I just returned from the river, but no nuggets this time. I'm not concerned about it though, as I know there's still more there just waiting for me. I did learn a little lesson this last Saturday, (well, if you count the spoiled turkey, two lessons). (lol)
While I was digging for the nugget, I was moving loose, soft dirt from near the base of some bedrock. I had a little of the loose dirt in a pile when I passed the coil back over the hole and found that my target had moved. The dirt was so loose that right then I decided it couldn't possibly be gold. I mean, gold is so heavy that it wouldn't stay up in the loose dirt, would it? Wrong!! I started sifting the dirt through my fingers to find what I had been wasting my time on. Finally, I picked up a small ball of dry clay, about an inch long and half that thick. When I passed it by the coil, it about knocked my eardrums out. I crushed the clay between my fingers and the nugget fell out into my other hand. Surprise, surprise!!!
Now I know that if a nugget gets trapped in clay, it can stay right up near the surface in really loose dirt. At least until there's enough moisture to disolve the clay. Just something to keep in mind.
Today, I found lead slugs, from the size of .22 caliber, on up to who knows? They were so mangled I couldn't identify them. I also found a complete .22 long rifle bullet. Bet they take better care of their ammo these days. (lol)