was the gateway for the opium trade that the K.G.C. was on top of early in the game. Senator William Gwinn and Mr. Joesph Heco who was named that because they couldn't pronounce his Japanese name.:laughing7: Big money in 1800's Opium = giant money in 1900's in the pharmaceutical business (monopolies). One has to only follow the trail of the governing bodies of the Opium trade from it's beginning to see a money trail that changes shape but not ever changing direction, only turning into more trails kind of like an oak tree flows from the roots out all the way to the tiny twigs and individual leaves at the end. When a drifter from Japan who is just a boy is taken under the wing of a senator, who renames and educates the boy and teaches him English so he can translate and manages to have him spend time with two presidents...their is a bigger plan for that young man.

Great stuff Nobody, L.C.

the true adversaries of the KGC

This depends on how far back you want to go. Like the O.A.K. came from the K.G.C., likewise the K.G.C. came from another secret organization before it emerged. From what I can find about adversaries, they changed as the organization they opposed did for many many generations. As the mechanical and financial intellect of the world grew, so did their pockets and adversaries.


And the wind or emotion can give eagles a crest. Piss one off enough that he ruffs up and see. ;-)

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OR lead you to a trove of majesty in Nova Scotia.

Notice the ribbon in the rock as well and the same eye holding the clue?

And below would be the trove they made in Vermont.

Smuggs Cave Zoom.webpseal2_450x472.webpSmugglersNotchCapstone.webp

Ladies and Gentleman, the prophesy fulfilled.....!

'At the Pass in Stowe'......

....recognize the names.....Pass and Stow?

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Mr. Eldo Cause and effect, chain of events, all this chaos makes perfect sense. Once you get things figured out there is a lot more order out of chaos.

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